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The Land Time Forgot; Begins now

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member

a pokemon rpg



Location; what would be Cherry Grove city

Kannah gave a small grunt as she opened her eyes. It was morning already and the Ivysaur hated this time of the day. It wasn't warm enough to really move around, or light enough for her flower bulb to absorb energy from the sun. Especially in a slightly overcast day such as today. Yawning a bit, revealing a sharp set of chompers, the Bulbasaur pushed herself up onto her stumpy, but stout legs and trundled out from the bushes that she dubbed 'home', several yards away, a small clearing stood, and on the otherside was a beach, but Kannah didn't travel there much. To salty and windy most of the time.

As she turned to head deeper into the woods to scour about for foot, an ear twitched and the `saur stilled in her steps, a foot raised. Then when nothing followed the sound, whatever it was she heard, the Ivysaur started onwards again. Red eyes slightly narrowed, she was hungry. And while she was slow; why did you need to be fast when you could thwack a Yanma with your vines?


Okay basically just make an intro post/tell where you are in the begining, it doesn't need to be elaborate, as it's freeform XP


Location: What would be Goldenrod City


Setsuko eyed the pink flesh, excited. He noticed the tiny little hairs that dotted patterns onto it's lovely surface. His mouth watered as he beared his sharp fangs and sunk them deep into the flesh. He reveled in pleasure as a dark red liquid oozed out from the flesh, giving him a tingling sensation with every inch the juice made down his throat. He swallowed the liquid.

"Mmm, Pecha berry." He said as he threw the fruit down from the branch he was standing on. He lay against the tree bored, when a sudden spark of adventure came to him. He got up and started jumping from branch branch, swiftly making his way through the dense forest, looking at the ground below him for a possible victim.
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Location: Outside Ilex forest, where Azalea Town would be

Nothing but the gentle wind stirred the leaves in the trees. The forest was a buzz with bugs hibernating in the trees as the morning fog finally departed. Suddenly, the foliage rustled as one creature darted from one tree to the next. It shot through the air again, leaving a dark green trail that camouflaged into the dense tree tops. The creature swooped from one branch to the next before grabbing onto one with its hind legs.

Pasha snatched onto the branch with his fore paws to keep balance. The dark green grovyle blended into the shadows, his yellow eyes glowed like two dim stars in the night. He peered out into a tiny meadow where hardly a creature stirred except for a tiny flock of pidgeys enjoying their meal from a small berry tree. Pasha didn’t seem to take much interest and moved on until he saw something glistening in the sun. He looked again to see a little pidgey trying to swallow a big berry in its beak. The tiny fruit shined in the sunlight from its thin line of dew.

The peaceful flock seemed to enjoy their meal until… ‘Shiny thing!’ The dark green grovyle swooped down and slammed into the bush, sending berries and pidgeys scattering. As the pidgeys flew away, Pasha poked out of the bush with a shiny little berry in his mouth. Enjoying its sweet nectar, the young grovyle hopped down and began collecting the fallen berries in his mouth. Once he had his fill of a good sweet snack, Pasha lied down in the light shade of the bush and soaked in the sun for a few minutes while he played with a few berries that were shiny and sticky from its bleeding syrupy insides.

(I didn’t know the rules on talking, so just pretend that line’s translated from grovyle talk)
Location: What would be Lake of Rage

Malicious sat, looking over the calm waters of the lake. The morning sun cast a light over the entire lake, causing the surface to seemingly glitter and dance around with the light breeze. The waters lapped gently upon the shoreline, the scene overshadowed the overcast skies to the south and Malicious closed his eyes, listening to the water and the rustling of the wind through the trees.

Opening his eyes once more, he saw a school of small Remoraid swim near the surface a little way from the shoreline. He watched them swim backwards and forwards in front of his eyes with intent, licking his lips from time to time and feeling slightly teased by the fact he couldn't get to them. He hated water, it was the bane of his, and his furs, existence.

