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The Odd-One Out (A PMD Fic)


Always Friends
Old Memories​

The crickets clicked in the night as Robert Tanner Hall leaned against an old oak. His messy bunch of ginger colored hair fluttered in the night wind. He could still see the scene. He played it back in his head millions of times almost every night. The vision kept him comfort, and in a way, entertained him. He ran it through for the last time.

"Mom! Can you believe it? It's my tenth birthday! I have double digits!" The now Pre-Teen Tanner had ran down the stairs quickly to breakfast. Today was the big, the start of something so gigantic, he had to talk about it with someone.

"Yes, I bet you're happy, today is a great day." Tanner's mom gave him a big grin, and got back to her cooking. This morning's breakfast was apparently eggs, ham, and corn. To Tanner, corn was the best creamed, and he liked to cream corn on the cob himself. He pulled up a chair, and stood on it to get a better view at all the cooking untensils and ingredients. He grabbed the corn on the cob, and put it on a small plate. Next, he jumped down from his perch, and ran to the refrigerator. Inside the refrigerator were many wonderful foods, but all he needed was butter. He swiped the butter from the side-pocket of the fridge, and ran back to his chair.

Ok... Tanner thought. When he was doing something to do with making food, he always went over it in his mind. Of course he already knew what to do, but he liked to stretch out the details. I take the butter, and cut off an eighth, and put it all over the corn. As he thought this, the young Tanner cut a small sliver of butter off of the bar, and slowly spread it over the corn on the plate. Soon, his corn was a creamy yellowish color, and was ready to eat.

"You did it again!" Tanner's mother said. "Chef Tanner has created a masterpiece!" Tanner sighed, and rolled his eyes.

"Mom, I'm ten now. No more playing."

"Well ok Mr. I'm so Big, because I'm ten!" his mom giggled. Tanner finished his corn, eggs, and roll, and ran upstairs. He slung a pair of blue jeans from his drawer on to the bed, and pulled open the drawer below that one. Inside were were neat stack of red shirts. All of his shirts were red, and in most cases, all the same. Tanner took out the top shirt, and threw it to the bed. He got a pair of clean underwear from the small drawers at the top, and a pair of socks from the opposite small drawer. He quickly put his stack of clothes on, and rushed to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, combed his hair, put on cologne, trimmed his bangs, and brushed his hair flat, though it sprang up as he left the mirror.

"Honey, please take this special phone! This way, I can keep track of you, and call you." Tanner's mom handed him a blue topped phone that flipped open to reveal blinding white colored buttons. The screen was black, because it was off of course. Tanner's mother waved good bye as Tanner left his home.

This same tape had been haunting him for two years. His cell phone was long gone, all because of a stupid Barboach. Barboach had become one of Tanner's most hated creatures of the world. He was just getting ready for bed, when another movie ran through his head.

"Mom! I'm fine!" thirteen year old Tanner complained.

"I'm just making sure you're OK. After all, it's been three years since I've last seen you in person. I'm glad that phone is powered by solar energy, or it would have ran out years ago. Tanner stepped onto a seemingly sturdy bridge when his Mightyena howled. A nail was sprouting out from the bridge lining, and Mightyena had manage to step on the sharp part. He lept around the bridge, and soon, the worst thing happened. Slowly the bridge broke off its hinges, and collapsed. Tanner, frozen with fear, didn't get enough time to get out of his stunned trance. The cell phone floated down the river, just a yard away from Tanner. He panicked and splashed around, but made it to the phone.

"No!" Tanner called. He reached out for the phone, but noticed his foot was caught between two rocks. Tanner just barely got out of it in time to get the cell phone. He raised it into the air and jumped for joy, when a blue fish with rough ridges lept out of the water, soared over Tanner, and gulped down the phone. Tanner'a jaw dropped in surprise, but continued his journey, feeling very tired. Tanner came back to his real life, but dozed off quickly.​


.:Beyond the Limit:.
>_> Forgive me. I'm much to lazy today to really give you any bit of beneficial constructive critisism.

But Hey.

It's a PMD Fic, and personally their my favorite. So please.

~Later xDD lolz


Always Friends
LOL Thanks. This my story of it. ^^


Always Friends
Well, PMD stands for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I know right now, you're probably embarrased, but don't be. Why the heck would someone put PMD anyways. ^^ Ok, Chapter Two has arrived!

"Fire Consumes Everything"​

Tanner laughed as his face was licked by his longlife companion, Mightyena. "Mightyena, quit." Tanner giggled, but his eyes shot open at the sound of crackling. He saw a red and orange streak of flames shooting up at a tree, just a few yards away from him. His mind felt with horror as the tree creaked and cracked. Whip! The tree's roots began to slowly break as their host tree began to fall. Tanner lept to his feet, and rolled out of the way. Mightyena jumped a few seconds later, landing right by Tanner's side. The tree cracked and whip, and then... BAM! The tree toppled over to where Tanner had been sitting. Tanner swallowed hard and panted. He was very nervous at the moment. Not only had a tree almost impaled him, but something even more dangerous was happening around them; a forest fire.

