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The Name Game

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Insanely Awesome
This is how it works...
Tell the nickame of one of your pokemon, then, in a spoiler box thingy, put what the real pokemon is. Someone else guesses what it is, rates the nickname after they've seen what the pokemon is (if you nicknamed the Pokemon with thinking about the gender, put F or M to stand for its gender), aaand then they do a nickname. This is literally how it works:
Me: nickname: Swampy

Someone else: Swampert; 7
Nickname: Flametail

Okay... So I'll start.
Nickname: Draggi (F)
I think I did the spoiler boxes right... (and hopefully I stuck this in the right forum...)
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random guy

<the essence of cool

Mario Man

Here's Mine:


Insanely Awesome
...Yeah. Did the spoilers turn out right? Lol I'm still new don't have much of an idea of what I'm doing...
By Mario Man:
Here's mine:

Umm... Chimecho? Rating is 8 if that's what it is.

Eggy (This ones a bit more obvious...)
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Well-Known Member
Eggecutor, Eggecute?

Guess this: Ralia

Mario Man

No. Take another guess. Hint, Thing of Saturday Night Live's carol.

I'm guessing kirlia


The Master...
eggy=togepi?chansey?or blissey?

hope your thread works


eggy=togepi?chansey?or blissey?

hope your thread works
Cacturne for the Scarecrow one?

Here's a fairly simple one, if you think about it a bit:Raindancer.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Sorry, I'd say this belongs in the Games section...and I can't just move it because games have to be approved by the mods in that section before they can be posted. Please repost in there, thanks!

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