Eventually tiring of watching the fish, he turned on his tail and walked slowly over to a large collection of bushes nearby, housing several blue coloured berries. He took a swipe at a branch with his long, sharp claws, bringing it, aswell as two of the berries, to the ground.

"Oran," He said licking his lips, "sounds like breakfast."

He picked them both up with his mouth, holding them there, and walked over to a shady spot close to the waters edge. Once he had found a comfortable area, he sat himself down and starting eating the blue-coloured treat he had just found.
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Really and truly
Location: what would be Olivine City

The Scyther stood facing the ocean, scythes just touching the ground, eyes closed. Scycaw wasn’t using Focus Energy for any reason in particular-it was more of a morning ritual to prepare herself for the day.

The tide was starting to come in-cool water reached out to touch the clawed feet of the mantis, but wasn’t successful. Time in and time out it splashed, trying to touch Scyclaw’s green feet.

A light breeze brushed against the Scyther’s smooth face, whistling through her armored body eerily. Swirls of sand were lifted into the air in a few scattered places.

Finally the water grasped at her clawed feet and washed underneath them, causing Scyclaw’s eyes to snap open. She looked down as the water retreated back to the ocean, to gather itself up before trying harder to wash upon her feet.

The Scyther turned away, finished, and began walking north to the slightly forested area, where the trees were tall and the meat was fresh.

Scyclaw flapped her wings and took to hover in the air, just so that the tall blades of grass could brush against her feet gently. Her eyes swept across her line of vision, looking for just about anything as she flew between trees and over bushes.

Scampering paws.

The Scyther’s eyes darted to the treetops. Something was in the branches, making the trees leaves flutter and shafts of light dance. She scanned the treetops to find-a flash of color!

Before you could blink Scyclaw shot upwards like a bullet, scythes poised, eyes locked on one single spot-and it was gone in a blur!

“Damn,” she hissed as the canopy of leaves flew at her too quickly for her to stop. A moment before hitting any branches, Scyclaw slashes at the leaves and branches in her way and cleared the forest in a flurry of green.

For a moment she hovered above a sea of green, angry at having scared away her potential breakfast. Her head snapped about, eyes and ears wide open.

Knowing that the had probably scared off half the forest’s inhabitants, Scyclaw shook her head and turned east, wondering if there was anything more interesting over there…


Well-Known Member
Location: Where the Ilex Forest would be.

Dart had come to like this place; through all of his travels he had never found a place quite like it. Very little sunlight ever penetrated the vast treetops, so the forest stayed fairly dark throughout the day, which was to Dart’s liking since he naturally preferred the nighttime.

The Venonat stood quietly on a branch, glaring through the forest while searching for something to relieve him of his hunger. As he glanced around, he noticed a group of Metapod hanging from a tree that was a few yards away, and one thing that he had learned though his travels was that where there were Metapod or Kakuna nesting, food was always nearby. Dart jumped down from the branch and quickly made his way over to where he had seen the group of green colored pokemon nesting, but stopped a couple of trees away, for he did not want to be spotted.

As he hid in the foliage around him, he spotted an Oran berry bush, which was located directly under where the Metapod nest was. Dart debated whether he should try and grab a berry, and risk being attacked. He was about to turn back and search elsewhere when his stomach let out a quiet growl. His hunger had gotten the best of him, he had to have one of those berries.


Well-Known Member
Location: Where National Park would be.

Kotsu scurried through the tall grass that towered over his head in search of a berry bush that hadn't been claimed by other Pokemon. Over the past year or so, more and more Pokemon had come to make this once secluded meadow their home. Due to the increased population, berries became very scarce and fights frequently erupted between a group of Pokemon over a single berry.

