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The Joy of Pokémon! (094)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Joy of Pokémon! (094)

The Joy of Pokémon!!

Surfing to the next Island, Ash & Co. come across a Super-Nurse Joy who insists on healing Wild Water Pokémon on the Island. Ash & Tracey decide to help out...but when Team Rocket arrive to stop them, A Giant Magikarp arrives. Does it have hostile intentions?

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meggirl63 said:
I like the part Joy, Ash, and Tracey were underwater.

Heh heh... Same here. X3 *thumb up*
Jii... Kenji seems so protective! *o* Good thing he'll never see that Joi again. :p


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed this epsiode. I liked when Joy took care of the Pokemon. Looks like Tracy developed a little crush....hehehe *ahem* excuse me XD. Okay I liked when Joy was rowing and she said to Ash, Misty, and Tracy "a nice easy pace". And she goes 40 to 50 mph rowing! They couldn't keep up with her. XD That was funny. And later, Misty brought Psyduck and he couldn't swim! He just float around the wave(Psy, Psy...!!). Too funny. Dewgong played with Ash a little too much I think. Ash also drowned. Joy saved him though. Yep I enjoyed this epsiode very much.


Team Awesome
I like this episode, because it's interesting to see a Nurse Joy who's a bit different from the rest. It's interesting to see one who can easily outpace the twerps in a kayak. :) It makes me wish they'd shown "The Ice Cave", though, since this Joy is supposed to be that Nurse Joy's sister (according to descriptions). That would have been an interesting contrast.

Another interesting thing about this episode is that it takes so long for Team Rocket to show up. I don't know which episode takes longer, this one or "Charmander the Stray Pokemon". I also like the giant magickarp and the playful dewgong. :D


Well-Known Member
this was a pretty good episode. all the joys should have like a special skill to make them all more unique. joy in this episode was very enjoyable to watch


Well-Known Member
meh another epi i didnt really like. It was great seeing what Joy does off screen but they could of used this epi for something better. 5/10


Well-Known Member
A nice episode, I like that we didn't get the token Nurse Joy that we get from the rest of the series. I liked seeing the giant Magikarp that was a nice treat,


Devil Trainer
I like all the episodes that have Gyarados... And I loved watching Magikarp evolve into a giant Gyarados... Im so happy with the new gameplay in Diamond and Pearl, Now finally I can use ice and water attacks in my Gyarados. : )


Devil Trainer
I like all the episodes that have Gyarados... And I loved watching Magikarp evolve into a giant Gyarados... Im so happy with the new gameplay in Diamond and Pearl, Now finally I can use ice and water attacks in my Gyarados. : )
This was such a cute episode. :3
It was nice to see a Joy that wasn't exactly like all the others.
And Kenji was adorable. n_n

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
That Nurse Joy was on steroids or something.

The way she rowed through the water was amazing.

It was nice that her and Magikarp had stayed so close after all those years.


kiss my greens
I liked this Nurse Joy. She was tanned and athletic, unlike the rest of the Joys I've seen. Plus, she actually rode out on a kayak to tend to ailing Pokémon. Now that's dedication! The rest of the episode, though... honestly, I could care less.