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The NEW Fire Emblem Club!

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~Approved By Psiumbreon.~

Well, seeing as the old club's dead, I decided to start a new one.

So, welcome to the Fire Emblem Club! Here, we can talk about the games, discuss strategies, and other things. If you wish to join, then just post!

1. All of the Serebii Rules apply.
2. NO BASHING OR FLAMING! this includes characters, ideas...
3. SPAM will not be tolerated. AT ALL.
4. Do not go off-topic.
5. I will choose the co-owner(s), so don't ask if you could be one.
6. Have fun!

Link to a Fire Emblem Forum: http://www.s14.invisionfree.com/FESF/index.php

1. IrregularHunter Profile (Owner)
2. The Fly
3. Lemurian
4. Kojho
5. Silver Ryu
6. Faerie (Co-Owner)
7. BlazikenTyphlosion
8. El Barto (Co-Owner)
9. ~♥Artemis♥~
10. Leon Kennedy
11. kurama45
12. Ktulu
13. Tendo128
14. Yoshinichi
15. Solembum
16. OverClockedZero
17. fuzzyqwilfish
18. Firaga Metagross
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Welcome, The Fly! *adds to list*

I'm going to wait for a few members before we start a topic...


Lady Myuu's Opposite
And I join the third Fire Emblem club...

I've got Fire Emblem: Rekka No Ken, Sealed Sword and Sacred Stones. I'm gonna get Path of Radiance too.
*adds* ...Wait, this one's the third one? o.o

Path of Radiance is a great game, IMO. It's easy to get frusterated later, though.


Well-Known Member
I join my second Fire Emblem Club. So which game shall we speak of first.
How about the dark magic glitch in The Sacred Stones.


Lady Myuu's Opposite
Catgirl Sarisa said:
*adds* ...Wait, this one's the third one? o.o

Path of Radiance is a great game, IMO. It's easy to get frusterated later, though.

Nah, I think Sacred Stones is the...8th. Yeah, 'cause Sealed Sword was the 6th, Rekka No Ken ( the first outside Japan on GBA ) was the 7th, so that makes Sacred the 8th. And Radiance 9th. Whey.
*blinks* I haven't heard of a dark magic glitch...But, welcome, Kojho!

I'll start with a simple topic: What was the first Fire Emblem game you played?

For me, it was Sacred Stones. I wanted to see how the game was played, and I was hooked. Plus, I was obsessed with Roy at the time...>.>;


Lady Myuu's Opposite
My first was Fire Emblem ( the first on GBA ). I never stopped playing for months, except for eating, sleeping and school.

Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
My first was just Fire Emblem. A friend reccomended it.

Don't have Path of Radiance yet. I'm planning to get Shadow the Hegehog first.

The Fly

Well-Known Member
Easy. Rekka no Ken, first to come out in North America. I had no idea what Fire Emblem was at that time but it seemed appealing, so I bugged my mother to buy it for Christmas. Boy, am I glad I did...
Hmm...I may try that when I get farther.

Who is your favorite character in any of the Fire Emblem games?

I have a few: Roy, Lethe, Soren, Jill, Stefan...I like a whole bunch of characters from Path of Radiance.


Well-Known Member
I like Hector, Artur, Guy, Joshua, Harken, Dart, Canas, and Ephriam.


Ooh, I'll join. ^__^ I like Fire Emblem. My friend lent me The Sacred Stones, and it rocks.

Hmm...And my favorite character? Either Joshua or Moonstone. Haha, I like characters like them. It's the sarcasm and the devil-may-care attitude, I guess. xD


Lady Myuu's Opposite
Joshua, Sain and Geitz. Those are my favourites, mainly because of their personality.


Who else besides me has Sacred Stones? If you have it, how far are you? I'm on the fifth mission, but I can't get far withought someone dying. Either Joshua gets a critical hit and kills me, I recruit Joshua and someone gets killed, and...Once Seth killed Joshua. O__o;


Did it on 'em
Can I join? I'm not very updated on the newer versions, but I'm a big fan of the original Fire Emblem. Same with Sacred Stones. Only on the original, I've probably been on the same level for 6+ months. That's right! Chapter 26x, Night of Farewells. I've tried every strategy I can think of, except right when I'm about to kill Sonia, someone really good dies such as Guy or Pent. I need some suggestions.
@ Faerie: I let my troops stay away from Joshua, like on the other side of town, until I recruit him, then I let my strongest fighters take the front and hack away. But I don't really remember how I handled it, though...

@ BlazikenTyphlosion: Sure. *adds*


Yeah. I try to stay out of Joshua's movement range, but sometimes my troops just get too clustered, or they can't move far enough to get out. It was a while ago when I kept getting my troops slaughtered by Joshua, and now I'm doing better with recruiting him, but someone always dies AFTER I recruit him. >__> It really ticks me off.
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