As he emerged out of the grass, a pomeg berry lay under the tree in front of him. Kotsu quickly ran to the berry and picked it up in his mouth when he was sent sprawling to the ground with a scratch from another Pokemon. He recognized the Pokemon as a Meowth, one of the more quick and agile Pokemon in the meadow. The Meowth swung his arm forward and blasted several gold coins towards Kotsu. Kotsu, having surprising speed for a Sandshrew, quickly set up a barrier. The sparkling gold coins hit the barrier and simply bounced back at double the speed. Meowth was caught off guard and went flying into a nearby tree and collapsed. Kotsu went back to his rightfully claimed berry and turned his back towards the unconscious cat. He knew that he'd be ambushed and beaten up if he was seen with a berry in his paws so Kotsu dug a small hole and ate the berry peacefully inside.

“This place has become way too competitive for me,” thought Kotsu to himself. “Maybe I'll journey south, meet some new Pokemon, maybe even find a poke-friend!” Inspired by his thoughts, Kotsu began the long journey south to wherever he might go, whatever he might find, and to whoever he might meet...

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Location: Ecrutek city would be... whatever... WHY CAN'T I EVER REMEMBER HOW TO SPELL THAT? ;; um, the place where Morty's gym would be. Ha.


the trees gave off the shadow she needed as she crouched down low. By the look of her fur it was easy to suspect that this loner wolf was old and weary but while she was weary she wasn't as old as suspected at all. Seemed her hard life had aged her far more then it ever should.

She crept forward slowly, her paws not making a sound as her eyes narrowed on the Sentret. The little furret like pokemon would dart about before standing up on its tail checking for danger.

Deero's coat kept her hidden enough though it was not near black enough for the hunting the would rather do. Slowly creeping forward, preparing for the spring for her meal a leaf crunched, not by her foot but by another and so her prey darted off once again.

Deero growled deeply, she had been chasing it for days and it had just now let down its guard. She turned her head towards the sound and saw six red tails in the air as a vulpix came into view sniffing the ground.

It was young and foolish, not knowing it had entered a mightyena's territory. A deep growl boiled up into Deero's throat before she let out a fearsom roar. It echoed about the trees and sent pidgey flying.

The poor vulpix was so startled that it darted away at once and straight into a tree, once it had recovered teh fox darted off out of sight of the mightyena.

Deero was tempted to devour it but then again, she wasn't one for fire types and dog types. THough she could have just as easily killed it as an example to other predetors.

This was her land.

Turning she sniffed the ground and once again was off after her Sentret. Hoping it was just hidning and hadn't gone far.


Location: The mountains south of where Blackthorn would be.

Vera opened her eyes and stood up. It was morning, and the sun had only just risen. It sent rays of light down upon the land, and light shimmered off of the Skarmory's body. She stood atop a mountain, and looked around, blinking her sleepy eyes. A familiar growling sound fully woke her up; it was her stomach.

She was hungry, as she had not eaten for quite a few days. Prey had become scarce in the forest to the north. The forest was her only source for food. Not many other Pokemon lived in the mountains as she did, and the few that did were powerful enough to fight her off if she tried to eat them.

For a moment Vera contemplated moving to a different area, but then decided that she should eat before making any big decisions. Especially if it involved traveling great distances. She spread her large, beautiful wings, showing their scarlet underside, and took flight, heading for the lush, green forest at the foot of the mountains.


you suffer
Location: Outskirts of Blackthorne


Reala yawned loudly as he adjusted himself in the trees. He was hungry, extremely hungry. But seeing how he hadn't eaten in a couple of days, he had somewhat of an excuse.

'Time to set up the ol' trap,' he thought to himself. Making his way off of the tree he perched on and into the dense foliage below, the arachnid crawled quietly and quickly through the dense shrubbery. He had to be careful, the slightest noise could attract the attention of predators.

Reala found a spot where he thought a few Beautifly would pass through. Two trees were standing exactly opposite from each other, perfect for setting up a trap. The spider Pokemon began to salivate at the meal to come.

Climbing up the bark, the Ariados spun a dense string of web from its backside before leaping onto the second tree. Adjusting himself, Reala then began to weave his web, creating a typical octogonal pattern. Using his mouth, he spat saliva along the string and solidified it, using his tiny mandibles to get the finer details in. Finally, he hoisted the web up into the leaves and waited for a Pokemon to get caught in it.

