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The Kenta/Yoshi club!

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Welcome to the Kenta/Yoshi club!This is a club for talking about the main character of the Legend of Raikou special!Here are the rules:
1)No spaming at all. posts must be at least 4 words unless they contain a pic
2)No bashing of any kind.
3)Be active.Ways to be active:post a new topic or ask a question.
4)try to post fanstuff of Kenta whenever possible.
5)No shippy talk,unless its the topic.
6)Stay on topic:If you dont like the topic make a new one.Anything to do with Kenta is a topic.
Ill need two people to be co-owners and a banner maker.
Yami ookami (banner maker,co-owner)
Hyugaa Neji
Mystic Flames
Sonic Jam 82
Star Girl
Yoshi 00
Pursuit EX
~Raikou Rider243~
Locke Kefka

And if I feel like it I'll start some Kenta art or Kenta sprite contests and the winner will get a contest point.This is all for fun of course.
This club was approved by Psi Umbreon.
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"Just kidding!"
Yay! I'd like to join, he's my claimed bishie! =)


"Just kidding!"
Co-Owner? Sorry, but no thanks...

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
Hey can I join? I saw pokemon cronicals on saterday and on comercials it said it was coming september 9. Mwahaha.... I mite be able to make banners. I'll just have to find a way to change the file type.
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I'll join, he's my favorite human character =P. *points to doll in sig*
Yes!All of you can join!Does anyone have a topic?Oh and ookami,you can be banner maker if you want and maybe you could pm a professional to learn how to change the format cause I have no idea.^^;
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Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
Yay!!!! I get to make banners! Oh yeah and I figured out how to change the file type!

New Topic: What would you nick name his Typhlosion!
I'd call'im flamer.

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
I guess I should make a banner! Yoshinichi,I'll pm you when it's done.


"Just kidding!"
It's...so...hard! I'm trying to draw Kenta, Marina, and Silver as Sora, Kairi, and Riku, but it's really tough! XP I'll post it when I get done with it.


Yoshinichi said:
Hey,guys!Look what ookami did:
Um, they spelt his name wrong. It says 'Kanta', that's my tripie's name. XD I'd like to join, but I'm in quite a lot of clubs (okay, not a lot, but I don't post a lot anyway), so I won't really post anyway. =P

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
Kamairie said:
Um, they spelt his name wrong. It says 'Kanta', that's my tripie's name. XD I'd like to join, but I'm in quite a lot of clubs (okay, not a lot, but I don't post a lot anyway), so I won't really post anyway. =P

I was in a rush okay! Sorry about the mistake I'll make a better one.

New Topic: What do you think of the new banner? Leave coments, and tell me how I can make the next banner better.
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Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
Okay, I guess that shoudn't be the new topic.....Any body els have a topic?
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Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
I'd like to see him have a Charizard, then Typhlosion would get jelus*Or how ecer you spell it(-_-')*
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