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The NEW Invader Zim Club!

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This was Approved by PsiUmbreon

Welcome to the New Invader Zim Club! (See the old one Here)


1. No flaming
2. No spam
3. No swearing
4. No bashing
5. (The most important of them all) DON'T EAT GIR'S TACO'S!

Membah Leest
Owner: Jelly
Co-owner: AMW (Now Soul Dragon)


None (wanna make some for us?)

Topic: What is your favorite IZ Quote?

A Rotten turkey is behind Zim.

Zim: Gir!
*Gir jumps out of the Turkey*
Gir: It was me! I was the turkey all along!
Zim: Eh? I wondered what that was doing there. Anyway G-
Gir: ME! I was the Turkey! ME!!!
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Dude, this show's been off the air for like 3 years now *.*


clammyshazam! said:
Dude, this show's been off the air for like 3 years now *.*
Perhaps where you are, but in England, nicktoons airs it every day at 9:30 at night.


clammyshazam! said:
Oh well I live in the US...
Well, I heard IZ do comics in the US now, perhaps there might be some in the shops.

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
I'll join.:D I LOVE Invader Zim...I live in the US, so it was canceled, but it was awesome when it still aired.


Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
I'd be more than happy to.^^

On-topic: What is your favorite IZ quote?

I have absolutely no idea. Too many to count.o.o;;



I have absolutely no idea. Too many to count.o.o;;

Same here, my favorite one is when gir says: "I am making mash potatoes!" because he sounds 101% funny!


Sure! I love "Gir goes crazy and stuff" Plus, can anyone make some banners please?


wow i never knew it was still on air(i alsolive in england)
i'll have to start watching again

i'll join but i havent seen it in a bit


Count me in. Invader Zim rocks. Though the show's been cancelled, I'm still a pretty huge fan of it.

Jelly said:
Topic: What is your favorite IZ Quote?
GIR: Lets make biscuits!!! Lets make biscuits! :D


So close, yet so far
Whoa. About time I found an Invader Zim club here on sppf. I love IZ, and I'm currently trying to get the whole vol. 1-3 DVD box set for christmas because they canceled it. ;.; Why!? Why Nick?! Why did you have to cancel such a great show?!

Can I join please?
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Angel said:
Whoa. About time I found an Invader Zim club here on sppf. I love IZ, and I'm currently trying to get the whole vol. 1-3 DVD box set for christmas because they canceled it. ;.; Why!? Why Nick?! Why did you have to cancel such a great show?!

Can I join please?
Sure :) Any IZ Fan is welcomed in the house of our 2 gods... Zim and Gir!
Also, check out Chloemew4ever's IZ site, I would give it a 9/10!
Invader Zim rocks. It's such an insane show and that signle aspect can make it awesome.

My fave character would prolly be Gir and my fave episode would be 'Gir goes crazy and stuff', "He's getting eaten by a shark *smiles*" It was so random.

Favourite quote? You're joking it's impossble to choose. I'll post a few a few random ones on one condition. Can I join XD I love the show and the insanity. If I can join I'll make some banners for the club, I make a few graphics but I'm not an expert or anything =/

So may I join?



Just kidding, Sure! Be active, help out, make banners, discuss ETC.

New Topic:
If you could be one Invader Zim character for one day, what would you do as them?
I would be Gir and walk up to the school
"Gir, selfdestruct"
"Finally!" Then I would blow up then entire school! *Evil Laugh*
Sorry I haven't been very active o-o;
It was my birthday on monday, and I got an Invader Zim notebook and a Gir figurine! Yay! ^______^
Anyhoo, what character would I like to be...
Well, Gir obviously, as I can be insane and annoy the heck out of people xD Either that or Tallest Purple, as the colour purple rocks and I want to see what it's like to be tall. x3
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