Reala then climbed onto a tree branched and stretched a bit. After stopping to admire his work, he closed his eyes and went down for a nap.
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The Steel Princess
Location: Where the little pond in Violet City is.

In the reflection of the water you could see Caden’s adorable face. Caden was always a proud female Quilava. Grooming her fur as she used the small clean pond as a mirror, the flames on her head wasn’t turned on. It only happens when she is ready to attack or just is plain mad. When she was done grooming she got closer to the water and took few licks of it. Then something caught her eye.

“Pomeg Berries!” As she smirked and ran over. The speedy Quilava was just like Pandora, loved pomegranates even though she knew it would hurt her. Pomeg Berries were the devil’s food, which is why she couldn’t stand resisting them, their sweet sultry taste. Her little spiky fangs dig into the berries and a tingly feeling went through her body.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Location: Someday destined to be Mahogany City

Aer stood unmoving in a boggy marshland. Overhead a few Pidgey fluttered about, while the enchanting mating song of Volbeat and Illumise filled the air. There was something about this place, something that told him that one day, when he was no longer in the world of the living, it would be gone. Aer breathed in the warm rich air and with a sigh began a slow trek to the higher mountainous region in the east. The trek was long, but Aer had all the time in the world, and was not in a rush.

As he began to walk, a lone Taillow began to circle overhead. Aer's sombre grey and blue body was beginning to change with the weather and lighten for the coming spring, perhaps the Taillow was looking for a place to build a warm nest. Aer watched the small bird as it continued to fly above him, until finally it came down and settled in the mess of leaves.

"The red one is too sharp for you" Aer said. The Taillow froze for a moment before squawking a reply, throwing the red berry down to the ground and flying off with a blue one firmly in it's beak. The red berry sunk into the soft soil, in a few days it would surely sprout. Aer continued on to the higher ground in hopes of drying out his sodden feet.


Location: Where New bark would be

The harsh wind blew around her, rustling the tree’s leaves and blowing the pebbled dust from the trails and into the air around her. The lone Houndoom snorted as some of said dust was inhaled through her keen and sensitive nose, and she immediately brought a paw to rid it of the remaining pebbles. It seemed nowadays; even the slightest thing annoyed her, not that anyone could blame her, the winds around these parts made the other Pokemon flee from the area towards the West where the calmer winds blew, it was hard to get even the supposedly common Sentret anymore.

Hunching her back, she stalked through the tall grass towards the west where she knew there to be a good fishing spot in which the Magikarp dwelled, if she was going to survive this harsh weather, it would be best to move on to another are, the chances of catching lunch was slim around these parts, there was no point in staying in an area which provided no food and little water.

She pounced over a rather large mound of mud and splashed her way through a muddle of muddy water to reach a shorter area of grass on the other side of the swamp-like path. Her coat, which was usually kept clean and healthy, was now covered in debris and particles of mud that the raging wind had entangled into her fur, even the bones that were uncovered by her skin were a sickly brown colour. She swore to herself that she was clean herself good and proper when she arrived at the small pond to the west.

She kept her head low as she marched her way through the marsh, making sure that the dust particles did not assault her already reddened eyes. She could not take any more of natures abuse, she had lived with it for near a week now, hoping that the area would regain its usually clam demeanour and that the small mammal Pokemon would return to the area, but after so much, she had grown tired, and it was time to move on, away from her home.

She had heard from the airborne Pokemon, that there was a place across the sea which gave calm weather and plenty to eat; the place had sounded like heaven to her, but un-wanting to leave her birth home, she had declined the thought of moving. But now, it was her target to reach this heaven across the sea, but as she could not fly and was certainly not a strong swimmer, the only way there was to walk all the way around, though it would be a long journey, she would have to deal with it to reach this haven.
Malicious licked his lips and sat up, eying the remains of the Oran berries on the floor in front of him. Two green stalks, covered in slight moisture, with brown seeds upon them. Lifting his paw, Malicious cast them aside, knowing that in a few days they would sprout. He yawned and walked out of the shady area he had chosen in which to eat his meal. The ferns brushed lightly against his cream and brown fur as he strolled along lightly, nearby the shores of the expansive lake.

