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The Official 3rd Generation Shiny Discussion/FAQ Thread

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im hoping for a shiny wurmple-silcoon
Dragonking said:
colosseum and xd are 3rd gen too aren't they?

aw crap i forgot about that one.. thanks for reminding me about that

::goes off to merge that into here::

so yes, colo, Xd are included in this discussion

edit: **** that thread was older so now it screwed up the first post
gdhfkgytw8oityhgnaui krlehgnuikvd tlgknvrf

586 pages is a heck of a lot, restarting this over.
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ok guys we're gunna play a game

its called Help the Stupid Admin

whoever finds the post/faq TRJessie had as the 1st post when the threads were seperated gets a cookie ;________;

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