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The Most Popular Pokemon Face-Off!!!

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Aqua Shade

Alright, this is a face off to see who the most popular pokemon is...

I will put twelve pokemon up at a time and they will be more or less random (I may have a few thoughts to do, to see which is more hated/liked but you know :p) and you may vote for three of them that you DO NOT LIKE, don't vote for whom you do. Those who have certain face-offs they would like to see may pm me with a few ideas, I dont care. I'll do it if the characters are not disqualified... Also the less pokemon left, the less will be put into the "Arena". So there wont always be twelve out, maybe two, mabe twenty, just to mix it up...Any questions about something pm me. Two votes and they are gone, and you may vote for somebody twice. After they are gone then I'll put them into my Sig

Beedrill - Regirock - Sneasel - Croconaw - Pichu - Lunatone
Nidoran (M) - Tentacruel - Absol - Igglybuff - Hitmonchan - & Jirachi
I'll vote off Nidoran (M), Hitmonchan, and Jirachi

Cyndaquil's No.1 Fan

I will vote off Regirock, Hitmonchan and Lunatone.

Aqua Shade

Sweet, another one bites the dust...The legendaries are the first to go!

Aqua Shade

And Nidoran and Tentacruel are gone now too, just one more to go
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Inferno Zangoose

Anyways I vote off Igglybuff, Lunatone, and Croconaw!


Sandslash+Lugia fan
Beedrill, Sneasel, and Iglybuff.

Aqua Shade

OK, Lunatone is gone now, so I'll select some more people to compete.
Mantine - Clefairy - Paras - Grovyle - Mightyena - Chimecho
Silcoon - Magnemite - Pikachu - Magby - Raichu - Plusle
I'll start with...Mightyena, Silcoon, & Magby. I wanted to vote off Pikachu so bad, but it's my mom's favorite and somebody else will anyway.
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Sandslash+Lugia fan
Uuh, what's the point if no one makes it? Anyway, Silcoon, Paras, and Clafairy.

Aqua Shade

Paras & Silcoon are both gone, and No-Name, if you want you may revote for one more since Silccon was gone before you voted. What do you mean by "what's the point if no one makes it?" Half of them make it a round.
Mantine - Clefairy - Raichu

Aqua Shade

Alright, time to start the next set, but I'm gonna change it. Unless MozzerellaStick or I changes the set then anybody with two votes is gone. Not just the first six. Jolly good fun! lol
Tauros - Elekid - Zapdos - Feraligatr - Zigzagoon - Seviper
Luvdisc - Wigglytuff - Teddiursa - Staryu - Bonsly - Venomoth
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