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The Life Keepers

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Wario = PWN
This comic is my newest creation.
This is technically a join in comic but only if you do these two things...
1.You must have a megaman style version of your author sprite (Megaman games 7 or above style So it can be X, Zero, or 7/8)
2.It must be a well made edit... no recolors...
3.Be sure to make up a spell that your character is known for
4.If I don't think it looks good don't complain.

let's start

The episodes:
Intro: The tale of Authors beggining
Episode 1: The chase
Episode 2: Few enemies, Much energy
Episode 3: Broken Pods
Episode 4: TOK? or DGG?
Episode 5: DGG's thoughts
Episode 6: DGG's realm attacked
Episode 7: Pain at its greatest
Episode 8: Mastercougar to the rescue
Episode 9: The Sponge Story
Episode 10: Davis to the rescue
Episode 11: Kroko the maniacal philosopher
Episode 12: Desperadowned!
Episode 13: The WHAT heard around the world
Episode 14: Sponge says no
Episode 15: Bluerays deadly mistake
Episode 16: As a mind turns
Episode 17: The realm of the unkown
Episode 18: No hand McGee!
Episode 19: Mastercougar and the Witch
Episode 20: Shelshock sheild!

That's alll their is for now...

Spell list
Telekinetic Spells:
Rakashi De Sotu

Electrical Spells:
Koyuhi Harithu
Rahkan Meitos

Darkness Spells:
Retyui Huhgunof
Rejik Huhgunof

Speed Spells:
Herkaton Ranehs

Ice spells:
Rahkan Meitos

What happens when blueray doesn't listen/ By: Pokefan26

Blueray by Me
Sponge Monkeyz by Sponge Monkeyz
Devil Guardian Ganon by Cheebee
Davis by Davis pokemon master
Damien the duck by Damien the duck
Kroko by kroko
The peoples sprites
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The Sponge

Wow!! This Awsome!! Please Make Another Real Soon!..I Hope More People Join, DGG Probably Will..If He Had a Megaman Sprite Thingee


Wario = PWN
Sponge_Monkeyz said:
Wow!! This Awsome!! Please Make Another Real Soon!..I Hope More People Join, DGG Probably Will..If He Had a Megaman Sprite Thingee

Actually DGG's sprite is megaman 8 style!
So he wouldn't have to do anything to join...
(Please join DGG)
Dude, I gotta make more of my MMZ sheet.
Awesome sofar.
Interesting, puts a new spin on author's.

Plus more incentive for me to finish my spritesheet :D


Wario = PWN


Great comic, very cool spells.
Make a few more please...


Soon someone is going to copy Blueray's power list.

Anyway great new comic BR :D


Wario = PWN
Ok, this is AWSOME! Is this your first serious comic? Its the only action comic of yours I can think of.

I have a few sprites in that style, but not enough th make a sheet with. I'll send them to ya when I'm done.


Wario = PWN
Damian the Duck said:
Ok, this is AWSOME! Is this your first serious comic? Its the only action comic of yours I can think of.

I have a few sprites in that style, but not enough th make a sheet with. I'll send them to ya when I'm done.

If they're well made I'll use them!
I'll just make new poses if I need them!
(Be sure to include a custom spell)
And yes this is my first serious comic (Humor will be scattered through it though)


great update. So will the story be told in the next episode?


Wario = PWN
Beco said:
great update. So will the story be told in the next episode?

DGG doesn't know what happened to everyone but he's gonna give a jist of what he knows and what happened to him and his "Team member" (a.k.a. the another author he found)
The problem is that they are saved at my grandma's. I guess I could make a rough copy of it you could use intill I can get there to upload the real ones. Do you know where I can get some Megaman sprites since the Spriters Resource has closed down?
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