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The Official SPP Club Section Index

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I <3 Catgirls
I got this approved by Jasmine, so I can call it Official.

This idea came to me after I saw how some days a Club becomes inactive and drops to page 3 or 4 and then the next day somebody bumps it with a post to the top. Other days, the Clubs are bumped so often that they get sent to page 3, 4, or later, then after about 10 to 20 minutes, they get bumped up to page 1 and this is repeated some days over and over. And then there's the funny cases where Clubs just "appear out of thin air" on page 1, since they haven't been there for less than 6 days and are not considered "dead" yet.

Alright let's get down to it, shall we, people? There's a small form I need you Owners/Leaders (I will not enforce this, since I'm doing a list of Clubs, not a list of Clubs and Members, but if the Leader/Owner is active, please let him or her post it up. Of course, Co-Owners could post it up too.) to fill out in your posts and then I'll edit you into the list. I'll try to do it in Alphabetical Order, but if I make a mistake, correct me. I'm human after all.

Asking questions about the Clubs is not just welcomed, but encouraged. Feel free to ask a question. If the person who posted the Club can answer it, then it might promote membership. That makes this thread more useful, in my opinion.

The Club form:
URL: (This is the Link to page 1 of your Club. Make sure it's correct, please. I'll check, and if it isn't, then it's more work for me. IMPORTANT)
Club Name: (This is how you want your Club Name to appear in the Index. Please don't make it too long.)
Approved by: (Numerous people have brought this up, so I though it would be good to have it in here for real.)
Description: (Kurou-kun actually brought up a good point. Some people might not know about the a certain Club, so please put a description. These are really just for fun, but may be useful if somebody wants to scroll through and look at them.)

Note 1: If the code for the links gets too big to put in one post, I'll have to ask this to be closed, so I can make a new one with two starting posts.

Note 2: With the Increasing Number of Clubs having things before the actual Club name, I have to explain the ordering. I like to Alphabetize like an Encyclopedia. If people don't like it, Let me know by PM. If I get enough (about 10+) I'll change it to the normal way. The reason I'm doing it that way is so it's easier for me to pick out the actual Club name, so I can Alphabetize it ok. Also like an Encyclopedia. Putting the other stuff at the front makes it a bit more messy, in my opinion.

Note 3: I have no time to find out if a Club it dead, so if you want a Club removed, let me know. It's not nice to make me look up Owners/Co-Owners/etc., so be fair and don't ask me to remove a Club that you have no affiiatipn with. Doing that is not fair to me (I am forced to believe you, having no reasons to the contrary) and not fair to that Club (They lose their Link), so don't do it.

The SPP Club Section Index:
Advance Wars FanHQ, The
Animal Crossing Club
Arcanine/Growlithe Club
Artist Club
Ash and Pikachu Club, The
Ash Club, Toto's
Asian Pokemaniacs Alliance
Azumanga Daioh Fanclub, The
Baby pokemon fan club, The
New Beyblade Club, The
Battle Commet Club
~*Battle Frontier Club, The*~
bikini moments club, the
Black Flame Pokemon Fan Club, The
Boys and Girls Club,The
Boyz Klub
Brendan and Ruby Fan Club
Bug Club, The (V2)
Buffy/Angel Club, The
California Trainers Club
Cardcaptor Sakura fan-club
Chao club
Charmed Fan Club, The
Chobits Club, The New
Cipher Organzation, The
Civllization Fan Club, Sid Meier's
Classical Music Lovers Club, The
Club Underground
Contestshipping Club v.2
Coordinators Club
Dark Ones, The
Desert Pokemon Club, The
Diamond/Pearl Battle Club, The
Digimon Lovers Club
~Drew Club~
Electric Pokemon Club
Eeveelution Evolution, Take 5!
European Pokemon Fan's Club
First Stage Fan Club
Fizzy Bubbles Club
Flannery Fanclub v3.0, the
Flying Pokemon Lovers Club
Football/Soccer Club, The
Frontier Brain Fan club
_^Frozen Chozen, The^_
Fruits Basket Club
Full Moon Clan
Fully Evolved Starter Pokémon Fan Club, The
Garfield Fan Club, The
Gay/Lesbian Alliance Club, The
Ghost Club
Godzilla/Gojira fanclub
Gymleaders Club. The
Halo Club, The
-Hikari Fan Club- V.2
Hilary Duff Fan Club, The
Hoenn Club
InuYasha Club
Invader Zim Club
J-Pop *Japanese Pop*/Anime J-Pop Fan Club. The
Kaijudo Planet
~~*Kanto Fan Club, The*~~
Kenji/Tracey Fan Club (V.3), The
Korn Fan Club, The
Kirby Club, The
Lan Hikari and friends club, The
*~Lance/Wataru Fan Club, The~*
Latinos Club, The
The Legend Of Zelda Club (I kinda felt weird putting "The" at the end)
Legendary Trio Club, The
Magic: The Gathering Club
Magical Pokemon Journey Club
Mario Games Fan Club
May Fan Club, The
Max/Masato Fan Club (v2), The
Megaman Classic Club
~Melody Club~
Metroid Fan Club
Mirror B. Fan Club
~Misty Club~
Mondo Club
Mudkip, Torchic and Treecko Fanclub
Naruto Club
Need For Speed Most Wanted Club
NFL Football Club, The
Nintendog's Club, The
Normal Type Pokémon Club, The
Official Asperger's Syndrome Alliance
Official Bleach FanClub, The
Official Doctor Who Club, The
official NASCAR fan club, The
Official Neopets Fanclub, The
Official (Serebii) Dungeons and Dragons Club
Official Xbox Club!, The
Official Yellow-chan Fan Club, The
~*Orange Islands Fan Club*~
Phantom of the Opera Club, The
pichu and evolutions club
Pita Ten Club, the
Pixar Club, The
Animals- The Pink Floyd fan club (I have no idea where to put this, this so I'm putting it under P)
Pokemon Breeder's Club, The
*~Pokemon Egg Club~*
Pokeshipping Club
Rap/Hip-Hop Club
Rainfall Club
~*Redwall Fan club*~
Richie Hiroshi Fan Club, The
Riviera Club, The
Romance Club ^_^, The
RPG Club, The
Sacred Flame Legends Team, The
Salon Maiden Anabel Fan Club
Secret Base Club, The
Shadow Poke Club
Shroomy Club
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Fan Club
Simpson's Fan Club, The
Socialist Club, The
Spider-Man 3 Excitement Club, The
Spider Rider Fan Club
SPPf Abba Fan Club, The
SPP Atheist Alliance
Spongebob Squarepants Club
Spriters Club, The
Sprite Comic Club, The
StarGate SG-1/Atlantis Club
Steel Type Pokemon fan Club
Super Mario Bros. Club
Super Mario Strikers Club
Super Monkey Ball Club
Sylvanian Families Club!
System Of A Down Club, The
Tales Fan Club (V3)
Tamora Pierce Fan Club, The~
Tate and Liza Fan Club, The
Team Aqua Lovers Club, The
Team Magma
Team Rocket Club, The (V2)
Teen Titan Fan and Battle Club
Tiny Pokemon Club
Unappreciated Pokemon Club
UK Pokémon Gamers Club
Wallace Club
~*Winona Fan Club*~
Wipeout Pure club
Warhammer Club, the
Xeno Club, The (V2)
Xiaolin Showdown Club, The
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Wlasl Master
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Ororo Munroe

