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The Legendary Pokemon


I'm gonna try to explain the induvidual-ness of the legends. And they are obtained.

;144; -These legends save trainers and explorers lost in the seafoam islands, the Cipher admin boss, must of stolen 1 of these and turned it into a shadow pokemon.
;145; -They create massive electric storms, powering the power plant. When they were all captured, 1 by Cipher boss admin. The power plant was then turned into a working plant, where they run the magnet train, but then the some more electric pokemon returned and a Zapdos and turned back to normal.
;146; -Once they lived in Victory road but recently reside on island 1, where again Cipher boss would off stolen one. This pokemon was also seen by gym leader Blaine. And inspired him to become a fire gym leader.
;150; -A cloned version of Mew in the Cinnabar lab, after being cloned the lab was destoyed. It is unkown of how many Mew's were cloned. There could be many but never appear at the same time, mabey because they are ashamed of not being original. But they would never appear at the same time. The only seem to appear in the Kanto region and mainly in the unknown.
;151; -This pokemon was cloned, to create Mewtwo. It was said to be the 1st ever Pokemon the farther of them all this would explain why it can learn every attack. There is only 1 of these pokemon located near the Hoen region, after its fossil was cloned, it escaped to far away island.

;243; -Raikou is the legend of thunder, these pokemon are scattered all around many regions. Mainly in the jhoto region, they have also been seightings of 1 in Kanto these seem to like Squirtle, also a Cipher admin must have caught one of these and turned it into a shadow pokemon.
;244; -Entei is the volcanic pokemon, they are also located in many places, mainly in Jhoto and again 1 in Kanto, they seem to like Bulbasaur and a Cipher admin must of stolen 1 and turned it into a shadow.
;245;Unlike the above 2, Suicune as an extra ability and there for more valuable, it can purify any water. It is again mainly located in Jhoto and 1 has been sighted in Kanto, it seems to like Charmander.
;249; -Lugia is a powerful legendary pokemon. They mainly resides in jhoto in the whirl islands. They have also been sightings around Navel rock, both the Kanto and the Hoen versions. This pokemon was taken by Cipher admin boss, and made into the ultimate shadow pokemon XD001.
;250; -This phionix pokemon always carries sacred ashes. It's powerful and they are located at the top of Tin tower, but only 1 appears at a time. It is also linked to the 3 legendary dogs. It lives in jhoto, but also the Kanto and Hoen Navel rock.
;251; -This pokemon can travel though time. There is only 1 of these pokemon but many can be seen at once because it's all the same one from different time periods. This pokemon is extremely rare and may have been inside the GS ball.

;377; -Regi being latin for king, makes these pokemon the rock kings. This pokemon is an element based pokemon, these pokemon are only found in the hoen region found underground it can only be found reading brail, and that is somehow connected with the pokemon Wailord and Renicanth, mabey because is a ancient pokemon.
;378; -These pokemon are known as the ice kings, the same as the above complies for this pokemon aswell.
;379; -These pokemon are known as the steel kings, the same as above complies with this pokemon.
;380; -This Eon pokemon is very intelegent and capible of knowing human laungauge, they are only female of this and is not as strong as its male counerpart. And they are only located in the Hoen region, never located in the same place, they are very rare and fly all over Hoen.
;381; -This Eon pokemon is also intelegent and stronger then its female counterpart, these pokemon are also very rare and only found in Hoen and also never found i the same place it flies all arouns Hoen.
;382; -These legends are extremly rare and never found together. They control the oceans in hoen and can create lighting and heavy rain also possible floods, it is rivals with all groudon. Again only found in Hoen, they can be anywhere underwater.
;383; -The Groudons are also extremely rare, and powerful, these control the lands across Hoen and is rivals with all kyogores. only in Hoen they are found anywhere above the sea and in lavar sometimes, it can create heavy drought causing many plant life to die.
;384; -This powerful pokemon can calm storms, they only live in sky pillar but only 1 will live there at a time, only located in Hoen, and it also can carm the enraged powers of both Kyogre and Groudon.
;385; -There is only 1 of these extremely rare pokemon, it can grant nearly any wish and has great power. they say it was first found in a metiroite and is found flotain around in people houses for fun.
;386; -There are unkown amounts of this pokemon, it can transform and can be very powerful. They were created when a laser beam hit a space Virus and spread into them. This pokemon lives somewhere between Kanto and Hoen, only 1 will appear there at a time on birth island.


