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The NEW Special Pokemon Club!!!

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Wario used eBay...
This one was approved by PsiUmbreon, so don't worry this time! I won't have a poll, but you can discuss about XD001, Venustoise, Crystal Onix, etc.
Rules from last time:
1. Don't SPAM!
2. Feel free to ask me for new topics, or some new characters!
3. No Flaming!
4. Stay on topic!
5. You can claim a Special Pokemon for a bishee-like thing!
6. No Double Posting!
7. Have fun, and make new friends!
Oh, and BTW, I claim the Fake Groudon!
Co-owner: Dimitri
1. cl@mmysh@z@m!
2. The Original Celebi
3. armaldo
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just disappear.
OOO I WANNA JOIN!!! And do you mean a special Pokemon who has appeared in the anime? Well if it can be from anywhere I claim ZapMolCuno from the Manga!! ^^


Wario used eBay...
Dimitri said:
OOO I WANNA JOIN!!! And do you mean a special Pokemon who has appeared in the anime? Well if it can be from anywhere I claim ZapMolCuno from the Manga!! ^^
I forgot all about that! Thanks for reminding me!


just disappear.
Oh you're very welcome. Also, if you need help incase more people join and you're not here and so on I'll gladly be a co-owner.


Wario used eBay...
Dimitri said:
Oh you're very welcome. Also, if you need help incase more people join and you're not here and so on I'll gladly be a co-owner.
Sure! You can be the co-owner!


Is Crystal Onix actually in the games?


just disappear.
Um in the games I don't think so. In the anime yes it is. And thank you Venustoise for letting me be co-owner! ^^
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Wario used eBay...
clammyshazam! said:
Is Crystal Onix actually in the games?
Not really, but doesn't matter! It is part of the thread anyway!


Wario used eBay...
Yeah! You can!


Pittsburgh Pirates 7th Super Bowl



just disappear.
Yeah you can join!


Wario used eBay...
clammyshazam! said:
What episode is it in? And can I join?
Before you said that, I already put you as a member, just so you know, and the Crystal Onix was in the Orange Island series, so I don't know what episode it was in...
Edit: I have to leave and won't be back on the computer until the Friday after this week, so Dimitri, I'm leaving you in charge until I get back, ok?
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just disappear.
YAY I'm in charge!!! tehehe.... *gets out slave utensils* Welcome children... XD


Wario used eBay...
Well, I'm sorry to say that I'm back sooner than I thought, but I have a new topic!
What Pokemon should be like XD001? (In other words, I mean who should be XD002, XD003, etc.)
EDIT: We can't let this club die! PEOPLE, POST AND JOIN, NOW!!!
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just disappear.
Well I haven't posted here in a while cause I didn't know what to say. Can you please elaborate on the topic Venustoise? thanks! ^.^


Wario used eBay...
XD001 is Shadow Lugia, I mean, which should be the next ultimate Shadow Pokemon! (Shadowy color like the Lugia) I say Mewtwo!
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