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The New Sidedeck Fad

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I've noticed lately that now, people are including side-decks in almost all of their deck-lists, and at my local league, alot of people are getting sidedecks.

Is this purely something important in CDIP? Is it some kind of new strategy?
I think its mostly to counter Stein-decks, which are becoming very common


That explains alot, because one of the prizes for a tournament a few weeks ago, and the person that won just bought a couple of Cyber-Steins.
Yeah, but Stein-decks are going to have to watch out for Fusion Killer and
Fusion Eradicator soon

Alakazam says Cena Sucks

Side Decks are BEYOND important they are ESSENTIAL to play this game IMHO

Without a sidedeck I promise you woudl NEVER top 8 a SJC

THerefore USE one... it NEVER hurts..

Side Decks PWN
Side decks are only useless if your opponet killed you the first duel with a Victory Dragon o_O


Better then you
I don't use sidedecks anyway. Why you ask, I don't play in tournaments or anything like that. I only play for fun with my friends.
Side deck <3. It got me to top 8'ing a local several times. Mind crush to kill Steiners, Kuriboh, Sided Goldd, Jinny..etc <3
I don't use sidedecks anyway. Why you ask, I don't play in tournaments or anything like that. I only play for fun with my friends.

I'm with you, I don't give anything for SJCs, I just drool over the prizes crads

Burning Effigy

A Hollow Being
Even if I am in a tournament I just rely on my good old deck, and my blackluster soldier envoy of the begning


Move Puppet inc.
Sidedecks have always been used in serious Tournament play, people who don't use it just go down as easy as that, since you can't counter too many OTK decks (Turbo Exodia, Steins and it's varations, etc, decks that make you run out of cards) or burner decks, Dark world decks without a SD ... it's not very useful in funplay, cuz most people only play 1 duel and that's it
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Lightning Swordsman
Believe it or not, I find effective sideboarding to be the most difficult part of the game as well as the most important. It's not that people don't have the cards to make a good sideboard, it's that a good sideboard is just plain difficult to make.
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