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The Lillycove Chronicles By Chaka27 (advanceshipping & gymshipping)

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Here is the next chappy^^................

CHAPTER 10-Blizzard

“What the Hell?!” Ash hollered as he walked in after May.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Kelly tried to explain.

“So you’re NOT getting laid by my rival?!” May Smirked


The next morning Ash and May woke up extra early. After all, it was Christmas. And after all the presents were opened Ash and May gave each other their Presents.

“Wow Thanks!” they said in unison as they saw their gifts. May get the Emerald Heart necklace Ash bought her. Ash got a Photo Album made of gold full of pictures of their journey though Hoenn.

“Thanks Ash, this is way better than then my gift.” May said.

“No way, THIS is greater than an-HEY this is from last night!’ Ash gasped as he saw a picture of their kiss last night.

“Now how did THAT get in there?” Max smirked.

“Max……………” May said scaring him “THANKS SO MUCH!!!” she cheered causing everyone else besides Ash to facefault. “Now I’ve got the best moment of my life on camera!” May grinned as she and Ash started to make out.


Meanwhile Delia was busy thanking Archie for giving her an Articuno……………in bed (no she doesn’t get pregnant).


May was sitting buy the window of the house looking outside as Ash shoveled snow in the pathway.

“The snow is getting so deep, I hope Ash is okay.” May sighed as Ash kept on shoveling snow.

Later on Ash had given up with the snow and came inside to sit by the fire when May joined him.

“You okay cutie?” May said as she and Ash cuddled up by the fire.

“Yep,” Ash said “I wonder where I’ll go after the holidays.” Ash said to May.

“How about the Orre Reigon?” May suggested.

Nah, how about I take on the Elite 4?” He replied.

“No but we’ll think of something. And whatever you do I’ll be beside you always.” May decided.


Shelly was tossing and turning in bed that night…………when she woke up the symbol of Kyogre was all over her body……

“No!” she gasped “Regina is coming!”


“Regina, the Hurricane of Ice. This isn’t an ordinary storm.” Archie explained to all the people in front of him who were staying at the manor. They were the Gym Leaders and Professor’s from all the regions along with many other important people. They were here to stay while the storm was coming. “It’s a storm that doesn’t come often but has come before. Only when called upon using the Mask of Ice. Maxie and Giovanni are not responsible for this act. It is a man named....Tabitha, of Team Magma. He wants to expand the land like the rest of his team but HE wants to cover the Ocean’s in Ice. Also he killed Maxie.” Archie finished.

“NO DAD!” Hank sobbed.

“For the fifth time HE ISNT YOUR FRIGGIN DAD!!!” Courtney roared.

“Oh yeah…” Hank sweatdropped.

Meanwhile Oak was telling Delia his feelings about her while holding her hands like Brock used to do. “Delia……I love you!” the professor confessed.

“Oh Sam, That must be the………BIGGEST PIECE OF SH*T I EVER HEARD!!!” Delia cried “SCREW YOU PERVERT!!!” She hollered as she slapped him and kicked him in the....private. And Archie stuffed him in a closet.

“I really feel the love here.” Ash said sarcastically.


well how was it??? R+R^^.


pokemon master
yea your lenght was like beeb (sorry for the bad languege)
anyway it was really funny keep it up!(not the length though)


okay it wasnt my longest chappy but I swear like 5 times a day Maxphi5 (along with everyone else in my school^^) so dont worry....no I dont like Oak^^.


pokemon master
[SPOIL]me too you know[/SPOIL](did that because I didn't want my sister to know)

anyway when do you think that you are going to post that next chappy?

I know that you just posted it a while ago and all that [SPOIL]****[/SPOIL]
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pokemon master
what?!?!?!?!?! Satuday!?!?!?!?!

that's soo long it's like in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm Very inpatient...........XD!)


Well actually ill be typing most of it on friday because saurday at 2 i go to vist my family and sunday is cristmas and then ill be in New york for 4 days but ill try to bring my USB with the story on it to New York with me^^.


pokemon master
YAY! so now we maybe won't have to wait 4 more days until we get chappy#12!


Hey, I'm really sorry about your pictures. I have them done, I swear on it! I just haven't been to a scanner, it's been really snowy and icy lately, and as I said before, my aunt lives over an hour away. I'm visiting them on Christmas Eve, maybe I can scan them then. anyways, yourstory ispretty good. Still rushed and slightley short. But, overall I like it.

BTW, I love this quote here:

“I really feel the love here.” Ash said sarcastically.

^_^ Anyways, keep up the great work!


holy forking...fork.
Your writing is getting better, mister
exciting like whoa dang chapter though
What the fork is up with Delia? She gets on my nerves. Geez.
I'm very sad about no more gymshipping
you so have to write me special gymshipping one of these days

anyway, I hope your writer's block is murdered brutally
I had writer's block (ha ha I almost typed "writer's brock") once
and I haven't written anything in two years. oops.
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pokemon master
oh yeah?
I got a gamecube super pack with pokemon xd but you beat me for everything else and sorry that I didn't post for awile^^
and when the hell is the next chappy!?!?!?!?!


Yes mine came with XD to but I bought Harvest Moo:Another Wonderful Life, Coloseum and The Sims Urbz^^. Also I have NOT started the next chappy but I will get it done by January (I hope^^), I was on vacation scine the 24 (I do have a life you know^^).
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