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The Kanto Trio vs The Shinou Trio (spoilers ahoy)


The magic of Pokemon
Based on what we've seen of Ash, Kari, and Brock so far in the D/P saga, do they have the same chemistry like the classic party of Ash/Misty/Brock did in the early days of Pokemon?

What do you think?


Ash fan girl! Cute!
Well, me I prefer the Ash/Hikari/Brock trio personally.


Well-Known Member
kanto. i despise hikari very very much. and brock is getting useless :O poor brock :(
In Kanto, the original. But as soon as Misty got Togepi, we lost the magic.
So, I guess Shinou is better. Plus, Hikari has an inflated ego, which can lead to all kinds of conflict, and will end up becoming an obstacle for her.
The problem with Misty is that she never had anything to do.
Hikari does something. So she wins. Admittedly, Psyduck>Pochama.


Yeah, ok!
They both have their ups and downs.

The Kanto trio was great in well...Kanto. But then they sucked in Johto. HARD. Misty being given Togepi ruined her character.

As for the Shinou trio, we have to deal with how bland Brock is nowadays. Ugh, Brock is almost as bad or arguably worse in Shinou than Misty was in Johto. So that's ****ed up.

As for Hikari, she would have been great, but the lack of originality hurts her a bit. She's just another coordinator, something we've seen before. She doesn't really bring anything new to the anime, but a retread of May's story arc complete with cute Pokemon and everything.

This is why I prefer the AG group over them both. Ash finally matured into the strong trainer he was meant to become, May and Contests were a fresh and original concept, Max added some depth to Ash and May's character, and Brock wasn't THAT bad yet, at least not in Hoenn.

I'll have to see how Hikari's Contest arc plays out before I make final judgement, but the writers will have to work good and hard in order to top AG's Contest arc. As for the Kanto trio, a large portion of nostalgia plays a role with them.
Definitely the Kanto group. I love the first series the most out of any of the series anyways.

Ash/Misty/Brock was a great group. I enjoyed them traveling together the most.

I'm not even watching the Shinou episodes, until they come out in the U.S. Plus, Hikari is just another girl in the group. Brock has been here forever, and so had Ash. Just the same as every group we've had.


Contaminated KFC
Pochama is infinately more interesting than Hikari, and Brock is a mere shell of his former self.
Therefore, I deem the answer to this poll: Obvious.


Wish Maker
i liked the whole Hoeen beggining ones because it was new and had a fresh start, it was just a new expericence. But now its just like a new-rerun same old same old except for the pokemon.
I like the Shinou Trio the best. I mean the Kanto trio was pretty good but now since we have new characters to see and the fact that Misty does show up at least once (maybe even twice) in a generation, I think that from AG on, the groups will be a little bit better.


The Kanto trio were great in the first 80 episodes (Kanto group in Kanto=win), but sucked in Jouto (but most of Jouto was bland anyway, so it really isn't insulting...)

The Shinou trio doesn't seem to be hate-able right now, aside from Takeshi being in the group (really, when will we ever get a DUO, aside from Satoshi and Kasumi being alone for a while in the Orange Islands? Meh, if Shinji was in the group, I wouldn't mind much - but he does seem to be more of a rival type character, having a lower chance of the writers making a boo-boo and totally destroying his character). I, so far, LIKE Hikari's character, but I have to see more of the Shinou trio's dynamics before I can make a final decision.

So, I pick the Kanto trio.


Well-Known Member
Its a tie, I will always like the orginal 3(oh how I loathed May) but Hikari has a cool personality and Pochama is cool.....

Never cared for Brock in the first place, so I never noticed his "uselessness"


Yeah, ok!
The Shinou trio doesn't seem to be hate-able right now, aside from Takeshi being in the group (really, when will we ever get a DUO, aside from Satoshi and Kasumi being alone for a while in the Orange Islands?

Ash and May traveled alone for AG1 and AG2.


