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The most amazing banner in the history of amazing banners!

-aocom v2-

Victory is ours!
Maybe. I guess it all depends on the veiwer's preferances.


V for Vendetta is a wonderful movie. <3
Today is the 5th of november. unless you live in england or eastward, in which its the 6th, but its all good. ._.


Jirachi Master
That is a really well designed banner. I love that font.


very nice
i love all the different layers of images.
very nice


Onions? Where??
Its AWESOME, And I loved the movey too!!
YES V for Vendetta IS a GOOD MOVIE! It's perhaps one of the best movies I know of, besides Casino Royale, which might be good. I guess.

The banner's excellent, but the renders of him aren't showing that well. You should always have a render in the banner that should STAND OUT in it.