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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Smile Guy

Keep Smiling...
Welcome to my third attempt at trying to keep all the Twilight Princess info in one place. For your own benefit, of course. Try to support this post but I don't want any stupid !BUMPs! (Or have I just been hanging around IGN for too long?) Post any info you think you've got! Enjoy!

When an evil shadow stretches from the heart of Hyrule to its peaceful borderlands, a young farm boy named Link must awaken the hero within and stand tall in defense of his village. Lead Link and his beloved steed into battle against hordes of foul creatures with an incredible horseback combat system, then take on massive bosses that have to be seen to be believed. The last ray of hope for a dying realm, Link finds himself on an epic journey that will challenge him endlessly and transform him in ways unimaginable.

Link, a young man raised as a wrangler in a small, rural village, is ordered by the mayor to attend the Hyrule Summit. He sets off, oblivious to the dark fate that has descended upon the kingdom. When he enters the Twilight Realm that has covered Hyrule, he transforms into a wolf and is captured. A mysterious figure named Midna helps him break free, and with the aid of her magic, they set off to free the land from the shadows. Link must explore the vast land of Hyrule and uncover the mystery behind its plunge into darkness. As he does, he'll have to enlist the aid of friendly folk, solve puzzles and battle his way through dangerous dungeons. In the Twilight Realm, he’ll have to use his wolf abilities and Midna’s magic to bring light to the land. Besides his trusty sword and shield, Link will use his bow and arrows, fight while on horseback and use a wealth of other items, both new and old.

Twilight Princess Websites

That's all for now. Plenty more coming. Please support and give info generously!
Thats smoe new Info from what Ive heard, too bad they had to push it back to early next year. I wanna play it now.


Well-Known Member
Haku Of The Shell Bullet said:
Thats smoe new Info from what Ive heard, too bad they had to push it back to early next year. I wanna play it now.
I was under the impression that the Japanese release date was still for the holiday season, and that it was only our North American release date that was pushed back. Still, I'm with you; I'm dying to play this game, and we were so close X_x;

Solid Kirby

Back, I guess.
-Koumori- said:
I was under the impression that the Japanese release date was still for the holiday season, and that it was only our North American release date that was pushed back. Still, I'm with you; I'm dying to play this game, and we were so close X_x;
I don't beleive that the Revolution's coming out this christmas in Japan, sorry to say.

Yes, I know that TP will be on Gamecube, I simply heard somthing about there being two control options, one for GCN and one for Revolution. =/


Well-Known Member
Devil G said:
I don't beleive that the Revolution's coming out this christmas in Japan, sorry to say.

Yes, I know that TP will be on Gamecube, I simply heard somthing about there being two control options, one for GCN and one for Revolution. =/
XD No, I don't suppose it would be, unfortunately. Still, would the addition of a different control option really be the cause for a long, cruel delay? I'm pretty sure that Japan will still see this game before we do. RPGamer has these dates: Q4 2005 (JP), 2006 (NA)

IGN only shows the US Release date, which is apparently (Though I'm not getting my hopes up.) April 15th, 2006.

The lack of consistency bothers me >.>; Gamespot says Q2 2006 (NA), TBA 2006 (JP) and Q1 2006 (EU). If anyone has anything more solid then what I've posted, please don't hesitate to. I'm kinda curious now.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
I don't beleive that the Revolution's coming out this christmas in Japan, sorry to say.

Yes, I know that TP will be on Gamecube, I simply heard somthing about there being two control options, one for GCN and one for Revolution. =/
yeah I think the rumor started or was fueled after an interview with iwata at TGS 2005. I wonder if they would. I think they should but, according to reggie it will come out in april and if IGN is correct about thanksgiving 2006 being Revolution's launch here then I think it would be a little useless.
CN: The delay of "Twilight Princess" is because it could be launched for the Revolution system in 2006?
Reggie: The reason of the delay was because Miyamoto said he wants it to be the best Zelda ever, but it's a hard record to achieve, so he asked for more time. We will be launching it in April and will be for Gamecube.
CN: The launching dates of Zelda and the Revolution will be close?
Reggie: Revolution is a system with wich you will be able to play Zelda, because it's backwards compatible, but it's important to know that we will have this Zelda adventure for Gamecube.

CN: Have you played it?
Reggie: Yes, but not the final version, but some of the latest graphics and screenshots look awesome, I must say.

CN: Is there a great improvement between what showed at E3 and what you have seen?
Reggie: The screenshots are mostly the same, the important improvements have been on the story, bosses and areas.

Smile Guy

Keep Smiling...
Thanks Ghost Master for that info, more info coming onto the main post soon.