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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

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Smile Guy

Keep Smiling...
This thread will act as two things. A showcase for all The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess information and a place to discuss gameplay ideas, storyline theories, terrain features, etc. Post any info you get and I'll post it here in this first thread...

"When an evil shadow stretches from the heart of Hyrule to its peaceful borderlands, a young farm boy named Link must awaken the hero ... and the animal ... within.

Link, a young man raised as a wrangler in a rural village, is ordered by the mayor to attend the Hyrule Summit. He sets off, oblivious to the dark fate that has descended upon the kingdom. When he enters the Twilight Realm that has covered Hyrule, he transforms into a wolf and is captured. A mysterious figure named Midna helps him break free, and with the aid of her magic, they set off to free the land from the shadows.
Link must explore the vast land of Hyrule and uncover the mystery behind its plunge into darkness. As he does, he’ll have to enlist the aid of friendly folk, solve puzzles and battle his way through dangerous dungeons. In the Twilight Realm, he’ll have to use his wolf abilities and Midna’s magic to bring light to the land.
Besides his trusty sword and shield, Link will use his bow and arrows, fight while on horseback and use a wealth of other items, both new and old."
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Okay, then.

LoZ: TP is expected to be released in Canada on April 4th, I believe. Here is some things I know of it:

It takes place several years after Ocarina of Time has ended.
Gorons and Zoras will be present in the game.
There are certain things that wil happen only at a particular time of day.
Midna will be able to help Link complete several tasks.
Link will need a lanturn to get around dark areas of the forest.
He can also transform into a wolf and talk to animals.
And, horse combat will now be a part of the game.


LoZ:TP is coming out in the US on March 31 '06, due to it's postponing. Not sure if that'll change the Canadian one. The Oracana(sp?) is supposed to be back in the game, your horse is the same color of Epona, wandering around at night makes tons of monsters appear in the wild, day gives less. You have both new and old weapons. In the Twilight Area, Zelda wears a shawl that protects her from the effects. And that's all for now.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
LoZ:TP is coming out in the US on March 31 '06, due to it's postponing. Not sure if that'll change the Canadian one. The Oracana(sp?) is supposed to be back in the game, your horse is the same color of Epona, wandering around at night makes tons of monsters appear in the wild, day gives less. You have both new and old weapons. In the Twilight Area, Zelda wears a shawl that protects her from the effects. And that's all for now.
it will not be released march 31. Nintendo said sometime after the fiscal year which ends on march 31. so it is after march 31 no one knows when it will be released. Also it takes decades after OoT. This Link is in another kingdom near hyrule. He transforms into a wolf in the twilight realm. When he is in the twilight realm midna rides on his back. Midna can by the strickest definition exist outside the twilight realm. Also the overworld is about 2-3 times as big as OoT. Also Eiji estimated that it would have about 60 hours of gameplay but, with the delay it could be longer since they said they were adding more dungeons.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
I hope Twlight Princess doesn't get postponed til the Revolution.

it won't get put there since Iwata said about a hundred times it wouldn't and that they're keeping their promise. Also we don't know the price of rev. yet. Although many people suspect that it will be around $200.


He did? SWEET!

Other news:

Iwata said that Twilight Princess might be the last Zelda game ever.
"All we wanted was to make the best Zelda game ever," he said.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I heard that in a Zelda site but I couldn't find it.


Meteor Trainer
My gosh, who isn't looking forward to this game, something in the top 5 most critically acclaimed series of all time? What bothers me is that people whine and complain that the Gamecube has no good games, and then sell it once a good one's coming out.

I'm impressed with some of the things they've done to prevent it from becoming a rehash, like horse combat, and the werewolf. I wonder what controlling that special boomerang will be like?

I hope this is different than most games, and 40 of those 60 hours aren't backtracking...


Well-Known Member
Butchimatic said:
He did? SWEET!

Other news:

Iwata said that Twilight Princess might be the last Zelda game ever.
"All we wanted was to make the best Zelda game ever," he said.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I heard that in a Zelda site but I couldn't find it.
I highly dought this will be the last Zelda. It has so many fans it'd be pointless to get rid of it now. Also, Zelda is one of Nintendo's landmarks, they can't just get rid of it. Finally, Iwata said Zelda would be on the Revolution so I don't know where you herd that.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
He did? SWEET!

