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The Official FireRed/LeafGreen Rules and Questions Thread!

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Former Staff Member
Yes, in case you didn't catch it the first time, this is *ahem* THE OFFICIAL FIRERED/LEAFGREEN RULES AND QUESTIONS THREAD! (the exclaimation point is for effect)

This is the result of a merger between two major media org--wait, wrong message board. Never mind. Let me start this one over.

This thread is a result of the desire to cut down on stickies. At the time of this typing, we have eight, and I think I can use my magical organization skills to cut it down to six just with this thread! (That is, close three and replace with this one)

First and most important, are the rules. For those who don't know, rules are protocols you MUST FOLLOW OR YOU WILL DIE A PAINFUL BANNING DEATH *holds banstick threateningly*, and I'm sure nobody wants that. Anyway, here they are.


1) Obey all forum rules. Don't know what those are? Go find them. Should be on the main page somewhere.

2) Do not link to or discuss ROMs. Don't know what a ROM is? See the FAQ I made/merged together below.

3) Don't discuss GameShark/Action Replay/other codes. Don't know what those are? Tough, then I'm not telling you... until the FAQ below.

Those aren't too hard are they? I wouldn't expect them to be. Plus I even clarify all of them for you. Or I will. Coming up in...


W00T! Welcome to the FAQ section. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read this before asking questions. Please refer to the Official Wireless FAQ thread for any questions relating to the wireless adapter.

This FAQ is going to take bits and pieces from FAQs written by Houndoom Trainer, teh Scizzle, and PorygonX, so that's who did most of the work. I'm just compiling them all into one and updating them and whatnot.


Q1) I've been living under a rock/on Mars/in Montana for the last few years. WTF is this?
A1) Welcome back to civilization. This is Pokemon FireRed/Leaf Green. They are remakes of the popular Pokemon Red/Green released in 1996.

Q2) Remakes of Red and GREEN? How can that be if they never MADE a green?
A2) Actually, they did. In Japan, Pokemon was first released as Red and Green. Later, they redid the graphics and released Pokemon Blue. Then came Yellow. When the games came to the US, they took Pokemon Blue in Japan, changed the capture rates to match Red/Green, and released the modified games as Red/Blue. This is because the old Red/Green graphics sucked.

Q3) Wow. I didn't know NOA was so evil.
A3) Yes, they are. These are the same people who took the only way to get Celebi out of Crystal (forcing you to go to an event).

Q4) OK, before I forget, you said something about ROMs above. What are those and why should I care?
A4) ROMs are where people take the game off of the cartridge and turn it into a computer file. Then they put it on the internet. This is illegal, and so you MUST NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GIVE ROMS OR INFORMATION ABOUT THEM TO ANYONE. Also, a ROM is played on an 'emulator' so do not answer questions about those either.

Q5) And what about the code devices you listed? What are they?
A5) You just answered your own question. Those were all cheat devices. They modify the way the game is played. However, put the code in wrong and it could destroy your game. So, we do not endorse nor allow the discussion of them here.

Q6) So if there's Red and Green, then there's a WaterBlue and LightningYellow coming, right? ... RIGHT?
A6) NO. There is not.

Q7) Aww, but I liked having Pikachu follow me.
A7) And I hated it. Tough.

Q8) You're mean.
A8) No I'm not. Just please ask QUESTIONS, not statements.


Q9) Where's the clock? I don't know what time it is.
A9) Neither does the game. This game does not have a clock in it, staying true to the old first generation games.

Q10) Umm... What is this thing my rival gave me in Cerulean?
A10) It's the Fame Checker. It simply tells you more about the characters. You collect information from talking to them or to random people or to the bookcases in Pokemon Centers and buildings.

Q11) A woman in the Vermillion Pokemon Center gave me a "VS Seeker." What is it?
A11) It allows you to rebattle any FIELD trainer in the game. Simply take 100 steps, then go to key items and activate it. Any trainer that is jumping up and down will battle you.

Q12) YAY! I can rebattle gym leaders! W00T!
A12) SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP. No you can't. I said FIELD trainers. Gym leaders are not field trainers. You can only battle Gym Leaders again in Emerald.

Q13) Tell me more about that.
A13) This is the FRLG FAQ, not the Emerald FAQ.

Q14) You know something? Rock Tunnel is dark.
A14) Brilliant observation, Mr. Holmes.

Q15) What am I supposed to do about it?
A15) You need HM05, FLASH.

Q16) Where is that?
A16) You remember the Diglett Cave? Go through that once you have Cut. One house will trade you a Mr. Mime for an Abra, the other will have a scientist who will give you HM05 if you have caught 10 Pokemon.

Q17) I'm trying to get into Saffron City, but the guard won't take my Fresh Water. Why?
A17) Because you suck.

