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the offical beat the game with one Pokemon challenge

green dragonite17

Agent under fire fan
[COLOR="Yellow"][COLOR="Yellow"]you can beat the Game with one Pokemon you can evolve Pokemon but only if they are useless Example: Wurmple Magikarp you can use any Pokemon but just to make it a litle bit harder no legendaries but just don't try to challenge yourself by just using a magikarp and not evolving it also no gameshark i can tell because of if you beat it too fast [/COLOR] also i'll delete this thread if i have to (edit you can evolve any pokemon[/COLOR].)[/COLOR][/B]
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Sir Marly

Mega Sceptile Fanboy
^ im confused do i give you a pokemon or do i say im going to use so and so

green dragonite17

Agent under fire fan
[B][COLOR="Lime[B]"]yes everbody who joins will give it out the pokemon sorry i forgot to put that in[/B] [/COLOR]( edit i can edit my post if someone can't understand forgot to put something in or if somebodys Confused)[/B]
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Sea Ruby Trainer
Please don't type in that red colour, I can't even read what it says.