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The Official 3rd Generation Shiny Discussion/FAQ Thread

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Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
you can't play pokemon emerald on pokemon box

but you could use a gameboy player and snap a photo then!

Invader TAK

Legendary Hunter
Did they fix Shiny Smeargle for XD? IE, Non-shiny = Green tail and Shiny = Red tail like the GBA games.


I don't think so, since the graphic motor is the same as colosseum (the pokemon, ect...)


Not Tommo_Scizor
ask someone in the forums with lots of shinies to take a snapshot of one


Well-Known Member
ill have a pic by tommorow of my raikou

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member

my gues is shiny smeargle will look the same since XD uses the same rendors as Colo

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
yea i wasnt even trying to get 1. I thought it looked shiny when it was shadow so i used the pufifying trick and in the morning i had it. yay


Not Tommo_Scizor
it is normally best not to try, a lot of people have shinies by accident


Tommo_Volbeat said:
it is normally best not to try, a lot of people have shinies by accident

i know shinies are evil like that

anywho thanks for clearing up that about smeargle-a while ago i saw my smeargle had a red tail and i was totally gunna kick myself as i had traded it to a freind


Not Tommo_Scizor
my friend used to get lots of shinies, but his sis kept on forcing him to give them to her, exept for shiny lunatone, which he gave to my other friend, he also had a shiny roselia, those look so awexome

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
yes it is, so there is no need to bump a sticky.

and i thought getting a shiny was hard, try purifying colo Delibird!


Not Tommo_Scizor
i know there is no need to bump a sticky, but a thread about shinies is a bit hard to maintain

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
very good point, and simce hardly anyone would snag a shiny it is hard to keep it alive


Not Tommo_Scizor
true, but anyone with colloseum and a shiny could transfer it over and take a digital pic of it

you listening out there anyone?

maybe you should advertise this post and say something similar to what i said in my first paragraph

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member

I heard

I taken a pic of my friends smeargle which is on the first page and I can try and get my donphan and flygon
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