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The New Master Sprite Shop



Well My old shop is gone I don't know what happend! So I will start a new!!

<< * Look's one more time for old shop >>

Things we can do


Dark Pokemon

Light Pokemon




Battle Pics



( thank's to G-uint ^_^)

Holiday pokemon

And more!!

If I forgot any thing tell me

Who works here

#1 Me
#2Red ring riku
#3 G-uint
#4 RocketMeowth
#5 Jolteon64
#6 shinybluemew12
#7 evil_dark_lugia1
#8 clammyshazam!
#9 mvcr4
#10 E4 DRAKE
#11 Chaimee1
#12 Deciteful
#13 frogla
#14 Gary's Raichu
#15 maypsyco24
Pm me if you want to help ^_^

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Zephyr Trainer
can i have overworld sprites of raikou entei suicune moltres zapdos articuno mewtwo please? thanks

(ill be on only at sun and sat onling)


Did it on 'em
Can I plz have a banner that says BlazikenTyphlosion on it and has a Blaziken and a Typhlosion with their battle faces on ready to battle?


Could I Work Here??
If U Click My TC, U Go 2 My Shop, U Can Check My Examples There

ThnQ, BTW, The Recolours And Tc In My Sig are done by Me

Red Ring Riku

^ ^; Somehow, I knew this was gonna come.... But here:


._. Does his hair look ok? I'm kinda worried because Vulpix's hair and Max's matched great, but when I added the ears.... Well, That was a bit of a problem...

And I think it might be best if the others make the banners instead of me. >.> My banners aren't looking that great lately. *points to sig* And there's proof.

Oh, and in the last version of this thread, I remembered somebody requested for a shiny version of Chiisume, I'm sorry that I forgot who, but here's the shinies anyways. ^ ^; (Yeah, My memory's that bad...)

original sprites:

shiny sprites:

>.> Also, in the last thread, I had already made mew fusions of Articuno and Moltres, and was gonna make Lugia and Ho-Oh to complete the set with G-Unit's fusion of Zapdos and Mew. Here they are.


>.> Also, somebody requested for a fusion of Muk and Kingler, and I'm not sure if they got the sprite before-hand, so here it is again.


And somebody requested for a fusion of Magby and Charmeleon. >.> Was that you, G-Unit?

-.- Phew! And that takes care of most of the requests.....
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Red Ring Riku

-.- Phew! That's a relief. ^ ^; Oh, and I don't suppose Maytales would like an Ashcanine? (An Ash/Arcanine mix) If so, I'll work on it right away. And if not, >.> Um.... ^ ^; Would she like to adopt a Youko Kurama Kitsune? Or maybe another kind of fusion?
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Maybe Yeah It Was I'm Currently Making Mixes For All 385 Pokemon With Magmar So Far I Have A Grand Total Of ....................................................................... The Biggest Number In The World..............................................................................[spoil]5[/spoil]
Edit: I WBGed The Maxtails So Heres The Link http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a261/hashivenu11/Maxtails.gif

Red Ring Riku

^_^ Nice! And I bet they look great! That quilava/magmar fusion on your signature proves it.

Red Ring Riku

^_^ Alright then, but if you want more fusions of the anime gang, be sure to let us know. >.> (Hmm.... A Brock/Golbat fusion.... I wonder what that'll look like?....) ^ ^; And sorry, I didn't look at the text underneath. Oops. ^_~ But your fusions still look cool. o.o The Absol one is what I'm surprized with. That's cool.


Hello to my good friends, Riku and pokemongirl. I know pokegirl asked me to work here before the shop vanished and before I was mysteriously banned and then allowed back. Could I still work here pokegirl??? Pleeeeease!!! I just don't know what I could do here...

Anyways: Could I have a town with team rocket in the middle with a Mewtwo and team aqua on the left of team rocket with a Kyogre and team Magma on the right of team rocket with a Groudon. Also, there should be three water falls that run into a river, trees and bushes and a large cave with a kid surfing on a Wailmer (or whatever the surf Pokemon is in R/S/E) watching everything. And also there should be a Persian and a Houndoom belonging to team rocket, as well! It is the rocket's town, so there should be black-colored homes, a Pokemon center that reads, "RC" for rocket center instead of PC, and a large tower, and also a portal thing like the one in FR/LG on 1 island that the guy is working on (Celio, I think his name was), and the portal should be in the center of the town.

I think you might've made it already but then the shop disappeared.


I'm Still Confused To Where It Went I Was Confused :confused:
Anyway You Have To Wait For Pokegirl


Helloow, Can I Work here, The Link 2 My Examples Is In The TC In My sig
I'm Also Learning How 2 Make animations