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The Johto Chronicles

Neo Mario

How'd these get here
Well this is my first fic that I should update once a week
Please give crtisisim, I need it

Chapter 1​
The Road to Victory
As the sun sets in Johto, Profesor Elm checks over his three pokeballs each containing on of the three Johto starters,"I'll be giving you little guys out tommrow" he said, as he looked at Cyndaquil the fire starter, Totadile the water starter, and Chikorita the grass starter. "You guys are going to make three begining trainers very happy''. He looked out the window and saw three Sentret playing around near their mother Furret, and he sat their thinking (and humming) what a wonderful world.

The doorbell rang as Elm opened it, he saw Treavor one of the trainers that he'll be seeing tommrow. "Why hello there Treavor" said Elm "coming to get your Pokedex" "You know it" said Treavor the thirteen year old had yet to go through puberity he was a short kid who wore a blue hat backwards, a yellow sweat jacket, and plue pants with black tennis shoes. "Now" said Elm "Don't forget to get here at eight o clock tommrow morning" "I won't forget" said Kyle.
At his home Kyle was looking over his Pokedex to see which starter he should choose. He liked how Cyndaquil was a fire type and he knew his girlfriend Jenna would choose Chikorita cause of the way she laughed at how girly it was. "Wow this is a tough descison" , but he had his mind already made up on getting Cyndaquil. He looked at the clock and noticed it was three in the morning. "Yikes, I better take Lunesta" after five minutes he was out like a light.

Several hours later he awoke to realize he was late, he dashed out the door and was nearing Elm's lab when he saw a boy leaving Elm's lab with a Totadile in his arms. "Hey" said Treavor "are their anymore Cyndaquil "I don't know, but do you want to be in my X-pod" replied the boy, who Treavor later found out was nammed Logan. "Sorry dude don't have mine yet" replied Treavor,and with that was in the lab. "Profesor Elm" Treavor asked "are their anymore Cyndaquil" "Well" said Elm "for those who showed up on time yes, you can have the left over one if you answer this question" "K" said Treavor "How many dots are on a Ledyba's back" said Profesor Elm "Um.. five I think" replied Treavor "Correct" said Profesor Elm "Who recieve... a Cyndaquil" "Cooleo, my first pokemon is Cyndaquil" said Treavor "To bad he won't beat my pokemon" said a voice behind him, he turned around to see Jenna behind him. "Sweet did you get Chikorita like you wanted" asked Treavor "Sure did" replied Jenna, and with that Professor Elm gave them their X-pods and the left twords Cherrygrove City.
"Im going to be a pokemon trainer, and register for the pokemon gym challenge" said Trevor "what about you" "Im going to Cherrygrove City to register to be a pokemon coordinator just like my mother" relplied Jenna, and they walked together hand in hand tword the sun set.

Please respond, tune in next week for the next story The Adventures in Cherrygrove City
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Neo Mario

How'd these get here
Wll thanks i'll think of that
Well im still on schedule and should have my next one up on friday


Neo Mario

How'd these get here
alright apperently I cant acces serebii from my school whih is where all my stories are
so im ending the series
Why cant you use your own computer. Maybe other people like me can continue the story. I havent wrote any fanfiction but I have read good ones and know what a good story is. Also go read advice for inspiring writers.