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The Indiana Jones Club

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
i knows it is like me o hate patatoes but i love chips but i think we should leave this to pm's i beleive we are spamming


I'm Back
Yes eeve fan #5 you are. Nice to know you realised. Welcome to the club, Panic_excl, our first member. I thought it was just going to be three people. We need more members. Thanks for FAQ for the fourth movie too Panic_excl.

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
yeah thanks it was nice to read


Well-Known Member
There will be more, as soon as they realise there's an Indiana Jones Club they'll come a-flocking. Seriously.

But yeah, I thought it might be nice to clear up a few things to begin with. This is also where we can discuss the Young Indy Chronicles too, yes?


I'm Back
There will be more, as soon as they realise there's an Indiana Jones Club they'll come a-flocking. Seriously.

But yeah, I thought it might be nice to clear up a few things to begin with. This is also where we can discuss the Young Indy Chronicles too, yes?

Sure anything to do with Indiana Jones. I might talk about the Emperor's Tomb game, once there are more members. I've never seen the Young Indy Chronicles though, but I've read about it on Wikipedia.
Welcome to the club, Panic_excl, and thanks for the info. ^_^

Who is your favourite Character? (Male and Female)

Male: Dr. Jones Sr. (He was such a great character. One of my favorites in film history, actually. I find it funny how Indiana Jones is supposed to be like Steven Spielburg's version of James Bond, and his father is the original James Bond.)

Female: I guess Marion Ravenwood (I think that's her name), since she was Indy's original female sidekick.

And if you don't want the club to die, I can probably make a banner for the club. I've never actually made a banner before, but hey, there's first time for everything, right? ;)


I'm Back
I'd appreciate that Fez. Thanks. And I know your experience with banners isn't great, since all the banners in the Star Wars Club was made by other members. And just to add, I like all of Indy's sidekicks, it's just I liked Elsa the most. I'm glad all of them might return in the new movie, except Elsa of course, since she died in the Last Crusade.


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd have a go at a banner..:

if anyone can try and find an adequate 'club' that'd be great. As of now, I'm a bit tired..and there's a small white pixel line on the right hand side - might just be the internet though 'cause it's fine on my computer?!

and no, I've never seen the Indy Chronicles either. It never really seemed the same, but I'm willing to give it a good watching sometime soon :)


I'm Back
I thought I'd have a go at a banner..:

if anyone can try and find an adequate 'club' that'd be great. As of now, I'm a bit tired..and there's a small white pixel line on the right hand side - might just be the internet though 'cause it's fine on my computer?!

and no, I've never seen the Indy Chronicles either. It never really seemed the same, but I'm willing to give it a good watching sometime soon :)

Looks good. I'll put it on the first post.


Well-Known Member
I've always wondered where the films were filmed?

Like, location and whatnot. :)

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
so have i my freind
I'm not positive about the entire film, but I know that the desert scenes in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" were all filmed in Tunisia. (And according to IMDB.com, the scene were Indy threatens to blow up the ark with a bazooka is in the same canyon were R2-D2 was attacked by Jawa's in Star Wars. Just a random tidbit for you. :))

And I have the banner pretty much done, but I need the words "Indiana Jones Club", or whatever else you want it to say.

EDIT: Here are the full locations:

The Raiders of the Lost Ark

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

EDIT 2: Okay, nevermind on the banner thing. I just looked for the Indiana Jones logo on Google so now I'm good. Here it is, anyway. It's not terrific, but hey, it was only my first one, alright! So sue me if it's bad!

[img139]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g77/TheLonelyFez/indianajonesclubbanner.jpg [/img139]

It's a bit long, so I'll resize it if you need me to.
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I'm Back
No it's good Fez. I'll put it on the first page.

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
right i won't be here for just over a week so i can't post and even maybe more


Well-Known Member
Oooh I do like that banner! Which program did you use?
His pose is incredible :p
Thanks for the locations btw. It's interesting because theyre locations from all around the world and yet they look almost the same as one another. I'm interested in the world :D

Also, the number of locations seem to grow with each passing movie :) Thank Jebus for big budget films.

eeve fan #5, we'll miss you. (Y)


Monkey Master
Indy rulez!!! Indiana Jones was my idol for a looooooooong time. MAy i join?

edit:/ Movie Nr 4???? Omfg!!!!
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Of course you can join, Sombrero! Welcome to the club!

I think it's time for a new topic, no?

Which of Indy's male sidekicks was your favorite: Sallah, Short Round, or Marcus?
As you all know, in each of the three Indiana Jones films, he had one female sidekick and one male. (Except in The Last Crusade, in which he had three males.) Out of his male sidekicks, which was your favorite?

(And I didn't include Dr. Jones Sr. as an option because I felt he would win in a clean sweep.)


Well-Known Member
B..b...but Sean! XD

I'd have to say Short Round. He's just...well...cool. He's a child who's full of energy and therefore, I think, quite mischievous too! Perfect for causing Indie trouble and giving us a fun storyline. Plus, he was made an orphan :( He has the intelligence to drive :p and he's...cute. :D

You know you love him.