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The MapleStory Club! (Psi Approved)

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Welcome one and all to:

The MapleStory Club!

Approved by the one and only PsiUmbreon!

This club is for people who like, and play the game MapleStory!

Sites for each MapleStory

Maple Global (must view in IE)

Maple S.E.A(South East Asia)

Maple Story Korea(must view in IE)

Maple Story Japan

Maple Story China

Maple Story Taiwan


1.No Swearing or Bashing or break any Serebii rule.
2.NO bumping this club if it's empty for 30 days. I don't want this club to be closed again.
3. Have fun!

Note: Not taking any co-owners. Sorry!

Name on MapleStory:
Server(i.e Bera, Scania):
Game(i.e MapleGlobal, Maple S.E.A):

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