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The *~mudkip~* shop

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    Votes: 6 75.0%
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    Votes: 2 25.0%

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They really like us
Hello! Welcome to the

;258;The *~mudkip~* shop;258;

Me (*~mudkip~*)
Kadjaft (click here to see what he can do)
futuramagirl, can make trainer cards, fusions, and eggs, and electrode's lunch.
Guyinamask, can make battle scences, tc, and banners

*Note: When asking for a tc or a chao or a banner, tell what worker you want to do your item you requested.*
I can make:

Trainer cards


Battle Scenes


And Chao


New!! Ipod pokemon:


Alright, now the rules:
1. No spamming
2. No swearing
3. Be patient, my workers and I go to school you know

If you break any of this once, you'll be on the warning list. If you are on the warning list 3 times, your banned from this shop forever!!!
Warning list

Banned list

Ok, If you want a trainer card:
1.Give me 6 pokemon (shiny or not)
2.The person
3.the background
4. the name
5. and the badges (I have kanto, johto, hoenn, shinou, and the symbols, both silver and gold)

For the battle scene:
1. Your pokemon or person
2. Your oppenet pokemon
3. The background
4. The level of yours and your foes pokemon
5.How much hp your pokemon has
6.If you want your pokemon hp in the :Green zone, yellow zone, or the red zone, or none (same goes for the foe)
7. What gender do you want your pokemon (unless lengendary) and your foe (unless lengendary too)
8. What text you want in the box

And for the chao:
1.Pick one of these:

2. Put the number of row and the letter of the chao (For row 4, do this Row: Number: )
3. The pokemon you want

If you want an pokemon with an Ipod:
1.What pokemon you want
2.Do you want the pokemon to be white or black
3.What color of background
4.and what color do you want the ipod to be

If you want Electrode's lunch pokemon (Futuramagirl can make this):
1. What pokemon you want the Electrode to eat.

Alright thats it.

The shop is currently: OPEN
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<<The Best
yay another mudkip lover


Where is the rum?...
1 battle scene please

Background:a water scene
Text: (if you can do it)Wave:WTF...1st gen pokemon in D/P

please and thanx


Free Runner
Hey, I'd be Happy to help out here, because A) I don't really wanna go through all the hassel of my own thread ^^, and B) I have a lot of free time, but I too go to school, so myeh...

I can do Trainer Cards, for that, Check my Sig, And I also do banners... Also see my sig for that, so yeah, I don't mind if it's not what your Looking for,

Also, I'd like to get a Salamence Chao, neutral stance, thanks ^^,


They really like us
You got the job Kadjaft. I'll work on your chao, if I only know what a neutral stance is, which I don't, sorry...


Free Runner
It's the center left end chao ^^,

Also, I'll be accepting 3 Requests at a time, and say what you want in this format

Trainer card:Basic Style,
New Style

name on the card: basically put ^^,
Pokemon: I do all R/S/E/FR/LG/D/P Sprites
Badges: state What set you want, I have the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Shinou sets, plus I have the gold and Silver Symbols there is room for 3 sets, 1 at each side, and 1 set down where the chaos and sol emeralds are, and say if you don't want any,
Trainer Sprite: Basic Style, you may have a Pokemon with you, New style, not enough room, and also provide one
Background: Either give me one, or ask for a style of Background for me to Google

The Chaos and Sol Emeralds are for my cards only, you'll have to edit them into yours if you want them ^^, (shouldn't of said that...)

Banner/Avatars: Say your Dimensions


Pictures: Provide pictures for use in it
Text: say what Text you want, and font... But only Base Windows Fonts Thanks ^^,
Background: yeah, Provide a Background to use
ETC's: Name any extra features you want, like a faded Background in a Particular colour,

Super pokemon:
: basically Pokemon Empowered by the Chaos Emeralds

Pokemon: say what pokemon
Colour: Either the Colour of the Salamence, Silver, or Goldish Silver
Glow: Either Glow or no Glow,

to me


Pokemon: Say which one, 3rd gen/4th gen
Grid reference: Look at the top

Requests: Open
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Mudkip please can I work here? I can only make trainer cards though(see my sig) but if you would like me to make chaos and battle scenes perhaps you can teach me? Thanks!


Free Runner
Ok, I'll start requests tomorr-- I mean later on today XD, It's 12:30 AM here soo, just say what you want then I'll do it as soon as I can

G-night evehbodehs!

Oh yes, I think that you forgot about *umbreon*masta*1*1* lol, you jumped him and went to me... just saying incase you forgot...

Kadjaft out!
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They really like us
Oh, right, *umbreon*masta*1*1*, what level do u want your pokemon and the vulpix on. And what hp do you want for your pokemon. And, what hp zone do u want your pokemon and ur foe to be on: full, green zone, yellow zone, red zone, or none.


Active Member
can you make me a trainer card? if you do, please use a supernerd sprite with the following 6 pokemon: fuwante, fuwardio,pottashi,pocchoma, and glacia, and manmu
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Free Runner
Who are you directing this request to? Cause there is 3 people working here now, It may be easier to specify who the request is to, since I have 2 different styles of cards, Just for advisement for Mudkip,


They really like us
OMG, I had to edit the first post a million times so everything is correct and masaru1, what name do you want and what background do you want and what badges u want, I'll work on the sprite and card then, until u give me the name, the background and the badges (I hve Kanto, johto, hoenn, and shinou and the battle frontier symbols, both gold and silver).
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