I will do more later.
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Powerplay Champion
I like them... but the legendaries liking a starter... i understand that you're trying to explain how they came to be in the kanto region, but i like the explanations minus the starter explanation, it seems clearer and makes a bit more sense.

Dan CiTi

Well-Known Member
except for your spelling, good job.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
Yeah, great idea, you've so far done it quite well and it should be good when finished :) Couple of spelling issues but nothing major.

The DP ones might be a bit tricky though ;)


Ooh, maaaan!
If you ask me this was a pain to read. Ignoring the spelling errors for now (though I have to ask, why do so many people spell Groudon with an n in the middle?) your definitions, your explanations for each of the Pokémon was either copied out of the Pokédex and re-worded or you used information that was already widely-known or just plain obvious. Saying that Kyogre can be found anywhere underwater, it's a blimey fish, man!

Try using your own ideas, there are already dozens of sites where we can find legendary Pokédex flavour text. Be original, man, try to impress.
I agree with Raunchy Fad, I knew that already~

We know the reason as to why SOME of the legends are individual, but you didnt provide adequate reasons for lati@s which is something that people still discuss today.

Besides, it's mainly the DP pokemon that people are confused as to why they are needed~

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
If you ask me this was a pain to read. Ignoring the spelling errors for now (though I have to ask, why do so many people spell Groudon with an n in the middle?)
Because its related to "ground".

Ninetails (should be ales)
Is also common. I'd like a FAQ about those spelling mistakes..


Powerplay Champion
Yeah im gonna agree, isn't most of this in the serebii pokedex?
it would be nice if you came up with your own explanation of the legend..
I think different interpretations would be cool


Well-Known Member
Regi being latin for king, makes these pokemon the rock kings.

Actually, rex (gen: Regis) is Latin for king. Regi is the dative form of the word, making the exact translation of Regirock "Rock for the king". Same with Registeel.

Most of the stuff you posted about the legendaries are beyond crap. The legendary Beasts liking the Kanto starters? Kyogre appearing anywhere underwater in Hoenn?
Also, when posting the Bird stuff, you seem to have thought that the chronological order of R/G/B/Y, G/S/C and Fr/Lg was R/G/B/Y->G/S/C->Fr/Lg, while R/G/B/Y and Fr/Lg are at the same time.

Here are the stories behind the Pokémon that I like to beleive: (I put everything in spoilers so the post wouldn't be too large)

Live all across the globe, but because Articuno can't stand heat very well, they only live in cold places. Seafoam Island is a prime example for this. Multiple Articuno might have lived at Seafoam Island at one time. But because they are so powerfull, trainers went there to catch all of them. Beceause of them disturbing the Pokémon and waters there, strong currents appeared inside the cave. Most Articuno fled because of this, but one Articuno flew to a small island inside the cave, that was protected by the currents, to escape from the trainers, yet still remain at its home.
These Pokémon also appear in high, frosty mountains where they help lost adventurers.

Being an Electric Pokémon, this Pokémon is attracted by electricity. At one time, a Zapdos came across the Power Plant, when it was still functional. It thought the place was perfect and without thinking about the humans who worked there, it made it's nest at the far end of the Power Plant. When any human tried to come near, be it to capture Zapdos or to scare it away, was zapped untill they either died or were heavily injured. Soon, nobody dared to come near the Power Plant again and it became abandonned. This was when other Electric Pokémon, who were living nearby, made this their home. Over time, the Zapdos seems to have lost its timidness against humans and even allows them close enough to battle.

These Pokémon are the least timid around humans and even go close to them, but still remaining just out of their reach. The Moltres that lived inside Victory Road when it was still crowded with strong trainers shows this. The Moltres ontop of Mt. Ember on Knot Island, also known as One Island, also hasn't fled yet altough many trainers scaling the mountain. It hasn't even fled yet when a spa appeared at the foot of the mountain. And although some Moltres like to remain in one spot, most of them like to fly across the globe. That is why probably Mt. Ember isn't the home to one Moltres, but probably just a stop for many different Moltres.

