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The Official 3rd Generation Shiny Discussion/FAQ Thread

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meh, I did not know that There could by Shiny Shadow pokemon... Now I know.


Cascade Trainer
Does white text names in the Shadow Monitor have to do with Shinies. If so, then I got a relative crapload: Around 6 or so...

Lovrina addict 4ever!!!!

I'm gonna get you...
FigmentJedi said:
Does white text names in the Shadow Monitor have to do with Shinies. If so, then I got a relative crapload: Around 6 or so...

No, it shows you wether or not you looked at them. The white names are the pokemon whose data you looked at, while the gold names are the ones you didn't. Anyway, I have to go on a purify fest if I want to see if I have a shiny on XD.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
I didn't get a shiny shadow, but my Spot Reactor went off at the Cave PokéSpot, I went there and I saw a Green Zubat, I'm like "Whoa, its darker in here than it was before" When I got into the battle I saw that it wasnt dark, it was a shiny =O I threw an Ultra Ball at it, and I caught it 8D


Cascade Trainer
Citolim said:
No, it shows you wether or not you looked at them. The white names are the pokemon whose data you looked at, while the gold names are the ones you didn't. Anyway, I have to go on a purify fest if I want to see if I have a shiny on XD.
Doh! Well, now I know and knowing is half the battle.


Not Tommo_Scizor
with the amount of shinies people are getting, you would think that the shiny rate went up so that you could get more.


OMFG...i just found a black surskit and caught it.Im trading it to my emerald

It was level 19


Not Tommo_Scizor
ilovchansey said:
OMFG...i just found a black surskit and caught it.Im trading it to my emerald

It was level 19
they look awesome, like a ninja.

shiny mudkip

i got a shiny eevee i got a shiny larvitare from duking for my wooper.
i have beaten the game and snaged all 83 shadow pokemon ive heard the
only wayyou can purify shadow lugia is put 4 lv 100 legedary pokemon
in the purify chamber i also got a shadow togipe.


Not Tommo_Scizor
shiny mudkip said:
i got a shiny eevee i got a shiny larvitare from duking for my wooper.
i have beaten the game and snaged all 83 shadow pokemon ive heard the
only wayyou can purify shadow lugia is put 4 lv 100 legedary pokemon
in the purify chamber i also got a shadow togipe.
the way to purify lugia is on the site, and it is not that hard.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
so it seems this thread got unstickied..........

anyway no luck yet in finding a shiny shadow

XD002 Icemewtwo

Oh it is really hard for me to get a shiny shadow so I traded the shiny Pigeot I got from my friends LG Shinies r awesome!

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Icemewtwo said:
Oh it is really hard for me to get a shiny shadow so I traded the shiny Pigeot I got from my friends LG Shinies r awesome!
I traded my freinds Smeargle to colo to take the pic, I traded my flygon and Donphan to colo just to want to puke!


Not really here.
Lucky Rentea! I always wanted a shiny from XD/Colloseum...never found one...Shinys seem commoner in this game...0.o
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