Malicious sighed, he was becoming tired of the same scenery, the same weather, the same life. He wanted something new, but, he had grown attached to this place, and leaving it had a chance of leading to some nasty situations. He sat, contemplating what he should do, as he had done for the past year. His cynical viewpoint always got the better of him in the end though, and leaving seemed to edge away whenever he thought about it.

"It's just never good enough is it... I hate desisions... and I hate wanting something but wanting the contradiction to it..."

A flock of wingull flew overhead, circling over the lake. The lake was surprisingly deprived of pokemon, one of the reasons Malicious liked it so much. He valued solitude, social interaction was something he never understood, why other pokemon needed each other was pretty much alien to him, but, he never questioned it, he cared little for the issues of others.

Staring out onto the lake, the desision to move finally became absolute in his mind. He would head south, and just go wherever the path lead to.


Well-Known Member
OOC: Soooo sorry I took so long to post, Ren ;-;. No real excuse for it, sorry again.

Location: Where Route 38 would be (outskirts of Ecruteak - west)



With the cool of a gentle breeze licking her face tenderly, and soothing her mindset to the point of utmost relaxation, Tabby was in a state of bliss.
As she skipped lazily and lightly across the lush grass beneath her, its defined blades becoming a massed blur of green, she pondered over her life.

She had no purpose at her current state, so she thought. She wondered if perhaps seeking out a mate would offer some task to her life; she knew not of any tribulations or the level of such that love retained, and she had never experienced the feeling throughout her life and had no idea of the euphoric feeling it induced.
Upon this thought, she decided to steer clear from seeking love and decided to wait until it inevitably found her.

Perhaps a quest? A challenge? Just merely living was far too dull for Tabby, and she longed for a certain event to occur sometime soon.
Though, as she pulled off a graceful spin in the air, she thought that perhaps such a thing may never come her way, soon at least, and she decided that living was the only task she’d have to endure for now.

She mused over her position. Heading south and towards the sea seemed nice, but had no point to it at all. Heading east would have led her along land for as far as she knew.

She thought that perhaps heading this way would offer some interest, and so, she turned and skipped east.

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Deero cursed to herself, she had lost it, the trail. She had never lost a trail so easily. She didn't understand how the pokemon masked its scent like it had.

She continued to sniff around for any sign of the kill she wanted, she wouldn't settle for anything less. her tail swayed a little as she thought she picked up on the trail again but found it cold, old and going the opposite way she thought the sentret had gone. Turning her gaze now up towards the sky she narrowed her good eye.

With a whisper of a curse she began to head south, towards where she knew sometimes she could find easy kills when the good game was missing. She hated giving up on her chosen target. But even she knew sometimes you jsut have to move on.

And so she headed south towards a field where many small game had been apearing, who knows maybe she will get lucky.

To bad Deero doesn't believe in luck.


After tree-hopping for about three hours, Setsuko gave up his search for a suitable opponent. He found himself far away from where he previously was. He had traveled a lot. He was probably around what would be Azalea city. He found a nice pond and decided to go for a swim.

"Ahhh." he sighed as he floated around in the water. He glanced around the small pond. It was quite an odd location, just a small pond, completely surrounded by trees. He could see the end of the forest through the trees. "Man, I've traveled that far?" Setsuko asked himself. "I deserve, like, a prize or something."
All the **** going on, not felt up to psoting, saz :(


Dolimir & Head
Would be Safari zone

Dolii appeared substanably stable right now, head down plucking up the newer grass shoots peeking through the ground, ears on a constant flicker of alert being your typical hungry grazing critter.

Till Head opened his big mouth.

"I have seen into the future... again! This mooustached eprson called Tony B Bear will rule a country and will introduce the world to the beloved cheese! Ah how I long for the sweet taste of cheese now, damn the future, damn you! Man I want a hand"

Dolii ignored for the time being, having ehard such futurised rants many a time, more intrested in the food going to her belly than the tie wearing tail of hers.

