Celestial Moth
Guardian of the Tree of Time
My headaches are caused by a lot of things. I do hear high pitched noises almost all the time when a TV is on in my house, but it doesn't really bother me much. I guess it does in the long run.
I'll get headaches when I am up too long too, but I already fixed that by going to bed a little earlier. After practice, I had a headache, and that one was really bad, so next time, I'll just try to take an Aleve. If that doesn't work, I'll go to a doctor.
Thanks for the advice!
I dont think this is to much to be worried about, though going to the true medical practitioner would help.
Given that you hear the high pitched noises that TV's make, only means that you able to hear the frequency in which
they create which means your have a very good brain if your able to hear them. With these headaches i would say its a problem with your energy and perhaps neurons.
IN which are changing and evolving.
Try acupuncture