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The most common hold item// how to get it?


Battle Strategist
I understand the most common hold item of choice would be leftovers. This mighjt be a really dumb question, but how do you get more than 2 of them? Cause i need 3 more for my team of Raichu, Vaporeon, Hitmonlee, Aerodactyl, Charizard, and Mewtwo. Help please?



Sorry, if you want more, you need to trade from R/S Battle Tower or Emerald Battle Frontier.


Well-Known Member
Staff member

Sorry, if you want more, you need to trade from R/S Battle Tower or Emerald Battle Frontier.

Yes, and leftovers can also be found via pickup in emerald.
In the Battle Tower, you can get leftovers at random as a prize after your 35th consecutive win, and in emerald, they can be bought at the exchange place for 64 battle points.
