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+ The Hunter And The Hunted + [PG 13/One Shot]


Memories in the Rain
Man, I seem to be producing One shots now. Yup, another songish-fic thingy done by yours truly. And I'm proud to say that this is the first one that has NO MEW OR MEWTWO IN IT!!!! XDXDXD But I hope you'll enjoy it all the same. =) And forgive its shortnessness - as well as the entire format. ><; I know its rather annoying at times. ><; And this is for good ol' Halloween, people. So I wish you all a great Halloween. Be sure to get more treats! XDXDXD And I'd suggest you'd read this is the small window and in Dark-type skin- makes teh reading a whole lotta easier (and spookier!). ^^; And ummm.... credit for the italized parts (lyrcis) goes to Lord Landless band. ^^;

Also, this will be my new entry for the Legends and Myths One Shot contest. Link can be found Here.

•| The Hunter and The Hunted |•

Time is the shade that is walking behind…

…Time are the footprints you will never find…

…Time is the voice that is calling your name…​

I am the hunter.
You are the game.​

It was raining.

Heavy, thundering drops of water rained down heavily onto the thick forest, loud splatters noisily ringing through the silent, eerie grassland. The soft, loamy soil of the earth was soon flooded, clumps of soft mud and earth slowly forming on the forest ground. Tonight, there were no sounds of the hooting Noctowl, nor the howling Mightyena or Houndoom. Only silence.

Yours were the hounds that will bark nevermore…​

…yours was that horse that’s now dripping with gore…​

…yours was the goshawk that ne’ermore will fly…​

...Do you like hunting?
Well, so do I…​


The flooded path splashed loudly, the dark, greasy fur of a Mightyena’s paw abruptly thumping hard against the soft earth as it ran. Drops of blood trailed and dripped from its matted midnight fur as it ran without pause, it’s eyes in an expression of fear and terror. The wolf panted heavily as it continued its run, seemingly undaunted by the cuts and bruises all over its battered body. The Mightyena’s fangs glistened red as blood dripped down from the points, the swirling red seemingly brighter than the ivory white of its pearly fangs.

Time is the shade that is walking behind…​

…Time are the footprints you will never find…​

…I’ll keep you running until you’ve grown lame…​

I am the hunter.
You are the game.​

Slowly from the cascading trees, a huge shadowy figure appeared, the garnet depths of its eyes alit with the promise of bloodshed as its huge wings spread out in an amazing and terrifying display of jet-black shadows and the glistening of crimson blood. With a caw, the winged silhouette took off into the midnight skies. A flash of gold and red appeared briefly as the bird seemed to smirk as its blood-red gaze landed upon the running Mightyena.

Of my blood and my bones your castle is built…​

… for I’m every creature that you’ve ever killed…​

Of Hunting, you’ve taught me a lesson or two;
And well I did learn it, for now I hunt you.​

The Mightyena continued its desperate flight, his pants growing faster and heavier now. Already it’s every muscle and nerve was crying out for blood, but the wolf denied this luxury; for the Devil Of The Hunt was after him, its eyes of blood seeking the same substance flowing through it. The rain continued to pound mercilessly upon the raven wolf, the cold starting to numb away the piercing pain in his ice-cold paws.

Time is the shade that is walking behind…​

…Time are the footprints you will never find…​

…Time is the triumph and yours is the shame…​

I am the hunter.
You are the game.​

Crimson eyes widened when the wolf saw a familiar figure of its species before the Mightyena. Its pace instantly quickened, knowing that salvation was just a few meters ahead. But the wolf’s gladness immediately turned into shock when it saw the torn insides of the corpse before it, splatters of blood soaked deep into the icy skin. Whimpering, the Mightyena looked in horror at the massacre lying before the creature.

Your friends come to help you?
Well, I’m not your friend.

Paws trembled as the wolf looked in fear at the winged silhouette approaching. Desperate, the Mightyena looked all around him, only to find the entire area surrounded by the lifeless, dead corpses. Fear grabbed a hold of the hunter once again as he scrambled to a corner, huddling pitifully.

Time is like the forest that will ne’er end…

…Keep running, keep running, I’ll chase you around…​

…for yours are the bones that will never be found.​

Ho-Oh’s crimson eyes gleamed in pleasure as he landed, mud and dirt splashing loudly as it landed heavily onto the ground. The wolf whimpered softly, his deep maroon eyes filled with fear. The wolf’s body trembled visibly all over as the fallen phoenix walked towards the hunter, a wicked smirk on its beak.

Time is the shade that is walking behind…

…Time are the footsteps you will never find…​

…try to out-run me, it is still the same…​

A yelp came from the wolf as the Phoenix brought down a mighty talon upon the fragile form of the Mightyena. Cracks were heard audibly as the huge impact fractured the creature’s once strong bones. The wolf struggled, but to no avail, for the golden talon had the wolf held down good. It could only scream in fear as Ho-Oh brought his deadly curved beak up, a Cheshire grin upon its face.

For I am the hunter…

A loud scream echoed into the night as a hideous squelching sound was heard. Ho-Oh brought his head up and let out a shrill cry of triumph, crimson liquid splattered onto his golden beak as it glistened eerily under the sliver light from the full moon.

…and you are the prey.​

Knightblazer ;262;
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Timid Kyogre

Endangered Creature
I thought this was going to be not so awesome when you told me about it, but my...

You rock ;;

This is absolutely good for a Halloween one shot. It's spooky and just...scary XD I love it, absolutely love it. It's what I like, spooooooky. XD

Of my blood and my bones you castle is built…

^^; I'm not sure if you want it to be you or your, but yeah. Just in case if it's a mistake xP

Of Hunting, you’ve taught me a lesson or two;
And well I did learn it, for now I hunt you.