"Oh look at this, were cheese!"

That did it.

Eeeking to loudest potential, Dolii instantly legs it at the thought of were cheeses with wide eyes and doggy tails chasing after her thinking she was food and promptly gets stuck in a bog when she finally settles.

Head's response for causing the moment of mad rush?

"Hey there's a swiss cheese by your thought hey it blinked at me!"


The wind had grown a little calmer upon her trek across the land to find a calmer area, where food would be unlimited and search for water a thing of the past. But though it had grown calmer, it was still harsh enough to sting the lone Houndoom’s eyes to the point where all was red and pain. Her eyes watered, turning her normally slick fur into clumps of fur and water, she knew not whether she was crying, or her eyes were simply watering.

The sharp blades of grass slit across her face, opening up old and new wounds that bled just enough to make her fur feel like a sticky mass. She felt as if she could just curl up and die on the spot, this pain was not worth finding paradise…but keeping her pride, was. She would battle the mightiest of enemies and storms in order to keep her pride; it was not something that would easily be ripped from her grasp.

With this in mind, she hastened her pace across the land, picking up speed to battle against the heavily blowing wind, her head bent low as she charge against the unseen force. She would find this paradise, even if it meant battling against the elements; she was determined to accomplish this task in order to keep her pride.

By now she had reached the town that would have been Cherrygrove. Water was present here; she could hear it washing up against the small cliffs of rock near by. She quickly charged forward towards the high rocks and found she liquefied source. Lowering her head, she could just about reach the flowing water, but raged backwards as the substance washed up into her eyes. It was as if the elements were against her these past few months and it was not a nice feeling.

Growling she swooped her head once again and took a mouthful of the water, quenching her thirst at last. She performed this action a few more times, before she was satisfied and decided to move on further to the north this time, towards the place that would be called Violet city in the many years to come.


IRC bum
Location: foothills northwest of where Blackthorn would be


The shimmering image before her seemed to match every one of her moves in a vain attempt to defeat her. Spreading one wing out, the figure did that same. She hissed and clacked her beak, the other flier did the same. She refused to be outdone by another Noctowl, let alone one who copied her plumage. The other Noctowl spread its silvered and burgundy wings, striking a threatening posture, brown eyes blazing like that of a trained hunter.

Talin jerked her head back up, the cursed fiend of an opponent had drenched her face with water. "Ye scurvy blackguard. Ah'll 'ave ye fo' that, ye ken count on it!" she screeched at it, trying out an accent that seemed appropriate. "Ye'll be payin' f'tha soon enough!" The oddly hued owl hopped back onto the pondshore and continued to taunt from there. "Ah see ye've taken tae 'idin' be'ind a pratective barriar. 'Idins but fo one tae weak tae fight. C'mon oot and figh' like a true bird!"

Talin spread her overly large wings and arched them out in front of her, much a kin to one found stealing up on the cookie jar. A jet orb of ethereal plasma gathered between the argent-burgundy flight feathers, tiny globs dripping from the host. Flickering sparks of lavender lightning darted across the interior, as well as arcing around the globe. Talin leapt back and flare her feathered appendages wide, releasing the glob to perform its deadly work.

Crystal clear pond water caught the sun's rays as it sailed through the air before raining back down to the pool. Several reddish fish swam for safety from the unexpected intrusion into their home. She glared smugly at the rippling water, content she had vanquished her foe once more. Screeching her victory to the winds, the nearby creatures rolled their eyes after the initial start. Only the rumbling of her belly brought a momentary lapse into reality.

"Hmm, food would probably be a good thing now, yes yes," she muttered, dropping her accent now that her mind was engaged with reality. Performing a little hop-skip, the Noctowl took flight, beating her wings to gain altitude, casting one hateful glance back at where her reflection was. Turning her gaze back out across the rain laden clouds, the slient hunter was on the prowl.