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The March of the Exeggutor Squad! (043)


Charmander master!
This was one of my favorite episode, back in the day. Since charmander is my favorite pokemon of all, it was a sad day for me when it evolved. However, I thought it was a good way to show that Ash needed experiance as a trainer, since his pokemon wouldn't listen to him.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Despite Exeggutor being one of my favorite, yet unloved 1st Gens (tied with Parasect, Hypno) I actually think this is the worse Kanto Episode. Or atleast the most uninteresting and forgettable one. They need to give Exeggcute and Exeggutor a new episode stat.

In fact, for quite awhile, I had no idea when Charmander evolved since I've seen this episode like twice my entire life and Cartoon Network didn't air this due to it falling in that Fox->WB transitional season I believe.


Well-Known Member
Uninteresting and forgettable yes, but The Problem With Paras is by far the worst.


In my nightmares
Misty looked really cute. This episode was pretty boring except for the fact that Charmander evolved. Oh and the magician guy really ticked me off. His dub voice was so annoying.
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ah the episode where charmander evolved into charmeleon, it is good progress but it was also kinda sad to see him go.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
I didn't like what happened with Charmander in this episode, one minute it's a friendly Pokemon, then as soon as it evolves its personality suddenly changes, i find that really weird.


Well-Known Member
Funny episode, but i dint liked that magican guy...he was a bit greedy..
i loved it when Charmander evolves into Charmeleon at the end and start to attack Ash


It's very unusual how Melvin the unexperienced magician went to a spell and controlling the Exeggutor. But I liked the way he shows some effort and good determination on working his magic to perfect it because he wants to be a magician and succeed on it. That's what a trainer is all about: Accomplishing special dreams!


Well-Known Member
I watched this episode recently and something occurred to me when I was done. The writers really didn't give two cents about Brock, did they? Ash has Charmander struggling to burn down a horde of Exeggutors and Melvin has to jump in with his *stick* to help.

Which begs the question: Why didn't Brock just sent out Vulpix? He really was a lazy bum who did nothing back then... not even to help save Exeggutors from getting blown up...


hysterical fan
charmander going charmeleon, one of the badest thing of the Indigo league.

The episode was quite funny, i love magic.


Silence is Purple
This episode was one of my pass it on and let it go type of episodes.
Chamander evolved into Charmeleon "okay" then it stops listening and attacks on it's own.
I don't get why it's called "March of the Exeguator squad" though.
But still Charmander was cute until it evolved.
I like Charmeleon just not Ash's Charmeleon.


Yeah, ok!
I watched this episode recently and something occurred to me when I was done. The writers really didn't give two cents about Brock, did they? Ash has Charmander struggling to burn down a horde of Exeggutors and Melvin has to jump in with his *stick* to help.

Which begs the question: Why didn't Brock just sent out Vulpix? He really was a lazy bum who did nothing back then... not even to help save Exeggutors from getting blown up...

Haha, I never realized that but you're right.

Vulpix really SHOULD have been used here to help out. Wow, poor Vulpix got so little screentime.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
Ash trying to do magic was quite funny.

He made a better job of it than Melvin.


I loved it in the end when Charmander evolved into Charmeleon and Ash tried to hug it and got burned. XD Classic moment in the history of pokemon. The Exeggutor could have been portrayed more in battle in my opinion.

Shadow XD001

Well-Known Member
Yay! Charmander evolved! Too bad it doesn't want to listen to Ash.(at the time) Charmeleon still is cool, though.


Next Pokemon Master
This was not one of my favourite episode but it was alright because Charmander(;004;) evolved. But I thought Exeggcute(;102;) needed a leaf stone to evolve?:confused:

When the magician got fired I felt sorry for him, but when he got greedy I started to hate him.


Charmeleon was so strong, too bad it doesn't obey to Ash..

And Melvin was little strange...8/10