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The New Trainer Card Format


Well, when everyone discovered that the D/P sprites were bigger than the old ones, i heard that someone should make a new format that can hold the bigger sprites better. well i made it and will ad more formats as a make them.
This Format has slightly bigger Squares.

And this one has bigger squares and have been widened to fit trainers

and here is an example of a trainer on the tc

Please tell me if i need to make the square a little bigger or is it fine now.
more will be added later.
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Slightly bigger squares = even less room for slightly bigger trainers. Unless you made the whole card bigger. I can't tell tbh xD


Pokemon Shaman
They worked just fine.

...Before DP Sprites. Put a Wailord in the original TC. =P

Anyways, I've seen people use these! Good job. ^^ You may want to ask for credit.


Sneasel Fanboy
the old formats seem to work fine for my needs, but i could understand for trainer sprites.


Gen. IV Map Expert
Here's some tips for sizes.
256x192 for the 2 whole screens (from 240x160 for 1 screen)
80x80 for the Pokemon sprites (from 64x64)
and although this won't come in handy, the berries are 64x64 (from 48x48)
The badges are on the bottom screen.
The badges for the vertical ones look sort of awkward.
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