Pink Parka Girl said:
Apologies again for disagreeing, but that comment especially really made me kinda mad
*holds up hands*
First off, before I say anything else, I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with people disagreeing with me. Shocker, I know, but I’m not the sort of person who forces their beliefs onto other people, and despite what my sig may say, I don’t think everything I say is 100% right or that I should be worshiped.
I may be a reviewer, but that doesn’t mean people can’t disagree with me and tell me I’m wrong. I can’t only give my opinions, of course, as a reviewer I have to be unbiased and all, so though a lot of what I say is only an opinion, I do state facts. But I try not to make people think that my opinions are facts.
I’m sorry to have angered you with my review, though. I’m not a profession reviewer, and poetry is certainly not my forte, so I most certainly can be wrong in many of my points.
Pink Parka Girl said:
Apologies for disagreeing here, Psychic, but freeform isn't better, either.
No worries, and no offences took.
But I never said freeform was better. I just think – and so do most people – that it is easier than forcing a rhyme upon the poem. It takes more effort, but it doesn’t take anything away from a poem.
Pink Parka Girl said:
>.> Poetry eliteism either way is frigging annoying to me. In the creative writing class I took in my first semester of college, where everyone else was writing freeform poetry, I tried to write rhyming poetry. I got flamed, slammed, and flat out told my work sucks by my classmates because they were "traditional styled poems."
I learned exactly about this the day before I read the poem. I’m in a sort of after-school-during-school Literary…Writing…thing, and the teacher in charge of it was saying just that. Nowadays rhyming is frowned upon and all that, can’t remember the exact reasons given, I’m afraid, but I know what you’re talking about.
This ‘eliteism’, however, is something I don’t really know. But then again, I’ve never been an active poet, or a poet of any kind. I can only review fan poetry because I’ve learned how to review fanfiction.
Might not be exactly the same, or similar at all, but I’m not an idiot. I do have SOME idea what I’m talking about, as I am not a newbie to this forum, or to reviewing. Two years. Count them. Two years here. Might not sound like a lot, but you’d be surprised how much one can learn.
Pink Parka Girl said:
The author here shouldn't be given a hard time just because she decided to use rhyme. In fact, in defense, rhyming poetry is harder for me, at least, to pull off than freeform poetry, because there's a structure to follow, and because it's hard to come up with rhymes that don't turn out to be clunkers (for example: "I had a bonny girlfriend, She's one I used to love. Her skin was oh so pale, as pale as a dove.").
Who should be offended here? Really, you just repeated what I said, but disagreed. Maybe I was unclear, but I meant that I prefer to avoid rhyming because it’s harder than freeform in more ways than one.
And I don’t want to give anyone a hard time. I can be harsh and blunt, yes, but I’m not out to make others feel bad just to boost my own self-esteem.
I am not that kind of person.
Pink Parka Girl said:
Who cares that she didn't talk about Articuno's magesty and used rhyme? Maybe that wasn't the point of the work.

Maybe it was just
supposed to be fluffy and cute - that was the whole point of the rhyming Pokemon Alphabet Poem I posted here not too long ago, and *Silver Pheonix-Dragon* could have the same idea
I’m not forcing anyone to change their work to my own desires. If she doesn’t want to talk about one thing, than that’s fine by me. I’m not one of those n00b reviewers who demand that “u gotta putt in an flygone in to ur storee! THAT WIL MAEK IT S0000 MCH BETERR!”
If she wants it to be cute, that’s perfectly fine. Nobody ever said every poem has to be deep and descriptive and all that. It was a suggestion. That’s what reviewers
do. Suggest ways to help the author.
And in the cases where writers don’t want help, well, that’s their own problem.
Even if they can get banned for it.
Pink Parka Girl said:
I'll go tell Dr. Seuss, one of the great masters of rhyme. Oh, and TS Elliot, Dylan Thomas, and a great deal more of the talented "artsy poets" out there who have written poems that rhyme. -_- I'll even tell Shakespere himself.
You know, I’m not putting down every person who has rhymed.
I was probably unclear, so I’ll rephrase:
The way I see it, making a poem rhyme doesn’t add much to it. It doesn’t improve the quality.
Of course, if it rhymes there was clearly a lot more thought and effort put into it. I do find that impressive, I won’t lie.
And truth be told, though Seuss has always…well, I never really liked his works. And I haven’t read much TS Elliot (though maybe a poem or two, I’m not sure) and I don’t think I've ever heard of Dylan Thomas.
But I adore Shakespeare.
