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the name rater show

Ursaring: Smokey (You fail if you don't get the reference.)
Salamence: Portman (Reminds me of Queen Amidalia, who was played by Natalie Portman.)
Houndoom: Lucy (Female, and a hellhound. Lucifer=Lucy)
Walrein: Clubber (Seal clubbing)
Claydol: Clayface (Batman villain)
Jolteon: Spike (Kinda cliche, but dog-like + Pointy bits = Spike)

I can't find my XD, so I had to skim like, sevnety pages of a thread on another forum to find the guy who suggested them..


fuk yo couch ***** !
just the one nickname for me, and it was pretty spur of the moment but it sounds alright.
i used to have a thing for naming pikachu's sparky, and then changing it to zappy when i evolved them. i guess i just grew out of it :/


Onions? Where??
I named my snorlax JayLeno
Salamence Male (AWESOME IVs!)= AiR, named after my good friend AiR BeN.
Salamence Female (even better IVs!) = AiRes, also named after my good friend AiR BeN, but it was a female so I did the "es" after it like "mister" and "misteres".
And I probebly have more and I'm gonna name my Houndoom: Rawr, lol
~PDT ;381;;373;


Oh and i nicknamed my Jynx Janet Jackson once, but just 4 fun


oblivion weilder
Ursaring: Smokey (You fail if you don't get the reference.)
Salamence: Portman (Reminds me of Queen Amidalia, who was played by Natalie Portman.)
Houndoom: Lucy (Female, and a hellhound. Lucifer=Lucy)
Walrein: Clubber (Seal clubbing)
Claydol: Clayface (Batman villain)
Jolteon: Spike (Kinda cliche, but dog-like + Pointy bits = Spike)

I can't find my XD, so I had to skim like, sevnety pages of a thread on another forum to find the guy who suggested them..

how the hell does salemence remind you of queen amidala you mean natalie portman from star wars?
oh and above i guesse there is a resemblance as janet jackson also has 'bust'


Good at Life.
take it you like final fantasy then

Haha, just a little. I was going to make a few more guys for the party, but playing Skarmory as a Defender, Smeargle as a Gadgeteer, and thinking of other names was getting a little old.


Sea Ruby Trainer
I like these nicknames.

Absol Male - Astro ('astronomy')
Absol Female - Isis
Houndoom Female - Meg
Rapidash Female - Bella, Tansy, Meg (my cousin's horses names, lol)
Wobuffet: Wobbert
Salamence: Salamance
Meditite: Meditate
Manectric: Vincent
Swampert: Rupert
Blaziken: Chester
Unown: Whatever letter it is
Murkrow: Murky/Micky
Charizard: Leanardo
Venusaur: Theodore
Squirtle: Sammy
Lotad: Barry/ (I only named one that because my friend for no apparent reason named his Seedot Mary-)
Latias: Sonic (the back sprite reminds me of sonic the hedgehog)
Dragonite: David
Machoke: Jarvis
Celebi (If I ad one): TARDIS
(I could go on forever)


Breeding Expertise
lol heres mine

Blaziken - Hot Stuff
Rayquaza - The Kraken
Pinsir - Pinchy (The lobster from the simpsons,kinda goes with the look of the poke' so y not...)


oblivion weilder
hey you stole my sonic name how dare you, the kraken is a god name ^^^


Bodybuilder Trainer

Check out my nicknames

I'm building the Ultimate Bodybuilder Team! *Lat Sprad*

Machamp (MUSCLEpump)


The Furret Fanatic
Here are some of my nicknames. I normally don't nickname my Pokemon, though.

Wobbuffet - Bob Wob
Smeargle - Picasso
Gardevoir - Ms. Cleo
Ariados - Charlotte (Get it? har har har)
Delcatty - Tinkerbell (not witty, but I like the name)

What I really need, are good and witty nicknames for any of the following Pokmeon:


If anyone can help me think of witty names for any of those it would be appreciated.


The Furret Fanatic
Here are some of my nicknames. I normally don't nickname my Pokemon, though.

Wobbuffet - Bob Wob
Smeargle - Picasso
Gardevoir - Ms. Cleo
Ariados - Charlotte (Get it? har har har)
Delcatty - Tinkerbell (not witty, but I like the name)

What I really need, are good and witty nicknames for any of the following Pokmeon:


If anyone can help me think of witty names for any of those it would be appreciated.