A few scientists on Cinnabar Island wanted to clone Pokémon to make it possible for everybody to obtain every specie. Because they knew Mew's DNA contained the genetic coding of all Pokémon, they captured one and started experimenting with it. Their first result was a horribly altered and hideous Mew. After doing a few experiments with it, they found out that this Pokémon's DNA was different from Mew's, that it was stronger and that it was able to learn different attacks. Because of this they decided to classify their "Mew 2.0" as a different specie.
Like normal cloned animals, Mewtwo grew up alot faster than normal Pokémon. After a few months, it gained its complete strength and consiousness. It used his strength to break free from the scientists and burned down the entire laboratory in the process. Mewtwo became extremely timid of humans and hid away in the depths of the most difficult cave to get through.

Since ancient times, humans knew that Mew was able to be taught every TM and that he had alot in common with most Pokémon. That is why even the ancient tribes worshipped Mew as the first of all Pokémon.
Thinking it had godlike powers because of this, Mew were captured untill they no more could be found. They were even thought extinct untill a small colony of Mew was found in South America. Being afraid people would hunt them down to extinction again, the gouvernment kept it secret, only a few of the top people, like Oak and Fuji, knowing about them.

Since these Pokémon chase around lightningstorms to harvest their energy, it was once thought these Pokémon traveled ontop of these clouds and came down to earth together with lightningbolts.
A Raikou once chased down a lightningstorm into the Brass Tower. When a lightningbolt his the tower, it caught fire. Being to large to get through tiny spaces, this Pokémon was stuck at the basement and nearly died. The Ho-oh who guarded the tower made a deal with the Raikou, that Ho-oh would safe Raikou's life if Raikou stayed in the basement of the Brass Tower and would test if a trainer it came across was strong enough to be allowed to meet Ho-oh.

This Pokémon usually lives around hot places, like volcanos. Each Entei has its own volcano as its terratory and protects it against other Pokémon with equal strength with its live. Because only one Entei lives at each volcano, people thought in ancient times these Pokémon were together with the volcano they guard.
Once, the Entei of Mt. Silver caught other legendary Beasts in its terratory. It stalked the other Beasts untill Brass Tower. Just when Entei was about to attack them, a lightningbolt hit the tower. Portions collapsed, trapping Entei with the other two. One portion collapsed ontop of Entei, injuring him fatally. The Ho-oh who roosted ontop of that tower healed Entei back to full health, if Entei would test if a human would be worthy enough to meet Ho-oh.

These Pokémon travel across the world, helping people whenever they can. Unlike people would expect, this Pokémon doesn't seek out pure water, but rather polluted water. With its mussle, it is able to purify those waters to make them drinkable for humans again.
A Suicune also lived in Johto once. It was rarely seen, making it a mere legend. One of the legends surrounding it was that it expelled the Gyarados from the Lake of Rage, to make it safe for humans and to make it habitable for Magikarp.
It was also said this Pokémon was the direct helper of Ho-oh. When the lightning stroke the Brass Tower, Ho-oh ordered Suicune to go to the tower and help all Pokémon inside and to put out the fire with its powers. After the last flames went out, Ho-oh ordered Suicune to wait in the tower untill a strong trainer appears. Suicune should observe this trainer to see if he was worthy and finally battling him.

Lugia are very kind, yet timid Pokémon. They love to stay around humans, but their wings are so powerfull that the gusts created by flapping their wings could create major destruction. One Lugia found a high tower, high enough for it to keep enough distance from humans, yet close enough to civilication to please it. There was also another tower in the same city, where a Ho-oh had its nest. Although it was unclear what their exact relationship was, the Ho-oh and Lugia never enganged in a battle and never showed any hostile signs to eachother.
When the tower of the Ho-oh got struck by lightning, the Lugia was afraid that it was his doing and was afraid that if he stayed around any longer he would cause more damage. Although the Lugia didn't want to, he dove into the depth of the oceans and created whirlpools to keep humans away from its destructive strength. It is said that on stormy nights this Pokémon emerges again from the depths to see how its people are doing.

