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~The Never Ending Story~

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The Scizor Master

The Scizor Master
Quite simple actually. Whatever the poster above you says you just says what happens after that so it makes a never ending story!

Example- 1st poster: A guys falls off a cliff
2nd poster: He is saved by a spongy piece of cheese.

I'm starting off: "A guy is walking (his name is Tammy)."

latino heat

Mexican pride
who have a job of mailing pizza's

Pokemon & runescape rules

One day Pokemon And Runescape Rules decided to change the story so now it started like this:
One day, a Flygon...
owned by Pokemon & Runescape Rules decided to change the story back to the original one...
So his farly god parents have to mail 75453289743243289472893743290742907202 pizzas today. But they have magic so


Deoxys rulez all!
Deoxys made them lose their magic so the have to do it on their own but...


blaziken trainer
farts on king kong whilest singing the super mario bros game theme song


Active Member
then kills all pokemon alive...then does a little victory dance. does a pee the nleaves

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
and he falls into a pirate chest and dies. The O RLY? Owl comes and eats its flesh. Another Owl comes and says: "You're eating a dead man!" "O RLY?!" "YA RLY!" "R U SERIOUS!" "YA IM SERIOUS!" "NO WAI!" and they both keep eating.


Slip slidin'
And Ed come over and pours the ORLY owl into a paper cup that proudly proclaims "Good Burger" on the side and gives it to the anixously awaiting customer on the other side of the counter.


Blaziken rules!
The customer eat the ORLY.
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