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The Offical XD Glitch Thread



Well my cousin traded his purified Lugia to emerald and next day lugia was on emerald and XD!

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
you can't just make a thread and call it offical, Glitch threads need information on the first page, and lovrina are you sure it was the XD lugia? he could have traded you a cheated one, or he could have had 2 XD files


What was that walk up to a wall to make your pokemon purify faster glitch? I'm pretty sure you have to do it in Agate Village, but I still don't get it.


will i think that a glith is after you perifiy a pokemon the have wired moves like when i perify my shoomorish it had flase swipe as one of the moves.

Poke Freak

False swipe on a shroomish is not weird, it could naturally learn it as an egg move, even though there are moves that you can only get from a pokemon that you purify.


Twilight of Aquarius
There is a glitch where if you lose to Zook after you lose the Snag Machine, you won't get the email from Secc. You can still go on by talking to Secc at ONBS.


Cascade Trainer
The weirdest thing happened to me yesterday after beating a trainer in the room with all the floaty things you ride in Citidark Island. Suddenly one of the floty things appeared on the floor and either I was curious (and stupid) and walked on it or it made me and suddenlyit took me to another part of the room and I started walking uncontroldbly on the air and it kept doing it until I finally got on real land and I saved and restarted it was freaky and spooky ;249-d; ;109; ;201-a; ;354;


I still don't believe this happened, but I for some reason tossed a PokeBall at a Shadow Pokemon and it got blocked. I don't remember which Pokemon it was, but I do remember that I had my snag machine at the time.


Today i was playing the bingo thing with Bonsly and it evolved at the end of the battle!!!!!!!!But after that i looked at it and it said it was still a Bonsly.


Wow...After all these years, Game Freak still has glitches in Pokemon. XD


one love
If you use your first Pokemon's move to toss a ball at a Shadow Pokemon amd you go to your second Pokemon's move, then you later decide you don't want to do that and go back to the first Pokemon's move, you'll have been conned out of a ball. I think if you try again with the same variety of ball it won't deduct an item again.
Only glicth that i saw was I seen a shiny shadow Pokemon


lovrina said:
That's not a glitch.
acually it is a glitch.but it belongs in the shiny thread.its a glitch that has a 1/8000 chanse of happening.Just like celebii has a 1/100000000 chance of appearing in R/S/E

On topic:another glitch happened to me.I went o go get lugia and instead of the black it was purple.No sparkles.Then when i got it purifyed it was normal.Exept for the things on its back.they were black instead of blue?
Is that normal?


Dream Breaker said:
Yeah, because a shiny has red spikes.

I've never actaully experienced a glitch before, but meh.
O sorry..my tv was acting weird.Its normal.:'(