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The male or Female Snorlax ?

Ze DreamGirl

Future Vaporeon
I caught the two sorlaxes in Leaf Green..one is male and one female I wonder wich one to train because the two seems good to me...

Snorlax male
Hp 15
Att 28
Def 22
Spe Att 25
Spe Def 28
Speed 8

Snorlax female
Hp 22
Att 30
Def 8
Spe Att 23
Spe def 22
Speed 15

both have the ability wich prevents poisoning...

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
The female one would make a better Curselax than the male one so train the male and keep the female for later.


Well-Known Member
The Careful one is best since the nature raises Special Defense, and it's one of the best natures for a Snorlax.


Well-Known Member
The female one would make a better Curselax than the male one so train the male and keep the female for later.

It won't have Curse because it was fresh caught in LG, the move is obtained by breeding with Slowpoke.
Female one, Careful nature is so much better than Docile nature


ooo, what's cooking?
hm, if ur not satisfied with either,breed them, i mean ur lucky, male and female...
Female, It has a good attack iv and the careful nature boosts her excellent sp def. It'll make a good tank, imho.


Umbreon Master
Female cuz snorlax doesn't need special stats. Hyper beam is the best!

Quantum Toast

Well-Known Member
hm, if ur not satisfied with either,breed them, i mean ur lucky, male and female...
Yeah, that'd be my suggestion too. I deliberately made sure that mine were different genders.

8 and 22 seems like a weirdly big difference in Defense... is that a typo?
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Quantum Toast

Well-Known Member
It just seems odd to me that two pokemon of the same species and (presumably) both still at level 30 would have such a big difference in a stat... I'll check my snorlaxes, and see what they've got...


Oh, wait, they're IVs, not the actual stats. Didn't see that bit. Never mind. (Should've been suspicious from how low they were...)
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pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
It won't have Curse because it was fresh caught in LG, the move is obtained by breeding with Slowpoke.

I just realised that. D'oh!


so adorable...
Female cuz snorlax doesn't need special stats. Hyper beam is the best!

snorlax is a special wall. so yes it does. second hyper isnt the best at all.return over two turn wins over hyper beam over one turn.

and if you want some snorlax sets here you go.

-shadow ball

-sleep talk

-belly drum
-shadow ball

-belly drum


The new tuxedo look!
Female FTW.