Q18) Really?
A18) No, actually. Go in the front of Celadon Mansion and talk to the lady on the first floor. She'll give you a key item called "Tea." A boy outside the mansion refers to 'scalding hot tea.' Guess what it's for.

Q19) Pouring on my crotch region?
A19) No, you idiot. Give it to the guards.

Q20) Uh-oh... I taught my Raichu Flash. Am I screwed?
A20) No. In between the Gym and the Pokemon Center in Fuchsia is the move deleter.

Q21) Umm... I'm trying to evolve my Golbat, but it starts to evolve and then says it can't. Who poisoned my Golbat?
A21) Nobody. Since you don't have the National Dex yet, you cannot evolve or obtain Pokemon over #151. Once you get the National Dex, evolve to your heart's content.

Q22) Wait, so that means there are Johto Pokemon in this game?
A22) Yep.

Q23) Where do I get them?
A23) In the Sevii Islands.

Q24) Sevii? What kind of name is that?
A24) It appears to come from Seven + VII, the roman numerals for seven.

Q25) So there are seven islands then?
A25) No, there are nine.

Q26) That makes no sense.
A26) Yes it does. Two of them are hidden, like Southern Island in R/S.

Q27) I'll cross that bridge when I come to it then. In the mean time, I remember that in the old games, I got free stuff when I talked to Oak's assistants. You already talked about HM05, what about the other two?
A27) There's four. If you have 20 in your dex (PC at Rock Tunnel), you get an Everstone. If you have 30 in your dex (Route 11), you get an Item Finder. If you have 40 in your dex (route house west of Celadon), you get an Amulet Coin. If you have 50 in your dex (east of Fuchsia), you get an Exp. Share.

Q28) Whoa, the Item Finder changed!
A28) That it did. Now it not only tells you if there's an item, but its distance (based on the number/color of the arrows) and the direction. Also, if you stand where the Snorlaxes were you'll get Leftovers when using it, and you will also receive items if you stand where Giovanni (Macho Brace), Ho-oh (Sacred Ash), and Mr. Fuji (Soothe Tag) were. But only if you are standing ON THAT SPOT.

Q29) How do I figure out which direction the item is in?
A29) Don't make me hurt you.

Q30) Eek. Umm, anyway, that is so AWESOME.
A30) Please only ask questions.

Q31) Oh, um, that is so AWESOME?
A31) Very funny. NOT.

Q32) Are shinies in this game?
A32) Yes. There's a 1:8192 chance of getting one in any method (wild, only one, ingame trade, gift).

Q33) What about PokeRus, being that there isn't time?
A33) PokeRus cannot be CAUGHT in the game, but if you trade a Pokemon with it to FRLG, it will never lose it.

Q34) Espeon and Umbreon evolve based on day or night. If there's no clock, how does it work?
A34) Eevee DOES NOT evolve into Espeon and Umbreon in Fr/Lg. You have to trade it to Ru/Sa, then get max happiness (happiness resets when you trade), then evolve it. Umbreon during the AM and Espeon during the PM.

Q35) Hey, in the old game, you could catch Magmar and Ponyta in the Cinnabar Mansion. Now the building seems utterly useless. Where did they go?
A35) Don't fear. Once you beat Blaine, you'll be able to go to the first three Sevii Islands. You catch Ponyta and Magmar (if available in your game) on One Island.


Q36) Ninix?
A36) There's nine islands, Nine + IX... oh, never mind. You don't appreciate a good joke.


A37) What?

A38) Quit whining. This is One Island.

Q39) Oh. I knew that. I was just, umm, testing you.
A39) Sure you were.

Q40) So... now that I'm here, how do I get back?
A40) You don't--

Q41) NOOOOOOOOOOO! My Elite Four dreams... gone... *sob*

Q42) But, *sniff* I'm still trapped. Help me...
A42) Wimp. You're still safe in the Pokemon Center. Save the girl in the Berry Forest on Three Island then talk to her father on Two Island. Return to One Island's Pokemon Center. Now you can return.

Q43) Oh, now I see. But, umm, where did Moltres go? He used to be in Victory Road.
A43) ...Did you not see him? He's all the way at the north end of One Island.

Q44) Alright! Now I've beat the Elite Four! How do I get back to the islands?
A44) Go to where you got on the St. Anne in Vermillion. There you go.

Q45) Now, we were saying something about a 'National Dex' earlier. Who is 'National' and where would I find his 'dex'?
A45) National Dex allows you to see any of the 386 Pokemon, you idiot. To get it, you have to have beaten the Elite Four and have 60 in your regular Pokedex.

Q46) Whoa, on Two Island, there's this person who offered to teach my starter this move. It sounded neat.
A46) Actually, the moves suck.

Q47) Are you going to tell me any more than that?
A47) I wasn't planning to.