Other news:

Iwata said that Twilight Princess might be the last Zelda game ever.
"All we wanted was to make the best Zelda game ever," he said.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I heard that in a Zelda site but I couldn't find it.
There was a quote from miyamoto where he said this will be the last zelda game as we know it. because the rev. and DS will offer new ways to control link and things like that.


That sounds more like it. LoZ won't be shelved any time this millenium, for sure. :D

Oh, and I remembered something else as well. Each version has music from a different country, I beleive. Majora's Mask was Chinese, and Wind Waker was Irish. I don't ever recall what Ocarina of Time was, but I've heard that Twilight Princess is Russian.

El Cool

Well-Known Member
ShiningClefairy, controlling the gale boomerang is just like controlling the wind waker one, except to lock on to up to five targets, you have to go over them with the marker first to bring some arrows up, and then press L to target one, instead of just running the marker over them like in Wind Waker. This makes it so that each target is optional, so if you run over the wrong targets, you don't have to throw the boomerang, wait for it to come back, select the right targets. This came in very handy in the big plant boss battle, which played bloody excellent, although it was a tad easy. The difficulty was only like that of Kalle Demos in Wind Waker.

I might post more about my go on the Twilight Princess Demo Pods later when I can be arsed... er... have more free time.

For the easily confused, I played all four demos at the All Stars 05 Tour back in August, at the Eastbourne Air Show.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
ShiningClefairy, controlling the gale boomerang is just like controlling the wind waker one, except to lock on to up to five targets, you have to go over them with the marker first to bring some arrows up, and then press L to target one, instead of just running the marker over them like in Wind Waker. This makes it so that each target is optional, so if you run over the wrong targets, you don't have to throw the boomerang, wait for it to come back, select the right targets. This came in very handy in the big plant boss battle, which played bloody excellent, although it was a tad easy. The difficulty was only like that of Kalle Demos in Wind Waker.

I might post more about my go on the Twilight Princess Demo Pods later when I can be arsed... er... have more free time.

For the easily confused, I played all four demos at the All Stars 05 Tour back in August, at the Eastbourne Air Show.
shining clefairy I'm pretty sure was reffering to the fact that there is a mini tornadoe formed when you though it. although I didn't know about pressing L to confirm that that is your selected target.


Butchimatic said:
Iwata said that Twilight Princess might be the last Zelda game ever."All we wanted was to make the best Zelda game ever," he said.
They do think it will be the last. But we all know in two years we'll have way more awesome graphics, and they'll make a new one that's "the best and the last." But it will never be the last because it won't be the best 2-3 years after it comes out. And until G-dorf destroyed permanently it won't end. But once he is at the end it will show someone shrouded in shadows reaching down and absorbing his Triforce piece and then "THE END". So it won't end anytime soon.


Sea Ruby Trainer
He said that this was the last Zelda game. Hmm... In Best Buy, they had something about reserving a Legend of Zelda game coming out on April 15, 2006. I'm not sure if its Twilight Princess because it doesn't mention which Zelda game it is and the picture of the game box is different from the Twilight Princess box.


gee that's swell
I thought it was coming out in December!Aw man,I was really excited


marthick said:
He said that this was the last Zelda game. Hmm... In Best Buy, they had something about reserving a Legend of Zelda game coming out on April 15, 2006. I'm not sure if its Twilight Princess because it doesn't mention which Zelda game it is and the picture of the game box is different from the Twilight Princess box.

I remember seeing reservation slips for the game with that same date as well, though the ones I saw did have the correct boxart on it. It also said (Date subject to change), in small print. Maybe you missed that or something. ^^;

Also, Torchic23, its been known for some time that the game has been delayed until Quarter 2 of 2005, in order to add more levels, and dungeons, and "depth" to the game (Which has already been mentioned about three times so far in this single thread I believe -_-).


Hoenn Champion
I think that this game looks amazing and from what I have seen in the demo everything is open plan, is this true? It would be amazing if it was. It always anoyed me where there were walls all over the place and you were more or less lead where to go in the zelda 64 games. This will also add to the exploration of the game as well.
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