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The Ocean's Depths, sketches & One Wing

All three of the following links are based on devaintart, given recent times it may die randomly so may need to try again later I'm afraid.

Anywho three piccies, all digital non-fanart wierdness.

Fluffy puss cat sketch trio. All are the same cat who amazingly stayed still long enough over two days. My favorite is the first one I did, the green one.

An odd more conceptual image that will probably make no sense to anybody present :) I'd full view for eaiser viewing.

An utter monster of an image, 2000 x 1270 before shrinking. This was done for the ACme contest. If you watch to know more about said contest, please just read the description. You have until Sunday midnight GMT :) Please full view.

I am working on my Arasthe Project currently and finishing up details for an art contest I'm hosting on DA. It should be ready by either tomorrow or Sunday. If you think you might be interested, the link for it should be on my DA front page either of those days which is here.


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Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I love seeing mods art :)

My favourite are the cats, I like the green one best. I think you've done the bodies well.

The Ocean Depths one really is great, I love how in the middle it looks like an eye. I don't think the lantern is perfect though, the light coming through the panes of glass looks all one colour, I think you should have a bright colour in the very middle and blend it outwards until it gets dimmer.

But, anyways, I'm aweful at C & C'ing art. But I know one thing; your talented!
Yeah and also it turns out I made the light go through the top and bottom casing, whoops. I was struggling so much to find anything useful, it all is turning into a doi moment now :D

I recently had a severe scare with tradtional which is why I'm doing so much digital, still got no idea what I'm doing really :3 Thankies muchly.



Natsu no Maboroshi
The cats are cute, I liked the blue one. I love when they do that.

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
I love One Wing. The scribblyness suites it so well, and the way the body is in segments make it look even better.