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The Indiana Jones Club


I'm Back
Of course you can join, Sombrero! Welcome to the club!

I think it's time for a new topic, no?

Which of Indy's male sidekicks was your favorite: Sallah, Short Round, or Marcus?

Marcus Brody, since he is really funny in Last Crusade. But they are all good in different ways and I thought this Club was dead. We must keep this Club alive. And I'll add Sombrero to the list.
Bad news guys. I just read that George Lucas and Steven Speilburg are having issues over the script for the fourth film, so it's likely that it'll be delayed even longer. :( I'm starting to wonder if Indiana Jones 4 will ever see the light of day...

Oh! I forgot to answer the topic! Silly Fez!

Which of Indy's male sidekicks was your favorite: Sallah, Short Round, or Marcus?
I'm going to go with Marcus, for comedy value. Don't get me wrong; Short Round and Sallah both had their moments, but I think Marcus was just funnier. He was one of the key reasons that The Last Crusade was my favorite of the films.


Well-Known Member
They'll all be dead by the time the film comes out... I can't let this happen...but what can i do?!

I'm sure the script is fantabulous. I wish they'd stop bickering...ehl oh ehl.
^ I agree with you. My mom says that by the time it finally comes out, Indy and his dad will both be on life support. =P I hate to say it, but she might just be right.

And...time for a new topic!

Would you like to see Indy pass the torch to his daughter?

If Natalie Portman does in fact play Indy's daughter in part 4, would you like to see more adventure scenes from a younger, fitter, more beautiful Jones, or would you prefer the original?


Ex-Tokyopop Intern
Can I join? I'm a big Indy fan as well. I've seen all the films when I was 9, and now I've got the Adventures Of Indiana Jones widescreen DVD box-set. :D *got it back in 2003 for Christmas I believe*

What's this about Indy having a daughter? Is it a new plot they thought of in the books or something, ala how Star Wars' universe was expanded beyond the films? ^_^;

lol, on a random note, I LOVE the ride at Disneyland, The Indiana Jones Adventure aka Indiana Jones And The Temple Of The Forbidden Eye. It's one of my favorites, though the one at Tokyo DisneySea in Japan looks even better, Indiana Jones And The Temple Of The Crystal Skull. :p
And Sallah shows up on the pre-ride warning video projection, and it's the same actor too. XD

Anywho, I can't wait for the 4th film, and I hope too that Sean Connery returns. He said he'd like to, but he wasn't approached about it officially yet I suppose. Though Harrison Ford wants him to return also, so that's good. :D
Sure you can join, MegaRob! I'm not exactly sure how active Pottsie is, but as soon as he's back on, I'm sure he'll add you to the list. =)

And about his daughter; there have been several rumors going around that Natalie Portman is being concidered for the possible part of Indy's and Marion Ravenwood's daughter. It hasn't been actually confirmed yet, but one of the previous writters for the movie had that concept in his version, so it's still a possibility.

And I've always wanted to go on the Indiana Jones Disneyland ride. I've heard that it's good. If I ever make it out there, it'll deffinately be a must.


Ex-Tokyopop Intern
Sure sure, thanks! Glad to see you again too, btw. ^__^
Wow though, I had no idea about that rumor though. I actually hope it's true, to be honest, lol. Ironic, as one of my friends' had the same idea. XD
Natalie Portman would be great; true it'd be strange, what with the whole thing dealing with the Star Wars cast and crew working on the same project. :p

I'm hoping John Williams will still be around to score the film's soundtrack. It just wouldn't be the same without him. The father/son theme that recurred throughout the musical score of The Last Crusade was fantastically beautiful, and I'd like to hear it return in the 4th film, lol. ^_^;

The ride at Disneyland is amazing, and has barely lost any of it's excitement since it opened in 1994(or was it 1995? I forgot, lol). The version at Tokyo DisneySea automatically wins bonus points for having a story that ties in with their newly opened Tower Of Terror though. :D

But yeah, it's an awesome ride! Spielberg and Lucas approved; they were some of the first to ever ride it, obviously. XD The music composed by John Williams for the ride is fantastic as well, and uses alot of themes from Raiders Of The Lost Ark and The Temple Of Doom.
I'd like to get the soundtracks to the films, but I can't ever find them at Best Buy. Alas, I may have to resort to Amazon or some other online store, lol. XD
Nice to soo you again, too, MegaRob. ^^

I'm also hoping to see John Williams do the score again. I can't imagine an Indiana Jones movie without him. If George Lucas and Steven Spielburg want to keep their die-hard fans happy, I don't think they'd go with anybody else, exspecially since they both have tons of previous films with him.

