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The Mandarin island Miss-Match! (101)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Mandarin Island Miss-Match!

Arriving on Mandarin Island, Ash & Co. search off to find Prima, a member of the Eltie Four. Once found Ash learns he has a lot to learn about Pokémon. Can Prima teach him what he needs to know?

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AWESOME EPISODE. I'm suprised nobody has replied to this, seeing as how it has Prima in it. 'Course, the *real* reason I like this episode is because of Nathan and his Persian. Yes, I'm aware that the trainer with the Thunderbolting Persian wasn't given a name (Unless he had on in the Japanese version. Anyway care to help?) but since I think he's great, I gave him a name.

I mean, I can hardly call him 'Thunderbolting Persian Guy' can I? Anyway, Nathan aside, it also had Ash getting a very important lesson from Prima and her Cloyster.

Actually, going back to Nathan, I noticed that a boy in the Stadium Crowd has the same shirt has him. So either he's a trend setter, so there is a shop on the Island that sells them. ^_^o


So hot he's on fire.
Rawr. :D All I remember thinking when I saw this was 'Uhhh.......Prima's got quite the rack.'

I need to rewatch it. But I do remember the Cloyster! It was cute. :3

Crystal Latios

Yes, you are right, sweetie. I like this huge fight between Lorelei and Ash. I bet, Cloyster wasn`t her the best pokemon, but probably it had a level 56, like in game (ok ok, I know, levels don`t exist in anime, but you know... I just wanna say, it was much stronger than Pikachu).
Its weird, Lorelei is so attractive and she lives alone o_O She should find a BF^^

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
The first thing I noticed on Prima, were the mountains. The only person with bigger breasts in the series was James but those were fake (at least hope they're fake).

We got to see what an Elite was capable of and Ash got flattened. However, Prima (should Lorelei you idiot dubbers) just seemed out of it in this episode. Unless in battle, she wasn't there man.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
I've said it before and I may very well say it again - Prima's got a rack that could stop a clock. I was totally blown away by the fact that this didn't make the Banned Episodes list - there are so many shots of Prima's chest, and even the familiar "pan up from the feet to the head" thing zooms right by her entire lower body, then slows down when it hits her endowments.

BTW, Prima is the only female character on "Pokémon" I've ever found attractive - probably has something to do with the fact that her hair is fairly normal.


I loved this episode but it could have been better if Ash wasn't so stuck up at the time. I loved Prima's character though. They should give Ash and her another chance at battling again without so much tension.

Crystal Latios

Honestly, its weird, this episode wasn`t banned. Lorelei has so big...you know :p
I belived, they can`t show in "Pokemon" so "evil" things :p She is a good-looking woman.


This was such a good episode. But every so often, Prima's...boobs kind of set me off. But even more so, this episode wasn't banned! I'm glad it wasn't, but I think that people would have something to complain about Prima having a Jynx. But then again it was for only a few seconds, and I've seen some episodes like that. And I'm surprised that any conservative group hasn't gotten on the case of Prima having big boobs. I'm sorry to say it, but there's no way you can miss them!
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I thought that this was an interesting episode. Misty was officially Prima/Lorelei's fan which was funny. Prima sure taught Ash something important thought. 8.7/10

Squeaky Yugi

Bring on the Metapod
Jesse GS the II said:
I've said it before and I may very well say it again - Prima's got a rack that could stop a clock. I was totally blown away by the fact that this didn't make the Banned Episodes list - there are so many shots of Prima's chest, and even the familiar "pan up from the feet to the head" thing zooms right by her entire lower body, then slows down when it hits her endowments

Hmm, even though Pikachu was pounded into the ground, they mention Ash's "Victory" over Prima in the next epidoe. I just figured out what they meant


Team Awesome
You know, I can never think about this episode without thinking of Prima and her torpedo... ah, this is a family forum, so I won't say it. Honestly, how can you even remember her face? The first thing I ever think about her is her... you know. And I'm straight. Speaking of which, I always get a chuckle over the scene where Tracy and Misty are adoring her, and it's *Misty* who's looking at her... you know. ;)

In non-anatomical news, I like that this is the episode where Ash learns that his pokemon fight for him. It was a pretty important point that probably gets overlooked, considering it's the Tracey season and, well, then there's Prima. Ash is also pretty funny when he's demanding fights. That was something that was so hilarious about him in the old days. :)


wobbanut said:
You know, I can never think about this episode without thinking of Prima and her torpedo... ah, this is a family forum, so I won't say it. Honestly, how can you even remember her face? The first thing I ever think about her is her... you know. And I'm straight. Speaking of which, I always get a chuckle over the scene where Tracy and Misty are adoring her, and it's *Misty* who's looking at her... you know. ;)

In non-anatomical news, I like that this is the episode where Ash learns that his pokemon fight for him. It was a pretty important point that probably gets overlooked, considering it's the Tracey season and, well, then there's Prima. Ash is also pretty funny when he's demanding fights. That was something that was so hilarious about him in the old days. :)

I have the episode of DVD, and have taken a picture of THE scene, and it's pretty obvious (Maybe not as obvious as Misty looking, but...) that Tracey is also starting at Prima's... BREASTS. You shouldn't be worried about saying such a word, you know, considering that every girl has them. XD (Hence why I think getting rid of May's breasts in the Anime manga was stupid. I mean, kids walk down the street everyday and see them.) Sadly, even though Prima practically THRUSTS them into his face, (As well as giving the seagulls a good luck when she lent over the railing to look at the sea.) Ash doesn't really seem interested. :3

Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it before, I believe that the shirt that Nathan (The guy with the Persian and Tauros... I named him. XD) was wearing is some sort of fashionable shirt, because I noticed that a kid in the Stadium audience was wearing one.


well considering may was supposed to be 10 and it doesnt look very good if she has breasts at that age does it. it would just encourages peodos


Team Awesome
Alfonso said:
I have the episode of DVD, and have taken a picture of THE scene, and it's pretty obvious (Maybe not as obvious as Misty looking, but...) that Tracey is also starting at Prima's... BREASTS. You shouldn't be worried about saying such a word, you know, considering that every girl has them. XD (Hence why I think getting rid of May's breasts in the Anime manga was stupid. I mean, kids walk down the street everyday and see them.) Sadly, even though Prima practically THRUSTS them into his face, (As well as giving the seagulls a good luck when she lent over the railing to look at the sea.) Ash doesn't really seem interested. :3

Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it before, I believe that the shirt that Nathan (The guy with the Persian and Tauros... I named him. XD) was wearing is some sort of fashionable shirt, because I noticed that a kid in the Stadium audience was wearing one.

Actually, when I think of THOSE, I think of the related B-word (which rhymes with tubes), not breasts, which I don't feel comfortable saying here. ;) I'll have to double-check that scene again, but I always think Tracey's looking at her more in the face.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I'm sorry I brought up the boobs. They seem to be the driving force of this thread now.