Kanto Trio - Great dynamic in early and mid kanto, although the group seemed to dull a bit at the region's tail end. They sucked in Johto along with everything else. Their Pokemon were all boring as hell(the Squirtle who's a prankster but never really shows it after it's caught! The mindless drone Charmander! The balloon-popper Pidgeotto! The rarely seen Vulpix! The one-trick pony Psyduck! The seen all of two times Goldeen! The caught for no good reason and rarely seen Zubat!) and so were most of the battles they took part in.
Shinou Trio - Ash is decent, Brock's dead weight, and I'd still rather wait until we're out of the early eps of the region to pass judgement on Hikari. The Pokemon are far more interesting this time around(Naetle and Pochama stand out in particular, and if Houen's anything to go by the Pokemon actually WILL have personalities(aside from poor, poor Brock's Pokemon. And possibly Mukuru, although with any luck it'll at least do things a lot like Swellow did))

People-wise, Kanto seems to have an edge but there's always the risk of nostalagia and the fact that we've had more time to see them. Pokemon-wise, it's hard to NOT beat Kanto(and Johto for that matter). It's not that hard to have more personality than "come out of Pokeball, battle, go back into Pokeball", which is pretty much all I remember from the Kanto Pokemon(aside from Rebel Without a Clue Charmeleon/Charizard, and Bulbasaur's badarsedness(which I really don't remember shining that much outside of its debut ep, a battle or two, and its most recent appearances)).
Kanto trio=Three interesting and unique young trainers, all with great personality's.

Shinou trio=One trainer that's incredibly old, one deadweight breeder, and one pointless coordinator.

Yeah, I think it's safe to say Kanto trio>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shinou trio.

(And Juputoru, if you think about it, the exact same thing can be said for every generation's Pokemon. Except for a certin few, most of them are only used once every few years (i.e. Corphish, Fortress, Mudkip, Lotad, Beautifly, Bulbasaur, Torkoal). And I personaly prefer little personality to the same, boring, one course personality of Hoenn.)
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Serial Fangirl
Its a tie, I will always like the orginal 3(oh how I loathed May) but Hikari has a cool personality and Pochama is cool.....

Never cared for Brock in the first place, so I never noticed his "uselessness"

If you hated May, you'll probably hate Hikari. She's such a May-Clone.

She's a co-ordinator, she uses cute Pokemon, she has a happy-go-lucky personality... oh the list of similarities goes on.

I liked the Hoenn group better than both. Kanto was really good, but Hoenn just had more relationship. As for Shinou, I'd love it much more if they didn't ditch May and replace her by her clone. I'm going to vote Kanto, but I still think Hoenn is better :p.


shove 'er in! ;O
Oh god, I truely despise Hikari that ugly hag. May, well May rox!! WEWT!

oh how I loathed May
GTFO of SPPf! No haters!

Anyways...I loved I mean seriously loved the Kanto episodes. But the Johto Saga with teh oh so used toilet paper that I used to wipe mah *** with episodes welll. Feck it!

Hoenn was I've got to say much more interesting. New people (well two but there's May the super smexy co-ordinator who everyone loves except what's his face^^^^). Max was a funny lil kid with a lot of sarcasm which I loved! WEWT! Brock was pathetic as usual. He only has one ambition in mind and that is to harass Nurse Joy. And that pretty much blows away beeing the best breeder in the world which made no fecking sense to me.

Well, I'll stop my rant on Hoenn cause it is not on topic.

As many posters have said before, Hikari is just some fecking smexy co-ordinator that has an out going nothing's gonna go wrong personality. And I hate that! Who ever the hell said May is like Hikari, CURSE YOU! Hikari basically ruined co-ordinating in the anime IMO. I mean, why couldn't they make her want to be the world's best cook or something. It's ceratinly more interesting than a once already clichéd topic. And why? WHY MUST THE PPL FROM POKEMON TAKE OUT MAY!? WHY!!! CURSE YALLS!

Well, as you can see I can go on and on but I won't. I do NOT like Hikari and I hope MAY COMES BACK and plots to kill Hikari. That certainly would be interesting. Why can't they have a chracter die!???

Meh, I'm done. Kanto owns Shinou trio.


Yeah, ok!
And Hikari fans will do the exact same thing when she's replaced by the 5th gen girl.

The cycle will repeat again and again. Huzzah!