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The journey across Hoanto


They really like us
Welcome to my first comic "The journey across Hoanto". This is the hoanto (Ho-an-to) map:
When ever you see this:
(I know its silly) on the map, that is were are two characters, May and Emily will be.

Alright, lets begin:

Our tickets to Hoanto
Team Light and Team Star
A Pochama and a Hikozaru

Special or Random comic:
This is just to get to know our 2 characters
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Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
Well, excpe tthta it appears to be a Journey comic, it's alright. Just please don't go the route of badges.


Artsy Smeargle
Hmm no pokemon in shinou eh....this story is going to be eteresting..


(l_(l I'm bored! :/
It's great! I like hpw you made the main characters the female heroes from FireRed/LeafGreen and Ruby/Saphire.


the suicune master
i suggest using different sprites for team light and team star atm they're just lousy recolours and dont mix fr/lg sprites with rse sprites.
other than that its good


Artsy Smeargle
i like the mix i thinks it makes i diverse/unique and original and completly nice i mean it be broing to see the boy and girl hoen travel together


First of all don't mix third gen sprites with fourth gen. Mixed bittage is never a good thing.

Your plot does not seem to come together at all, nor makes that much sense... You might want to try scripting before you make a comic, that would help you out quite a bit.


Bobobo never made sense to me... anyway... If you post your comic here you are posting it to get critiqued.

I am here to help the author become better at their comic. With critique one can better themselves faster.


Active Member
I like it thusfar. The frlg rse mixing i cant tell ows apart much. The team light star sprites are painfully bright though....
seems a bit cliche to find twewo starters in one page.... they better not get any more of em.
and why arent the trainer card things in 4th gen sprites? it would mix better if4th gen sprites will be used.

Charizard Champion#06

Spiral Warrior
If you're going to make a journey comic it has to be a lot more interesting than this. First of all we've played the games we don't need any teams or starter Pokemon, try to be original.
Second of all make your own characters instead of using the FR/LG girl and May.
3rd, don't recolour the sprites and say that it's a team.
4th, there is no plot except for "we're going on a journey".
5th, does have pokemon play DP.
7th, that head thing you made isn't even on the map.
8th, it's a freaking journey, unless you are going to make it interesting it's going to suck.(just to be blunt)
9th, read the rules.

The only thing I see that I can compliment you on is your grammer, good job on that.


Artsy Smeargle
charizard she is getting to it so dont be jelouse and btw i live yur comic and also if you use a sprite that has been used by over 5+ pluss site or spriters then it need no credit and and fwi it doesnt hve to be a jouney comic

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
I feel it was a bad idea to already give them teams of Pokemon while they were starting a journey to a new region. As many others have said the two teams are bad because of horrible recolors. The plot needs some thickening to blossom into a good comic(Although at this point, no one knows what perfect is anymore except Desperate Milotic and Clockworkz)
Also may I suggest like others, try and use custom trainer sprites.


Whats the differeance between FR/LG and R/S/E sprites? They look the same.

if I remember correctly, they use different sizes/proportions for the characters/buildings/terrain. or something to that effect.