Q48) Well that's too bad. I want to hear more.
A48) Then say, "I'm a stupid whiny idiot who needs more information."

Q49) WTF? I'm not going to say that!
A49) Then no info for you.

Q50) Fine. *dignity flies away* I'm a stupid whiny idiot who needs more information. Now gimme.
A50) These are the "elemental hyper beams." They do the same thing as Hyper Beam except they are Fire, Water, and Grass. Only your starter can learn these, and only if it's happy.

Q51) Man, I can't believe you got me to say that.
A51) I can't believe you said it either.

Q52) Anyway, what's up with that Celio guy on One Island? He's got MORE crap he needs me to do?
A52) Yes. You have nothing better to do than beat the Rockets you passed on your way to visit Moltres and recover the Ruby Plate. Then he expects you to go all the way to Five Island to get the Sapphire Plate. And what do you get in return? A machine that trades with RS. Waste of time, I swear.

Q53) WTH? That's useful!
A53) *holds banstick threateningly*

Q54) I mean, how sucky it is. Umm, and stuff.
A54) That's better. And stuff.

Q55) Shouldn't this game have a Move Tutor like RS did?
A55) Yes, and it does! On Two Island is the Move Tutor, who will relearn moves in exchange for either 2 Tinymushrooms or 1 Big Mushroom. Get those from Paras and Parasect.

Q56) I want some breakfast, but I need to know how to prepare this egg I got on Five Island. What is in it?
A56) A Togepi. I suggest making a nice omlet.

Q57) Mmm... good omlet. So, where can I get more scrumptious eggs from?
A57) The breeding center is on Four Island.

Q58) There's nothing like battling after a good breakfast. Is there a Battle Tower?
A58) Yes, there's a "Trainer Tower" on Seven Island. It really sucks if you ask me.

Q59) Well, this isn't an opinion thread, this is a fact thread.
A59) AHEM. *waves banstick*

Q60) I mean, um, you are a god-like being who can do what he wishes?
A60) Much better.

Q61) On second thought, I'm still hungry. Do you have any alphabet soup?
A61) You catch the Unown on Seven Island, but first you have to solve the Tanoby Key. Then Unown appear in the ruins further south. Be warned, some are more common than others. Especially rare are the two new ones, which appear in the same caves as A and Z.

Q62) I still haven't found the Sapphire Plate. I'm so hopelessly lost.
A62) First things first, help Lorelei out in Icefall Cave and beat some Rockets. Then go to Six Island. Cut the door in the center of the southern one. Solve the braille and when you get to the bottom, the plate will be taken!

Q63) *chewing popcorn* Oooh! What happens next?
A63) Then you have to go back to Five Island and go in the Rocket base. You get it back after you beat everyone in there. Don't forget to pick up the Up-grade for Porygon!

Q64) OK, complete change of subject here, but where's the Metal Coat?
A64) Five Island, near the monument of the Onix.

Q65) What's with that crybaby anyway?
A65) You insensitive goon, his Onix died. Plus you can mooch a TM42 off of him by talking to his statue if you have a Lemonade in your bag.

Q66) Speaking of TMs, I still don't have TM10. Where is it?
A66) You find it with the Pickup ability, which Meowth and Phanpy both have.

Q67) I found the Lost Cave. If I found it, why is it still the Lost Cave?
A67) Because you're nobody and therefore nobody's found it.

Q68) It's confusing though. I keep winding up in the same room. What's up with that?
A68) There's a certain number of rocks in each room. 3, 6, 9, or 12. Count the rocks, then go in the direction you'd go if the room were a clock. (for 3 go right, etc.)

Q69) Someone told me you could rebattle the E4 and they'll be stronger. They're just yanking my chain, right?
A69) No, but it doesn't change the fact that I hate you. They will be 10-12 levels stronger and will have replacements. Lorelei replaces Slowbro with Piloswine. Bruno's Onix mysteriously evolve. Agatha's Golbat evolves and Haunter is replaced with Misdreavus. Lance evolves one Dragonair and replaces the other with Kingdra. Your rival replaces Pidgeot with Heracross and Rhydon with Tyranitar.

Q70) What about Mewtwo? Can I get him? I couldn't when I first beat the Elite Four...
A70) Once you have the National Dex, yes you can.

A71) Yay. [/sarcasm]

Q72) What about Munchlax? If I breed two Snorlaxeseses and they're holding Master Balls and Leftoverses, will I get one?
A72) Let me think for a sec--NO.

Q73) Oh, well, umm... I have a breeding question...
A73) Umm... I'm a virgin, so I'm not the one to ask.

Q74) Ew. No, not what I meant. I mean, who can Ditto not breed with?
A74) Babies, Legendaries, Unown, Nidorina/Nidoqueen.

