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The Hurt & Heal Game!! (V.4)

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~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Hurt & Heal Game! Version 4

Ok, everyone knows this game…that has played the game in the past

This game was started off by Microsoft…as the first game was left with 2 pokemon, which are high hp, which is useless fighting over….so this is a NEW GAME…SAME RULES…

Everyone knows the rules I hope. Hurt one Pokemon and Heal the other. Kinda like Serebii Boot Camp. No cheating, as I’m not the BIG BOSS of the game…but I’ll be keeping an eye for any cheaters…



#1 - You only can hurt/heal three times a day. Thank you. To prevent over boosting a pokemon a day. :p

#2 - Just Hurt & Heal, try not commenting things...BUT go ahead and put a SMALL comment beside your Heal & Hurt Pokemon...THAT'S IT...it'll help prevent ARUGUMENTS

Round 1 Winner: Mew (24 Challengers)
Round 2 Winners: Dragonair, Kirlia (15 Challengers)
Round 3 Winners: Umbreon, Blastoise, Raikou (21 Challengers)
Round 4 Winners: Quilava, Dragonite, Cloyster, Entei (20 Challengers)
Round 5 Winners: Kadabra, Pichu, Espeon, Gengar, Crobat (20 Challengers)
Winner Cirlcle Winners #1: Quilava, Dragonite (15 Challengers, 2 Winners)

Round 6 Winner: Cacturne (20 Challengers, 1 Winners)
Round 7 Winners: (20 Challengers, 2 Winners)
Round 8 Winners: (20 Challengers, 3 Winners)
Round 9 Winners: (20 Challengers, 4 Winners)
Round 10 Winners: (20 Challengers, 5 Winners)
Winner Cirlcle Winners #2: (15 Challengers, 2 Winners)

List of Used Pokemon

Used Pokemon From the Qualfier Pokemons for the Winner Circle Round #1

Mew, Shellgon, Metang, Regice, Kirlia, Luvdisc, Combusken, Sneasel, Crocanaw, Miltank, Ivysaur, Houndoom, Pikachu, Latias, Mewtwo, Deoxy, Pontya, Chansey, Muk, Pidgotto, Breloom, Haunter, Scizor, Dragonair, Solorock, Grovyle, Vigoroth, Golduck, Umbreon, Zapdos, Slowking, Raikou, Hitmontop, Bayleef, Cloyster, Blastoise, Kyogre, Absol, Staryu, Seviper, Syther, Crawduant, Dragonite, Manectric, Machoke, Quilava, Noctowl, Bannette, Roseila, Marshtomp, Cloyster, Ursaring, Qwilfish, Mr.Mime, Kabutops, Forreress, Seaking, Jirachi, Regirock, Groudon, Entei, Crobat, Wartortle, Blissey, Espeon, Charmeleon, Pichu, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Gorebyss, Togetic, Maril, Kadabra, Weepinbell, Machoke, Graveler, Porygon2, Gengar, Politoed, Sunflora, Delcatty

Used Pokemon From the Qualfier Pokemons for the Winner Circle Round #2

Tyranitar, Cacturne, Sharpedo, Murkrow, Mightyena, Dusclops, Hitmontop, Sableye, Misdreavus, Shedinja, Weezing, Beedrill, Arbok, Nidorino, Venomoth, Claydol, Hypno, Medicham, Girafarig, Sloking

Marshtomp, Linoone, Dustox, Loudred, Machamp, Camerupt, Butterfree, Raticate, Nidorina, Shellder, Lapras, Snorlax, Magmar, Flaffy, Ariados, Furret, Skiploom, Stanler, Pupitar, Hitmonlee

Note #1: Bold letter pokemon have won...in a HURT/HEAL GAME ROUND...
Note #2: Bold and Underlined pokmeon have won in the Winner Circle Round of the Hurt/Heal Game.
Note #3: Currently 100 Pokemon have been used from the list of 392 which include the 1st Generation, 2nd Generation, 3rd Generation, and 6 of the 4th Generation and soon more 4th Generation are to come...
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Hurt/Heal #1

Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:20
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:20
Combusken HP:20
Sneasel HP:19 Hurt
Crocanaw HP:20
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:20
Latias HP:21 Heal
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:20
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20


Hurt/Heal #1

Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:19 Hurt
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:21 Heal
Combusken HP:20
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:20
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:20
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:20
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Hurt/Heal #1

Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:19
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:21
Combusken HP:21 Heal
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:20
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:20
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:19 Hurt
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20


Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:19
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:21
Combusken HP:21
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:20
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:21 Heal
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:18 Hurt
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Hurt/Heal #2 (try putting what Hurt/Heal # is it for the day...)

Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:19
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:21
Combusken HP:22 Heal
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:20
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:21
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:17 Hurt
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Thank you, Jasmine...and thank you Dratini927

Hurt/Heal #3 *That is it for me*

Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:19
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:21
Combusken HP:23 Heal
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:20
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:21
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16 Hurt
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20



Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:19
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:21
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:19 Hurt
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:22 Heal
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20


Hurt/Heal #2

Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:18 Hurt
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:22 Heal
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:19
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:22
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20



Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:17 Hurt
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:22
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:19
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:23 Heal
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20


Hurt/Heal #3

Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:16 Hurt
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:23 Heal
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:19
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:23
Latias HP:21
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20
Last edited by a moderator:


Hurt/Heal #2

Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:15 Hurt
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:23
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:19
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:23
Latias HP:22 Heal
Mewtwo HP:20
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:20
Solorock HP:20

Black Charizard

Volcano Trainer
Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:15
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:23
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:19
Crocanaw HP:19
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:23
Latias HP:22
Mewtwo HP:19 Hurt
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:21 Heal
Solorock HP:20


Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:15
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:23
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:18 Hurt
Crocanaw HP:19
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:23
Latias HP:23 Heal
Mewtwo HP:19
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:21
Solorock HP:20

Black Charizard

Volcano Trainer
Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:15
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:23
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:18
Crocanaw HP:19
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:23
Latias HP:23
Mewtwo HP:18 Hurt
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:16
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:22 Heal
Solorock HP:20

Black Charizard

Volcano Trainer
i dont think it has to be approved as long as ppl will obey it. im fine with it thats what we've been doing......why make a rule out of it.......


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Black Charizard said:
i dont think it has to be approved as long as ppl will obey it. im fine with it thats what we've been doing......why make a rule out of it.......

Just in case...as i put it on the first post...to make ppl follow it...as i won't do that, and my friends won't either...and i hope you and the others don't either...

also, try not talking too...from here it should stop...PLEASE...




Shellgon HP:20
Metang HP:15
Regice HP:20
Kirlia HP:20
Luvdisc HP:23
Combusken HP:23
Sneasel HP:18
Crocanaw HP:19
Miltank HP:20
Ivysaur HP:20
Houndoom HP:20
Pikachu HP:24 Heal
Latias HP:23
Mewtwo HP:18
Deoxy HP:20
Pontya HP:20
Chansey HP:20
Muk HP:15 Hurt
Pidgotto HP:20
Breloom HP:20
Haunter HP:20
Scizor HP:20
Dragonair HP:22
Solorock HP:20
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