"Aroooooo!" Mightyena howled loudly. He seemed to be calling for help, but it was no use. All other living things, besides the plants, had escape, and had no intention of coming back. Fire licked the sides of the fallen tree. Fire ate up all the weeds that were around Tanner and his dog. A tree suddenly broke off behind Tanner, and came flying down at him.

He whipped around and screamed out "Mightyena, Crunch!" But in the middle of his sentence, something very odd happened. Everything stopped, and then continued on slowly.

He watched as Mightyena bared his teeth at the tree, and it slowly went downwards toward him. Very slowly. But Mightyena wasn't moving a bit. He was really slow too. All of this seemed like a movie Tanner had watched once called "The Matrix". Tanner's eyes widened. Everything was going slow. He quickly moved out of way of the tree, and grasped Mightyena. He pulled Mightyena back, but his dog's reactions were too slow to understand. The tree was still falling in mid-air, but very slowly. Tanner sensed something... something mysterious. He flipped around to see a purple circle fading in. Little bits and pieces of it assembled until it looked like a worm-hole. He reached out at it, and was sucked it. "Ahhh!" He looked back at his Mightyena. He was still acting slow, but a tear drop fell from his eye into the worm-hole.

"Might..." Tanner got to hear. It was the last thing he thought he'd ever hear from his faithful dog Pokemon. He noticed that the worm-hole ended, and he was now his a blue area. Everything was blue, except huge white specks scattered around it. Tanner's eyes were bloodshot. He was in a sky; a sky of another dimension. Tanner screeched as his body started to get smaller. His back bone seemed to crack and his whole body was stretched backwards. Then his stomach got small, and he felt something appearing on his back. This felt like a dream, until Tanner landed... right into the ground. Tanner was knocked out.

Now... Who's ready for Chapter 3, "I'm Feel just Greeny!".


Always Friends
Well, PMD stands for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I know right now, you're probably embarrased, but don't be. Why the heck would someone put PMD anyways. ^^ Ok, Chapter Two has arrived!

"Fire Consumes Everything"​

Tanner laughed as his face was licked by his longlife companion, Mightyena. "Mightyena, quit." Tanner giggled, but his eyes shot open at the sound of crackling. He saw a red and orange streak of flames shooting up at a tree, just a few yards away from him. His mind felt with horror as the tree creaked and cracked. Whip! The tree's roots began to slowly break as their host tree began to fall. Tanner lept to his feet, and rolled out of the way. Mightyena jumped a few seconds later, landing right by Tanner's side. The tree cracked and whip, and then... BAM! The tree toppled over to where Tanner had been sitting. Tanner swallowed hard and panted. He was very nervous at the moment. Not only had a tree almost impaled him, but something even more dangerous was happening around them; a forest fire.

"Aroooooo!" Mightyena howled loudly. He seemed to be calling for help, but it was no use. All other living things, besides the plants, had escape, and had no intention of coming back. Fire licked the sides of the fallen tree. Fire ate up all the weeds that were around Tanner and his dog. A tree suddenly broke off behind Tanner, and came flying down at him.

He whipped around and screamed out "Mightyena, Crunch!" But in the middle of his sentence, something very odd happened. Everything stopped, and then continued on slowly.

He watched as Mightyena bared his teeth at the tree, and it slowly went downwards toward him. Very slowly. But Mightyena wasn't moving a bit. He was really slow too. All of this seemed like a movie Tanner had watched once called "The Matrix". Tanner's eyes widened. Everything was going slow. He quickly moved out of way of the tree, and grasped Mightyena. He pulled Mightyena back, but his dog's reactions were too slow to understand. The tree was still falling in mid-air, but very slowly. Tanner sensed something... something mysterious. He flipped around to see a purple circle fading in. Little bits and pieces of it assembled until it looked like a worm-hole. He reached out at it, and was sucked it. "Ahhh!" He looked back at his Mightyena. He was still acting slow, but a tear drop fell from his eye into the worm-hole.

"Might..." Tanner got to hear. It was the last thing he thought he'd ever hear from his faithful dog Pokemon. He noticed that the worm-hole ended, and he was now his a blue area. Everything was blue, except huge white specks scattered around it. Tanner's eyes were bloodshot. He was in a sky; a sky of another dimension. Tanner screeched as his body started to get smaller. His back bone seemed to crack and his whole body was stretched backwards. Then his stomach got small, and he felt something appearing on his back. This felt like a dream, until Tanner landed... right into the ground. Tanner was knocked out.

Now... Who's ready for Chapter 3, "I'm Feel just Greeny!"?