Q75) Why Nidorina/Nidoqueen?
A75) I dunno, maybe Nintendo was just acting like you.

Q76) HEY!
A76) Is for horses. So start eating.

Q77) I'm getting sick of your attitude.
A77) And I'm getting sick of you.

Q78) Ooh, big words from a small man.
A78) A small man with a big banstick.

Q79) You wanna fight me?
A79) No.

Q80) I wanna fight. Put em up.
A80) OK. *thwaps with banstick*

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

OK, so I hope that answered some of your questions. If it didn't, please kindly ask in this thread for assistance. I'm sure there are people just dying to help you out (not).

If I made you laugh and/or helped you out, then I consider myself successful.

- Trip


Obsessive Beader/Mod
If you wouldn't mind adding one of the most important things in HoundoomTrainer's FAQ thread--evolving Eevee into Umbreon/Espeon. :p
Eevee DOES NOT evolve in FR/LG, except by the three stones into Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. Since there IS no clock in FR/LG, it needs to be in Ru/Sa with max happiness in order to evolve, Umbreon during the AM and Espeon during the PM, according to how you set your clock in your room. This is, by far, the most frequently asked question in this forum, IMHO.

Otherwise, THANK YOU. :D

EDIT: Sorry, I searched for "Eevee", so I didn't see it in there. *Blush* Maybe just add a little more info? It'd be GREATLY appreciated. :D
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Team Steel Chaz

erm, you closed the popular fire red and leaf green help thread for this?! people will make more posts saying like: "i've done the elite four now what?" meh... whatever


All I can say is, great FAQ B) (I'm copying your PM XD) And you've certainly boosted the number of Qs, from 30 to 80? Neat touch with BILL HAS ABDUCTED ME FROM CINNABAR AND NOW I'M SCARED AND IN AN UNUSUAL PLACE...

thankies Trip, youre great XD You did this so quickly.....

looks good too, nice job ;P the guide's funny as well

Cherryl Walker

I've got a loverly bunch of Eggecutes/Exegcutes

Okay. There is one question that has haunted me since I first picked up the original Blue game of Pokemon. Why, from then on up to the most recent versions with the World Pokedex, does Vaporeon still have the lousiest set of moves to start with and level up to?


I have a question. If I breed a female ditto with a male eevee, will I get a ditto or an eevee??? I know that you will normally get whatever the female is (ditto), but I wasn’t sure, and I can’t get a female eevee anywhere? I there any way I can get an eevee without a female eevee????


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Ditto doesn't have a gender, so it's impossible to get a female. :p When you breed anything with a Ditto, the result will be whatever Pokemon ISN'T Ditto.


Cherryl Walker said:
Okay. There is one question that has haunted me since I first picked up the original Blue game of Pokemon. Why, from then on up to the most recent versions with the World Pokedex, does Vaporeon still have the lousiest set of moves to start with and level up to?

Because the programmers put it that way?


I've got 1 question, how do you get through the fog in the Pokemon Tower? I'm stuck there. >.>


Wlasl Master
Through the fog? Just tilt your screen a bit, to lower the light income. But, if that doesn't work, just start walking around until you find an opening.

Mr Tets

10th Konoha's Hokage
i cant get bruno's 5 entry for the fame checker.help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dynamo Trainer
There is a blonde woman in a pink dress on Two Island. She tells you a rumor about Bruno. Unless you count the entries differently than I do, in which case you need to check a bookcase in Saffron City for a Pokemon Journal. I believe it's in the Pokemon Center.

Mr Tets

10th Konoha's Hokage
Whompithian said:
There is a blonde woman in a pink dress on Two Island. She tells you a rumor about Bruno. Unless you count the entries differently than I do, in which case you need to check a bookcase in Saffron City for a Pokemon Journal. I believe it's in the Pokemon Center.

where can i find the blonde woman???


Battle Pyramid Champion
It's very weird. First time I checked I couldn't find her (might've overlooked her though). When I went to the girl who teaches you the elemental hyper beams and came back she was just standing there. Does she randomly dissapear or did I just overlook her?


Dynamo Trainer
Mr Tets said:
where can i find the blonde woman???
The blonde woman is standing South of the market stand on Two Island, just past the sign that says,

Boon Island for Two"

It's right outside the Move Maniac's house.


Watashi Makenai!
How can i get a Shiny Charizard??
I only have a Shiny Medichamp, and i really would like to have a Shiny Charizard cause its my favorite Pokémon!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I don't know if this is a stupid question but I've got a mew on my Pokemon Yellow game and I want it on my Fire Red game. Is there any way I could get it onto it? If Gold/Silver/Crystal can trade to Collesuem then I could go...

Yellow>G/S/C>Colloseum>Fire Red

Please Help!
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