If I didn’t adore him, I wouldn’t be dressing in all rags and putting on fake boils and gross stuff for my upcoming role in Macbeth.
Isn’t it fitting that I play the ‘head’ witch?
*Silver Pheonix-Dragon* said:
I do thank you for the criticism.
I do thank
you for have any form of appreciation for it.
And no, that is
not sarcasm- too many reviews have gone ignored, flamed, bashed, or generally thrown back in my face. It can be quite frustrating.
*Silver Pheonix-Dragon* said:
several things you said have troubled me. For this poem, you wanted a beautiful discription of Articuno;however, this is my thread, and my way of poetry is different.
No, that isn’t what I wanted. Everyone is misinterpreting. Allow me to quote myself:
myself said:
And yet, Articuno is so beautiful! How can you not describe it's grace and elegance, the way its icy feathers gleam in the early morning sun?
I see no harm in doing so.
I am in no way demanding to see a physical description of Articuno. I am merely suggesting that describing it would do no harm, and in fact, it could greatly benefit the poem.
Strong visualization is always nice in poetry,
If you don’t want to do what I say, I have no objections. Other than the ‘it could help’ objection, that is. I understand that it isn’t my poem. Why else would I have told that kid off? I’ve been here long enough, and I understand that people can be protective and defensive over their stuff.
Besides, that’s how I am. It’s the way I am, programmed into my personality. Honestly, when my friend bunnied my RPG character, I exploded at him. We were in a fight for a week. And I’m still mad at him because he doesn’t understand the fact that my characters are my
babies, and I hate it when they are taken away from me.
If you can stand up for yourself and tell people ‘no’, then I respect you. That is exactly what you should be doing, and that’s what I always tell people.
I’m not as blind as you think.
*Silver Pheonix-Dragon* said:
Plus, many people see the beauty of the wonderful poke.
I don’t quite know what you mean here, but I assume it’s along the lines of ‘everyone knows about its beauty, I don’t need to remind them’. If such is the case, then you should look around the forum more. Because even though we know ‘Yeah, Spinarak is green and looks like a spider’ there’s no harm in reminding the readers. Plus a lot of people may forget about that is only has six legs which are striped yellow and black, or about the white horn on its head or its red pincers. Plus you can set a mood through description, not just of surroundings or the weather, but of Pokémon. Spinarak can be described as some trainer’s most loyal Pokémon, as a sweet and friendly little thing or a gross ugly monster that you would never want to run into.
Just a little fyi. *winks*
*Silver Pheonix-Dragon* said:
I resticted myself 4 stanzas for this poem ONLY, and I wished to wrtite about a specific subject, which i will reveal after i write a peom for Zapdos and Moltres respectively.
Fine, that’s your decision, and you have a right to it.
But may I be so bold as to point out that the poem only has
three stanzas?
*Silver Pheonix-Dragon* said:
I understand that i must put a certain beat to a poem, thus I thank you again. Poems either have hyming or do not. i chose rhyming for this particular poem, for I let the "rhythm" flow through me as I wrote it.
I know you’re being honest about that last part, and I respect you for saying it, but either way, that’s just a really corny, cheesy and even cliché line.
*laughs dryly* Not that I’m not guilty of using clichés or anything. But that one…I’m sorry, it just made me giggle.
I’m sorry, but you should know that it’s the truth.
Anyways, your poem, your style, your ideas. Nobody is going to force you to change, and whoever does should be ashamed of themselves.
*Silver Pheonix-Dragon* said:
I do not like how they let Ash see every legendary every f*** time in the anime, so I stick with what i know.
I wholeheartedly agree.
But everyone knows the cannon is extremely fu- er, messed up. And a lot of people, including me, got really angry with the whole Articuno being ‘owned’ thing.
And yes, apparently in the non-dubbed version, that Frontier dude actually owned Articuno.
The cannon has gone to waste, and Ash has become the luckiest trainer alive. He’s seen just about every Legendary, he has stalkers that bug him at least once a day (Team Rocket DO stalk him) and just generally…argh.
On a closing note, I had started writing this reply awhile ago, but was only motivated to finish it upon receiving your PM.
I guess this means that though my review is appreciated, you won’t be changing anytime soon. *not sure what to make of this* You have your own style, you know exactly what you’re doing, and it isn’t as if it’s horrible. I can respect that. I
do respect it. But nobody ever said that listening and considering what your reviews say is going to kill you.
*shrugs* I’ll stay updated, and I await the poem you’ll turn up with next.