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The Misc Discussion Incident

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As you may or may not have noticed, in the last hour, that place has ebcome a total and complete mess. All threads have been merged and unfortantly, it is not possible on this build of Vbulletin the unmerge the threads.

This was caused by a "friend" who used and abused an account of the moderation team whom we were not able to ban until the last ten minutes. We're hoping they've had their laugh for now and will inform the account member of the situation as soon as possible.

I do apologise for the delay in dealing with this matter, I have known since it started, however I had not the power to be able to do anything, any attempts I did to resolve it were unfortantly editted straight back.

My best advice would probably be trying to find the starting post of your topics in that mess (Contray to the title, there is no questionable material in there), save them off then repost. I say save off as Joe may call a roll back on the forums to undo the damage. There is no reason to start your thread from scratch either if you want to.

Quoted from Ninjit:

Guys, you'd be best to create your threads that you've lost/others that are popular. I've created a few in Misc. Polls, and you should do the same.

I have already sent a message on to Joe but I'm not sure when he will get it and what the course will be when he returns from Uni. Again, I apologise.

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Leave my posts alone
These things happen.

I wonder why threads can't be unmerged. Surely that would have been an essential nesseccity!

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
This is retarded. You have to be pretty stupid to want to screw up a bunch of Pokemon Forums (no offense cause this place is great :) )

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
May I ask, why keep this announcement open? You should just leave it closed to lessen the complication of matters. We only need to see the first post, anyway.


jenni is 14 :(
will you be able to get those threads bak?

no, she said it's irreversible.

it's stupid but personally, i don't really see any need to worry; it's not like most of those threads weren't on version III or anything anyways.
we'll pick up where we left off and i'm sure by the end of the day it'll look like nothing really happened

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
Remember that Tai Kamiya dude? The one that posted like 300+ hentai links? He did this. I know him!
For whatever reason, an un-merge feature doesn't exist. y best advice would probably be trying to find the starting post of yuor topics in that mess, save them off then repost. I say save off as he may call a roll back on the forums to undo the damage but of course we won;t know till he says.

I'll try and kep this thread updated everytime I get some info.



Well-Known Member
F*cking Hackers are starting to piss me off


<== Best Dragon ever
what a weidro guess my name and ill stop its sounds like guess who


jenni is 14 :(
hacking is basically just for idiots that have nothing better to dothen ruin other ppls fun

i don't really see how it's ruined.
we're all still here.

this person obviously has nothing better to do, and additionally, has no life, so why should we let them "win"?
it's not that big of a deal; we should move on and forget about it because they're really not worth it

Jimmy P.

First shiny!!
That Tai Kamiya dude really was a strange one. Did anybody end up banning him?

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Some retard.Why did it do this.Im not leting this bugger in my account.


The Mudkip from Chat
D: I don't see what happened with the Misc..
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