This Pokémon is said to be the most purehearted Pokémon of all. Although it tries to stay out of the paths of humans as much as possible, it will do what it can when a large thread appears that would disturb the peace and the rules of nature, like with the Shadow Pokémon incident. It is also said that each area has it's own protector Ho-oh. These areas could be incredibelly large, like the entire Kanto-Johto region or all Sevii Islands. Some Ho-oh also live quite a bit away from their areas, like the Ho-oh of Hoenn lives on an island in the sea.
This Pokémon seems to have close connection with Lugia, nearly always living in places where Lugia also live. If this is because Ho-oh feel connected to the Lugia like some sort of siblings or if they simply want to keep the Lugia in sight to prevent them from causing too much destruction is unknown.
The Ho-oh from Johto seems to be interacting with its tribe the most. Its tribe even worshipped it like a god and build a tower for both the Ho-oh and the Lugia it lived together with. The tower for Ho-oh was build to represent the sun, the tower of Lugia was build to represent the moon.
There are even speculations that the Ho-oh itself created the lightningbolt who caused its tower to catch fire, to recruit the legendary Beasts as its henchmen and so that they could keep an eye on the humans.

Although this Pokémon is able to time travel, it is not able to control it. Each Celebi also has its own forest and its own monument inside it, for it to protect. When a Celebi can't find its own forest in its own time, it travels through time to find a new one.
The monuments of the Celebi differ for each one. Some have an alter where they could be called upon any time it is needed, some have a mystical rock where they have stored a piece of their power in, so they won't be needed at all time.
Because this Pokémon only concerns itself with nature and never with humans, it is thought to be the purest Pokémon. It is also able to calm any enraged Pokémon simply by being looked at.
Most Celebi leave behind an item, with which they could be called upon anytime they are needed.

These Pokémon are said to have been created when a mysterious life force entered some rocks during the Stone Age. The rocks shaped together and became Regirock. The only thing about Regirock's body that hadn't are still keeping scientists confused are the red gems that are where his eyes are supposed to be. These gems are found nowhere in the world. It is therefore thought that these gems are living organisms that are the mysterious life forces that assembled the Regirock. Other forms of these gems also appear on Regice and Registeels body. Today, scientists think that the gems are indeed life forms who have evolved through time to be able to control the main mineral of that time.
Because the rocks aren't part of Regirock's body, but just pieces attached to it, any broken rock can easily be replaced by a different one.
During the war between Kyogre and Groudon, Regirock, Regice and Registeel protected the people of Hoenn from the two titans. After the war, the people became so frightened of the strength they have shown during the war, that they had been locked away in deep caves.

These Pokémon are said to have been created when a mysterious life force fused together with ice during the Ice Age. Instead of producing energy by burning, it produces energy by extracting heat from the air around it and converting it into energy. That is why Regice mentains his cold tempratures and is unable to melt.
Regice has weird yellow gems as on its head. These are still a mystery, because these gems are found nowhere in nature. It is thought that these gems are the life force behind the creation of Regice.
During the war between Kyogre and Groudon, Regirock, Regice and Registeel protected the people of Hoenn from the two titans. After the war, the people became so frightened of the strength they have shown during the war, that they had been locked away in deep caves.

These Pokémon are said to have been created when a mysterious life force combined with an extraterestial type of metal. Because this metal has appears nowhere on Earth, it is thought that the metal might have come from space. But because the life form of Registeel seems to be identical to that of Regirock and Regice, it is thought that Registeel itself comes from Earth. Because this steel seems to have hardened for millions of years, it is thought that Registeel might come from the future.
The gems on it are even more mysterious than the metal it is made of. Modern research has shown that these gems seem to contain more life than the rest of its body. It is therefore thought that the gems are either the brains of this Pokémon, or even the source of all life that inhabits its body.
During the war between Kyogre and Groudon, Regirock, Regice and Registeel protected the people of Hoenn from the two titans. After the war, the people became so frightened of the strength they have shown during the war, that they had been locked away in deep caves.

This Pokémon appears all around the globe at places where both many people and much water appears. Although this is Pokémon is not shy, she still appears very little to humans. Why this is, is unknown.
This Pokémon also seems to be able to read the emotions of humans. She will hardly ever appear to anyone who is angry or sad. Happy people are most likely to meet her. Although Latias is able to read emotions, she is not able to read minds or true intentions. This Pokémon seems to appear mostly to happy people because she is very playful.
This Pokémon is able to reflect light in such a manner, that it is able to change appearance.
This Pokémon has close genetical connections to Latios.

