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The Metroid Fan Club

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Better then you
(approved by PsiUmbreon)

Welcome to the Metroid club! This is a club where you can talk about the whole line of Metroid games.

Now first things first the rules

1-no bashing other members or the games
2-only talk about Metroid and Metroid based things
3-no swearing
4-all of the forum rules apply here

I still need 1 co-owner. (w00tness 2 pages already)

members list

owner-Zapdos Breeder
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Better then you
O.....K? If anyone else would like to join that would be nice. Also I need a banner for this club.


Lady Myuu's Opposite
w00ty! The Metroid club, REBORN! Me join.

I have played all games on GBA and the first Prime on GC.


Lady Myuu's Opposite
Why not. I accept the title.


Better then you
Alright a new member or two and we can start the first topic. For now we can talk about what we like and dislike. What I like about these games are the different arm cannons. And for what I dislike I hate the way you always get into an explosion and your gear always gets lost/destroyed.


Lady Myuu's Opposite
Meh, I only got MP1, so I don't know squat about MP2:Echoes. I like the design on the bosses. They are just so...massive.


Better then you
So which item do you like the best in MP1? Like I said before it would have to be the Plasma Beam.


Lady Myuu's Opposite
Zapdos Breeder said:
Doesn't anyone wish that there was a Machine gun one the Metroid Prime Games.

No. That would kill the concept of the Bounty Hunter and instead make "Samus Aran: Galactic Soldier". Just...no.

I like best the Wavebuster. It is slow-firing and drains missles as fast as an office-building in Tokyo drains electricity, but it's cool.


Better then you
I don't mean like a real machine gun but one on her arm cannon. Like in the intro video of Super Smash Bros. Melee.


Lady Myuu's Opposite
That was Power Shot. Plus, Machine Guns need ammo. And Metroid where you have to collect ammo for something else than Missiles and Power Bombs, no. Just no.
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