That was so awesome o.o;

A yelp came from the wolf as the Phoenix brought down a mighty talon upon the fragile form of the Mightyena. Cracks were heard audibly as the huge impact fractured the creature’s once strong bones. The wolf struggled, but to no avail, for the golden talon had the wolf held down good. It could only scream in fear as Ho-Oh brought his deadly curved beak up, a Cheshire grin upon its face.

For I am the hunter…

A loud scream echoed into the night as a hideous squelching sound was heard. Ho-Oh brought his head up and let out a shrill cry of triumph, crimson liquid splattered onto his golden beak as it glistened eerily under the sliver light from the full moon.

…and you are the prey.

I think I screamed there, too. o.o

*lights turn off*

*opens flashlight*

For I am the hunter...

...and you are the prey.

*thunder booms in distance*

EDIT: And you should listen to Nightwish, DAMMIT! ;; I'm sure you'll like them.

~Timid Kyogre
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Boulder Trainer
O_____o''' Whoo. Well, this was scary. Perfect for Halloween . ^^;;

The atmosphere in which you set it was all stillness-ish and creepy. And I liked the way you italicized the "I am the Hunter and You are the Prey" and the rest of it. The down, down, down format made me think of a staircase... <--- Erm. Are staircases creepy?... X.x'' Right. I'm babbling away now...

But at the very end, I did notice something a litte confusing:

The wolf struggled, but to no avail, for the golden talon had the wolf held down good. It could only scream in fear as Ho-Oh brought his deadly curved beak up, a Cheshire grin upon its face.

I take it that Ho-Oh killed the Mightyena during the "For I am the Hunter" thing? Because if the Mightyena was pressed against the ground, then Ho-Oh would have to lower it's beak, not lift it up.

...Or maybe I'm just confusing myself. e_e'''

Overall: Whee. Excellent work, the tone was suitably scary and everything, just right. xDD;; Couldn't spot any other errors, and...all.

^ Babbling again. I'll just go away...now...

-presents Knightblazer with a batch of Halloween gingerbread men before skulking away-

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Only beef I have with you Knightblazer, is not saying the song isn't yours/giving credit to who made it. The band Lord Landless made it, I should know, got addicted to the first few versus I found and hunted down the full lyrics. So yeah, give credit to them please, it's not your song D: unless you are part of the Lord Landless band.


Well-Known Member
Aside from the fact that there was no credit given, as Yami Ryu says, there is no reason why this has a one-star rating... D= Phantom of the Monostar has returned for Halloween fright!

This was creepy. I had some trouble keeping on track with the story, as the lyrics break through the story. Then again, I was never a fan of song-fics that have the lyrics as a break in the narration...

Anyhow, to Luckmage being confused with Ho-Oh's beak: The bird raised its beak for the ending blow. Or, if the squelching sound was the tearing, then Ho-Oh raised its head to gaze at the moon before it feasted.

Creepy. And there has to be some sort of symbolism that you picked a legendary Pokémon that is normally associated with bringing bodies back to life...

EDIT: It's now three stars. Gods above, I wish those stars would go away for this section.


Memories in the Rain




;.; *scurriess off to edit*

Sorreh. I never knew where the lyrics came from. I've never even heard of that band. o_O I fond these lines while readin' an online comic (Blood Knight Ver 1.0, BTW) And just saw em'. They suonded quite nice, so I used them for this. Sorry, again. O.O;

And yeah, the poor Mightyena was killed at the second last line. ^^;

*eats Halloween Gingerbread man* XD

Knightblazer ;262;

Sike Saner

Peace to the Mountain
Slowly from the cascading trees, a huge shadowy figure appeared, the garnet depths of its eyes alit with the promise of bloodshed as its huge wings spread out in an amazing and terrifying display of jet-black shadows and the glistening of crimson blood.

A loud scream echoed into the night as a hideous squelching sound was heard. Ho-Oh brought his head up and let out a shrill cry of triumph, crimson liquid splattered onto his golden beak as it glistened eerily under the sliver light from the full moon.

OH, HELL YES. =D Now, that's the kind of stuff I like to see in text. ^^

This is my new favorite among your works. First of all, Ho-oh being shown in such a raw, predatory light, grinning diabolically over its doomed prey, is just effing beautiful. I rarely see the ol' phoenix depicted in such a delightfully savage way, and so it's quite nice to see such. ^^ And the lyrics were a flawless match - I SHALL HEAR that song someday. Oh, yes. ^^

Overall, a deliciously dark little piece, and one of the very best songfics I've ever read to boot. Yummmmm. ^^ Boss work once again. *salutes*
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Memories in the Rain
Heheh... Ho-Oh, the Phoenix of Life, is ebil! XDXDXD


Anyway, yeah, who dosen't like Ho-Oh evil? ^^; Yep, another dark piece by yours truly- just in time for Halloween too. ^^; (Darn, I'm getting creepier with every One-Short I'm writing. O.O;) Thanks fer reading this, Skie. *hugs*

To Yami Ryu: I wanted to PM you, but since you disallow PMs... ^^; Letme just say that I'm hardly one for goggling. ><; So yeah, that thought never occoured to me. ^^; And I guess you must be referring to Blood Knight webcomic, no? That's the Hellsing one, BTW. ^^; And thanks for giving meh the link. ^^; Yeah, there are quite a lot of lyrics I missed too. O.O; But meh, I'll rewrite it for next Halloween. XD ^^;

Knightblazer ;262;


Always watching...
...Why didn't the last line rhyme? o_O

Reading this yesterday would have been scary.

Reading this now when my housemate's girlfriend is wailing her head off (he dropped the bomb! How could he!?) has me FREAKED out... Even my hair's standing on end! No kidding! o_o"

Congrats Knightblazer, you've got me scurrying to take a leak...