I'll deffinately have to do the Disneyland ride before I die. If I never make it out to California, I hope that Disney at least brings a perfect adaption to Disney World. I'd have a better chance of seeing it there, I think.


Well-Known Member
Would you like to see Indy pass the torch to his daughter?

Oh come on! It's gotta be the original. I don't really have a thing for other generations taking over...It's just not right. I was reading the Narnia books quite a while back now, and because there was an almost entirely new story for each book, I felt awful and didn't bother carrying on! Gah, I don't know..

But seriously. The original for me - it just wouldn't be Indiana Jones otherwise, would it?
^ I agree that they should stick with the original Indy, but I also think that they should pass his role on down to his daughter for the majority, since Harrison Ford isn't as young as he was 17 years ago. I think that Indy should be the #1 banana, but they should leave the majority of the physical work to his spawn, which would end up sort of like Indy and Dr. Jones Sr. in the Last Crusade.

And in other news, George Lucas has officialy announced that the movie will deffinately start filming some time in 2007. He says that "It's going to be fantastic. It's going to be the best one yet." They'll deffinately have hard time besting The Last Crusade, whcih was simply brilliant.

He also confirmed that Harrison Ford will be playing Indy again (no duh!), and that Indiana Jones 4 is scheduled for a May 21 2008 release date.

I'm incredibly happy that progress is finally being made on the film. :D My mom says that if they wait any longer, the movie will end up being about Indy's escape from the retirement home. XP

New topic:

Which of Indy's female sidekicks was your favorite: Marion, Willie, or Elsa?
(Yes, I know Elsa wasn't really his sidekick, but she was the closest thing he had in The Last Crusade.)

I myself prefer Marion. Willie kind of annoyed me, so I never really liked her. Elsa wasn't really a favorite of mine, [spoil]what, being a Natzi and all,[/spoil] so she's also off my list. I liked Marion anyway, so she clearly wins this contest. I hope we do see her return for part four as Indy's daughter's mother.


Ex-Tokyopop Intern
I totally agree! Marion is my favorite; Willie was just too annoying. x_x;
I'm indifferent to Elsa; she was just too unlikeable by the end of the movie. -_-;

I'm very excited at all the news popping up over Indy 4. I can't believe it's really happening. :D
May 2008 seems too early though. I could be wrong, but I'm predicting late 2008 at the earliest. I know, I'm eViLe, lol. I just don't want my hopes to get shot down. XD
Seriously though, even Universal's remake of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds will probably be finished before Indy 4. The thing with Indiana Jones is that it'll most likely be shot all over the world and such; it IS a major major George Lucas/Spielberg production after all. It's gonna take a while, for sure. ^_^;

But eiher way, I'm REALLY glad they're doing something about it already. Interestingly, I never thought Indy ABSOLUTELY needed another movie, but all the same, I'm excited that we're getting one last adventure. :p

My mind is always getting mixed ideas though, so I better just shut up now, lol. We're getting pretty much the same minds that worked on the original films, so there's nothing to worry about. There's an extremely slim chance that Indy 4 will be anything less than great. ^__^
Now I'm just wondering when we'll get an official title.
Indiana Jones And The....
Hmm... I wonder. XD
I agree with you about the release date. It would greatly suprise me if they actually finished by May '08, but I wouldn't object to the date at all. :p

And good news: http://uk.movies.ign.com/articles/757/757278p1.html

Sean Connery might come out of retirement if he finds the screenplay good enough! George Lucas seems to think this screenplay is good enough, so let's all hope Sean Connery agrees. Keep your fingers crossed everyone!


