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The Holiday Scribbles

For my forum friends and reviewers - here be a little tribute to you to let you know I'm thinking of you at Christmas. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

For Tezza: Tezza with two of her team

For Stellarwind: Gad and Yuurin

For Ex_Kyogre: Mightyena

For Sike: Sei Salma

For Negrek: Tarsix

To my friends who are not up here yet - this isn't finished yet! Please don't be offended cause you're not up here at the moment. Anyway, enjoy!

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Sike Saner

Peace to the Mountain
THE SHEER CUTENESS! I see you included the omnipresent junk-magazine (Sei would rather die than be without one ^^ ) - nice. I think you also achieved a distinctly feminine look for her very well, too, which was really cool. All of those pictures turned out very nicely (feelin' that Mightyena there - fierce!), although I can't speak for the Tezza pic - I think there might be a problem with the link; I got the old "Cannot Find Server" message when I tried to look at that one, alas...

Great big thanks unto you! ^_______^ *gives crushingly hearty hug* Happy holidays!


Mightyena Master
Man they were awesome I loved the mightyena!the feirceness of him is never normal!
the tazza,sei salmaand gad/yurin is also cool!
do u scan the pictures on a scanner?

thanks heaps!hugs so hard your out of breath!
B seeing u round!
Sike: I did check the Tezza link and it worked for me. If you wanna see it, check out the Scraps section of my dA gallery. It's in there. And thanks! I WAS trying to get Sei to look a bit mroe feminine. But as you probably noted, the 'cross-legged' pose didn't turn out all that great... >< Eh, thanks anyway! Glad you liked it and Merry Christmas!

Ex_Kyogre: Yah, I draw with regular pencils/pacer then scan it in. Heh, tried drawing with mouse and with a tablet... didn't work so well. >< Ah well, I'm happy you liked it. Teh Mightyena was probably the best out of the four. Should really keep my stuff more simple in future... Eh. Merry Christmas!



Bird Master
Yayy! You are far too good to me Piney, you're so lovely! I don't do enough for you, but I will. Oh yes I shall. *strains brain* Darn!


Leave my posts alone
Wicked! These pictures are great. The Mightyena looks very fierce and ready to battle. Too bad I'm not a friend of yours (yet!).


The Sylvan Saber
Eeee. ^^

I like it - I find my head looks kinda strange, but I love the way the pic looks like - so cute. ^^ LOVE the way you got my Fern-crystal amulet. ^^

The Tezza pic is also rather nifty. The human character is superbly done. It took me a bit of time to recognize the Quilava, but that's all the comments I have. ^^

Nifty Mightyena and Alakazam, too. ^_^


Lost but Seeking
Very nice! I think the grovyle, persian, and mightyena turned out best. The slugma is very cute, though. Excellent work.


say yes to love
This definitely deserves one big group "AWWWWW!" They all look great! Thanks for your hard work, and here's to another wonderful year here. yay!


Bird Master
Wicked! I know Quilava's my little thing, but I love slugma. The drips, and the Persian! And the megenium with the Christmas wreath. *laughs* great as always Piney!

Saffire Persian

Now you see me...
See! Everyone likes the Persian.. I like it very, VERY much. I have the large temptation to print it out and tape it on my little "cubicle" here. XD.. As in, the writing room. XD I just love it -a nd all the other characters are well done too - I really like the Mightyena..XD And there's something about a Slugma with antlers that entertains me so.

Awesome job.

Catapult Turtle

AbLªh GenerªL
I love it all! You have captured the true feelings of the Pokemon you draw, in the most appropriate way. I love their expressions.

Keep it up! I'd love to see more from you ^^