This Pokémon has been sighted about everywhere where there is both fresh water and civilication. This Pokémon seems to be more timid around humans and is constantly on his guard. Although this Pokémon is very strong, it prefers fleeing over fighting. This Pokémon is so fast, even a jet plane has a hard time keeping up with it.
This Pokémon has mastered the arts of telepathy. He uses it to see the emotions of somebody and to read their hearts and he also uses it to project images in that persons head so that he can escape.
Latios seems to have close genetical connections to Latias.

Kyogre is able to create heavy rainclouds out of thin air. The rain that falls from it is so much that it is even able to create giant flouds.
Seeing itself as the ruler of the oceans, it is willing to fight anything that endangers it. This was probably also the main reason why one Kyogre got into a war with a Groudon.
This Pokémon also seems to think he is obligated to expand the oceans, so that all ocean Pokémon have more terratory.
Kyogre seems to bow down to nothing, except for Rayquaza. Kyogre also seems to have peace with Lugia, who also is one of the mightiest beings of the ocean. This is probably because Lugia are peaceful and don't want to be rulers.
Few Kyogres exist, seeing as they hate competition and usually kill eachother. But there are multiple Kyogre in each great ocean of the world.

Groudon is able to evaporate all water around, making the entire sky clear and letting the sun shine with full heat on Earth, making the effect even stronger. The heat created by this process is enough to boil water.
Groudon is a very hostile Pokémon, especially to Water Pokémon. It will attack any without hesitation when it sees one. When Groudon finds one that is matches its strength, it uses its ability to evaporate the water the Water Pokémon is in.
This Pokémon seems to fear only Rayquaza, who is able to negate his special powers. This Pokémon also seems to accept Ho-oh as superior to it, seeing as Ho-oh is usually represented as the sun and Groudon gets his powers directly from the sun.
One Groudon once got in a major war with a Kyogre. The sudden changes in the coastlines were so great that if a Rayquaza hadn't stopped them they would have destroyed that entire region.
Many Groudon live deep under the Earth's crust.

Although this Pokémon is very rare, there would probably be one in your eyesight when you look up at the sky. But because this Pokémon lives extremely high in the sky, it is impossible for even the best eye to see this Pokémon without a telescope from the ground.
This Pokémon can't stand heat or rain and therefore has developed the ability to return any weather back to normal. Rayquaza also use this ability to return any chaotic weather back to normal. This is probably because Rayquaza wants the world to be quiet and balanced.
When a Kyogre and a Groudon started a weather war agaist eachother in the current Hoenn region, a Rayquaza senced the sudden disturbances in the weather there and flew down to return the weather to normal. As the weather returned to normal and Rayquaza went to Kyogre and Groudon, they calmed down and went into an age long rest. Rayquaza become exhausted from this action. He went to the highest place of the region and went to rest to restore his powers.

Although Snorlax and Slaking are known for their lazyness, this Pokémon is even worse. Jirachi sleeps for 1000 years, from which he will only awake for seven days when somebody sings to it in a voice of purity.
During these seven days, Jirachi has the urge to grant any wish it desires. It is able to break every physical law when granting them, no wish is too great for him. After these seven days, Jirachi goes back to sleep.
When sleeping, Jirachi covers himself in an indestructable shell.
Because the Earth's crust changes during these 1000 years, this Pokémon usually lies underground. When it wakes up after 1000 years underground, it can't do anything except waiting one week untill it goes back to sleep.

This Pokémon was created when a space virus got hit by a laser beam and mutated. The possibility is high that that laser beam hit multiple virus's and that multiple Deoxys exist. Some people even go as far as saying that an entire planet filled with Deoxys exists. But here on earth, only a few have been found.

Remember that about 75% of this text is made up by me. So this isn't canon. But I do think that this is very possible.
What do you mean 'Kanto and Hoenn Navel Rock'? There is only one Naval Rock. But apart from your apauling spelling errors, Smilie abuse and your horrible insults of other peoples mothers I can see nothing wrong.


Nice bit of information jellsprout. You got it from a site or you just did it with what you remember.
Septone will you PLEASE stop insulting people? Please?


like your mum, and she was bad

Lol at getting aggresive over Pokemon.

Your spelling and grammar errors are horrific imho, some Pokemon have an ok bit of text while others have a few sentences at best. Also, the information is pretty bland as there's nothing of personal opinion in at and it's all information most of us knew anyway.
Just re read it. It is complete bullturd. I could make up better stuff than this! And I am not very creative.