Magma Grunt Alex
meh, I did not know that There could by Shiny Shadow pokemon... Now I know.
FigmentJedi said:Does white text names in the Shadow Monitor have to do with Shinies. If so, then I got a relative crapload: Around 6 or so...
Doh! Well, now I know and knowing is half the battle.Citolim said:No, it shows you wether or not you looked at them. The white names are the pokemon whose data you looked at, while the gold names are the ones you didn't. Anyway, I have to go on a purify fest if I want to see if I have a shiny on XD.
FigmentJedi said:Doh! Well, now I know and knowing is half the battle.
they look awesome, like a ninja.ilovchansey said:OMFG...i just found a black surskit and caught it.Im trading it to my emerald
It was level 19
the way to purify lugia is on the site, and it is not that hard.shiny mudkip said:i got a shiny eevee i got a shiny larvitare from duking for my wooper.
i have beaten the game and snaged all 83 shadow pokemon ive heard the
only wayyou can purify shadow lugia is put 4 lv 100 legedary pokemon
in the purify chamber i also got a shadow togipe.
I traded my freinds Smeargle to colo to take the pic, I traded my flygon and Donphan to colo just to want to puke!Icemewtwo said:Oh it is really hard for me to get a shiny shadow so I traded the shiny Pigeot I got from my friends LG Shinies r awesome!
Trust me, it's shiny. I should know, I recently obtained a shiny Grolwithe in Emerald! But I don't even have XD yet. I am going to get it soon, hjowever, and I have big shiny expecatations for it!tinfoil said:I think i caught a shiny growlithe. It's hard to tell, but it apperars like a faint yellowish color.