Ex-Tokyopop Intern
Yeah, I really do hope he'll be part of the movie. I'm not holding my breath for him being a major part of the story (even though he was in The Last Crusade), but I'd at least be satisfied if they incorporated him somehow in the script... whatever it may be about. Indy IV's plot is still a major mystery, even though Paramount Pictures even confirmed recently the May 2008 target date. :eek:
Either way, let's hope the movie does well with today's audiences. I have a few friends that have NEVER seen any of the Indy films, and I was just plain shocked when I found out. I of course lent them my DVD's afterwards, haha. XD
I don't think the movie will have too much trouble appealing to audiences. Most fans of the original movie will most likely see it, just to find out how it all turns out, so they alone could keep the movie alive.

And todays youth will most likely go see it, as a good deal of them have already seen the original trilogy. (And besides which, Harrison Ford has a huge fanbase amongst every age group.)

And as for recent news on the movie, Shia LaBeouf is now being rumored as having a role as Indy's son. As a fan of Shia, I think it's great, but I personaly would rather see Natalie Portman play his child.


Ex-Tokyopop Intern
Me too, oddly. The idea of Indy having a kid never really clicked with me before, but if it had to be, then I think Natalie Portman playing as his daughter would've been an awesome idea. It's kinda sad since Lucas now pretty much debunked that rumor though. x_x;
I guess if it ends up being Shia as his son though, I won't be too disheartened. I think his involvement in the Spielberg produced Transformers movie helped him a bit too, lol. :p
New news for Indy 4: Shia Labeouf WILL NOT play Indiana Jones Jr., according to several interviews. He says he hasn't been offered the part, but if he is offered, he's taking it.

Also, Cate Blanchet is confirmed as being Indy's main girl in this film, and Ray Winstone is going to be his sidekick.

And George Lucas is still pursuing Sean Connery to reprise his role, but no success has been made so far.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think I'm quite comfortable with the fact that it's moving on. It just doesn't seem right...I mean, Indiana Jones is a thing I associate with the past.
In my experience, nothing is ever quite the same as it was when revisited again in the future. That's just me though, I believe I have faith in this film. I'm not sure what it is about it yet though...
^ I somewhat agree with that. I wouldn't normally want a great series like Indiana Jones to have another sequel eighteen years after the last one, but Lucas and Spielberg have promissed they gave a good script, and if they can get all the original crew back, I don't see why they shouldn't have him go on one last adventure.

And according to the official Indiana Jones website, Shia LaBeouf is confirmed to be in Indiana Jones 4. (Although they never mentioned if he would be playing Indiana Jones Jr. or not, which I found a bit odd.) Good news for Shia LaBeouf fans.


Ex-Tokyopop Intern
You most likely know of all the news that has sprung up recently, Fez, lol. Shia as Indy Jr. is pretty much an obvious road they're taking, but it'll probably be a revelation brought up later in the film. ;)

MARION IS BACK TOO!!! omg yes! :D
And Henry Jones as well! Now they just need Sean Connery to approve and sign on. This is too perfect... well, the absense of Sallah saddens me though. -_-
He wasn't in Temple Of Doom either, but c'mon! lol
May he live on as the safety spiel plot device in the Indy ride at Disneyland. :p
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I have Google News rigged to email me daily with any news updates of the film, so, yes, I know most of the recent news. :p

And, unfortunately, Sean Connery said on the official website that he wouldn't be coming back for Indy IV, since "retirement is just too damned much fun". :( I'm bummed out about this news, but I guess I can live with it. I'll deffinately miss Dr. Jones Sr. come Summer '08, but the first two movies were great without him, so I hope this next will be the same. (And I'm still hoping for a surprise cameo.)

But now, out of the four characters that were last seen riding into the sunset in The Last Crusade, only Indy himself will be coming back for the new sequel. Kind of strange, if you ask me.

Oh, and if anyone lives around the New Haven Conn. area, or anywhere in the surrounding states, I'd seriously advise you try to get cast as an extra in the upcoming call. My mother wanted to go (all the way from North Carolina), but she doesn't have enough time. Hopefully someone else will have better luck.

Edit: This isn't confirmed by anyone official yet (Then again, nothing has been confirmed by anyone from the studio itself!), but rumors are going around that Shia LaBeouf will be reprising whatever role he plays in the fourth film for three possible sequels. It's also been said that Harrison Ford has signed on for small cameo roles, but I only saw that on one site, so I doubt if it's real.

There are also rumors going around that Lucasfilm is considering an Indiana Jones animated series in the style of the animated Star Wars: Clone Wars series.

Again, these are just rumors, but I thought it worth mentioning.
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