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The Official (Serebii) Dungeons and Dragons Club

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Elite Eevee

The club for the classic RPG is back! Feel free to talk about anything regarding D&D. For the record, art, stories, webcomics, or self-made articles count.

Owner: Elite Eevee.


The Idiot One
Okay, I guess you don't have to email a link. I realized that I could just search... ¬.¬ silly of me.

So, can I join? Pweeeaaase?

I'm hoping yes so I'll get right down to it.

I guess we need a topic for starters. Do you use any campaign settings or do you use your own?

I tend to find made up campaign settings a pain to create if I'm the DM or get familiar with if someone else is DM. Once we've gotten over that, however, I think I tend to prefer them over provided campaign settings because of the little spark or self we put into it. I tend to think of the setting as our private setting, like a shared secret. I guess I prefer self-made settings because they're more personal. Still, they require loads of time, something I don't quite have too much of anymore.

Draconic Mage


how do clubs work again???

lets just say:

I'd like to join.

Elite Eevee

Feh. Sorry about sending the link. I was afraid you wouldn't find it. But anyway, yes, you and Draconic Mage are in.

True. We do need a topic starter. And thus, I respond.

While I do use a published campaign setting (Okay, it's Planescape, but it's still a setting!), I've been developing my own (You know this, IdiotNESS). Let's just say it's been through more renovations than the layers of the Abyss. Still, I find that whether your game is stationed in Sigil, Waterdeep, Sharn, or even wandering Athas, it has a minor amount of impact on it (The game). The DMG even says that you should change the setting as nescessary to fit your game. Still, getting stalked by Strahd in Castle Ravenloft is nevertheless better than the generic town and tavern.

Still, I think for a starter, we could go back to the original starter: What character are you playing?


Mermaid Hunter
I've always been wanting to learn about DnD and T.RPG'ing in general but all the numbers make my head spin ^^;

Requesting to join.

BTW: Not it's my place or anything, but shouldn't you say that the club has been autherized by someone?

Elite Eevee

Yeah, join. Naturally, the club has been approved, and I have posted a link and aproval on that big Club List thingie topic.

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
Can I join please? My friends and I often play AD&D 2nd ed.. Wev'e played it for....*Thinks*....14 years.

I play an adult male centaur fighter, (waist up, looks like me, 'taur half, a bay cob.)

Wev'e been to Toril, Oerth, many places in the Spelljammer setting and done things that, if not written down, wouldv'e been forgotten long ago.

At the present, we are spelljamming between planets, working out where to go next.

Brock PHillips, aka Jazz.


Can I join, I got D&D a few weeks ago and I'm getting quite used to it

EDIT: P.S. Was this approved?


The Idiot One
Yes, Psiumbreon approved it, I believe. It's on that big list sticky that psiumbreon posted.

Hmmm...I believe that I play an Elf Fighter/Wizard/Arcane Archer, a human Ranger/Monk, an Elf Wizard/Archmage, a halfling Barbarian/Wizard, and a dwarven Sorcerer/Bard in various settings and campaigns.

Yes, some are really random combinations but I like conflicting characteristics (plus, they frequently cover for other weaknesses). Actually, I think my favorite is prolly my halfling barbarian/wizard (=D).

Elite Eevee

All of you can join, but for the love of Mystra, stop asking if this is approved.

That's a lot of characters, IdiotNESS (The only one I remember is your Wizard/ Loremaster/ Archmage). BTW, have you considered Spellsword levels for your Wizard/ Barbarian?

Elite Eevee

Well, I play 1st ed. with some of my buddies. Second Ed. was always the odd edition out, and I only got some of the stuff (Chronomancer, Panescape books) for the unstatted content (And some stats, in Chrono's case).

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
Chronomancer? My friends friend played one in his campaign, plus he (friend) said the he (friends friend) had lost his (friends friend) copy.

Well, He (f) said that he (f's f) had being losing it when he will be gone.... I just stopped him as my grasp of temporal mechanics/magic is minor. Time-lines and simple paradoxes I can understand, the more complicated stuff, well.

Could you direct me to somewhere where you could download a copy of Chronomancer or a netbook please?

Latest in the campaign journal:-spelljamming bewteen the crystal Spheres.

Brock Phillips.

Elite Eevee

Uhh, well, you see, my copy I got from Ebay, so I don't think that there's another one. You could look around RPG Now for a PDF version though (Cheap, too.)

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
Still Spelljamming.

SOmething'll happen when you least expect it, but, as per these things, if you expect nothing to happen, thinking nothing'll happen, the opposite'll happen, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Brock Phillips.

Legendary Hunter Rasheed

I have a question for u guys. I just started a charector on dnd and I want to become a paladin/lightmaster. I figuered out that I need to first be paladin/wizard to reach this goal, but then I read that ounce paladin's raise a level by multiclassing that they can never grow paladin again. I then dessided to not get my first 5 bonus feats to overlap that rule. Is that ok or is it considered cheating?

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
I'm sorry, but that seems like it might be cheating, but then I know hardly anything about third edition gaming.

Current in-game progress:-still spelljamming, but had a communicae (Sp?) from our sponsor/patron.

Brock PHillips.

Elite Eevee

Actually, I'm not sure what he's talking about either. What is the Lightmaster class, and where is it from? How the heck do you get five bonus feats at first level?

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
Well, the AD&D group I'm in has stopped and made planetfall to get supplies.

And run into an adventure. You never just "stop for supplies then get back on ship" again. It seems like a normal dungeon crawl, but space is big, and the creatures in these dungeons/towers is quite varied.

Plus you might get a few unique magical/psionic items.

Brock PHillips.

Legendary Hunter Rasheed

Elite Eevee said:
Actually, I'm not sure what he's talking about either. What is the Lightmaster class, and where is it from? How the heck do you get five bonus feats at first level?

Light Master is a wizard that has mastery over light, and I didn't mean 5 bonus feats at the begining, I meant my first 5 bonus feats.
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