-swampert used gasp!
welcome to the ledgendary pokemon club!
i was given permission by myuuvuirocon (the original owner) to remake the club,here you can chat about ANYTHING to do with any ledgendary, like wether you like aruseus or not,what would happen if the ledgendarys were real,etc.
how to join
1.it's very simple,all you have to do is say what your favourite ledgendary is,simple as that!
1. the first people to join will have the option to become co-owners,so it's first come,first serve,so if you want to be a co-owner of an amazing club,then be sure to join fast!
2.co-owners almost have all the powers i have,to warn someone,to ban some one,etc.
3.you must respect the co-owners.
4.there can only be 3 co-owners.
the rules!
1.thou shalt not flame or disrespect any body in the club
2.thou shalt not use inappropriate language
3.thou shalt not spam! (thou shalt face eternal damnation for this hideous crime!)
4.thou shalt abide by all the serebiiforums rules
5.thou shalt not double or triple post.
6. thou shalt have fun! (thats the most important!
Co-owners list
Owner: justice_pie (yay! go me!)
Co-owner 1.
Co-owner 2.
Co-owner 3.
members list
what are you waiting for? join this fantabulous club today!!!!! (and get a free cookie! lol)
i was given permission by myuuvuirocon (the original owner) to remake the club,here you can chat about ANYTHING to do with any ledgendary, like wether you like aruseus or not,what would happen if the ledgendarys were real,etc.
how to join
1.it's very simple,all you have to do is say what your favourite ledgendary is,simple as that!
1. the first people to join will have the option to become co-owners,so it's first come,first serve,so if you want to be a co-owner of an amazing club,then be sure to join fast!
2.co-owners almost have all the powers i have,to warn someone,to ban some one,etc.
3.you must respect the co-owners.
4.there can only be 3 co-owners.
the rules!
1.thou shalt not flame or disrespect any body in the club
2.thou shalt not use inappropriate language
3.thou shalt not spam! (thou shalt face eternal damnation for this hideous crime!)
4.thou shalt abide by all the serebiiforums rules
5.thou shalt not double or triple post.
6. thou shalt have fun! (thats the most important!
Co-owners list
Owner: justice_pie (yay! go me!)
Co-owner 1.
Co-owner 2.
Co-owner 3.
members list
what are you waiting for? join this fantabulous club today!!!!! (and get a free cookie! lol)