Well this is stupid. I asked to do something similar to this before but was told not to. :rolleyes:


I <3 Catgirls
Togechikku said:
Well this is stupid. I asked to do something similar to this before but was told not to. :rolleyes:

Tege, come on. You used to be a Mod. You should know better, I think. Don't SPAM, please. Jasmine thought it's a good idea this time. What can I say? I'm surprised she didn't let you do it but I got to do it.

*edits in new Club links*
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English Avatarman

bronislav84 said:
Tege, come on. You used to be a Mod. You should know better, I think. Don't SPAM, please. Jasmine thought it's a good idea this time. What can I say? I'm surprised she didn't let you do it but I got to do it.

*edits in new Club links*
Can you post clubs that you don't own?

Ororo Munroe

You typoed my name and I didn't spam. It'd be easier for you to do this if you took the time and got all the links yourself. That's what I did.

Cerulean Girl

Cerulean Trainer
URL: http://www.serebiiforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=40411&page=1
Club Name: The Boys and Girls Club
Description: A club where boys and girls can talk!

I was wondering if I could do this for a club that I am co-owner for, but am basically the owner of since the owner isn't there a lot. Thanks

~Cerulean Girl - The Boys and Girls Club owner
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Cerulean Girl

Cerulean Trainer


Well-Known Member
URL: http://www.serebiiforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=29092&page=1&pp=20
Club Name: ~Misty Club~
Description: Club for all Misty fans, place to post Misty pics, quotes and make topics about her.

URL: http://www.serebiiforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=38285
Club Name: ~Drew Club~
Description: Place to talk/send pics about Drew

And 'cause I'm Co~Owner of these clubs I'm sure I can add these too:

URL: http://www.serebiiforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=21437
Club Name: Toto's Ash Club
Description: Club where people talk about Ash and his pokemons. We also send pics/quotes/topics.

URL: http://www.serebiiforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=42549
Club Name: The Romance Club! ^_^
Description: Place for discuss love and romantic things.


I have my own club! :)

~~*The Kanto Fan Club*~~

Description-It's for anyone who liked any episode, character, pokemon, etc. of Kanto! We post pics and quotes too! Join now! New members are always welcomed! :)

I'm the Co-Owner of:

Usher and Eminem Club

Description-Anyone who is a fan of Usher and/or Eminem. We discuss their many songs, concerts, etc.

And the last but I'm a member:

The Yoshi Fan Club

Description-A club where all Yoshi fans unite, post pics, upcoming games about Yoshi, etc. Anyone is welcomed! :)

Thanks for your time! :)



I <3 Catgirls
Soaken Icefell said:
Can you post clubs that you don't own?
Well, I don't encourage it, but if you think the Leader/Owner won't be active enough to do it themselves, then go right ahead. :)

Togechikku said:
You typoed my name and I didn't spam. It'd be easier for you to do this if you took the time and got all the links yourself. That's what I did.
Oh I'm sorry Toge, I made that post when I hadn't sleept all night and was reloading the thread while playing a PC game and downloading something. Tiredness can do that to a person. Sorry, again.

Now about the "getting the links myself" thing. I could do that, but there are soooooooo many Clubs here that it would just take Eons to do it. Besides, I don't know which ones are active and which aren't because just like my first post says, they get moved around so often that I can't keep track. I doubt anybody else can, either. In this way, asking people to give me the links, I am guaranteed to get the links for really active Clubs. If it gets to be a problem that people don't do it even for active Clubs, then I'll go searching when I have time. I'm studying for Finals now, so I cant at this point in time.

Note to everybody: Please, I'm asking nicely here. Just fill in the form. It makes it easier for me to not have to look at your Code myself by having to Quote you and then Cutting the Code out to use it. Both pieces of info are right there for me to use, this way. I was hoping to make this a seamless process. Please also see the note above about Tiredness from Finals and Studying.

*goes to edit in new Clubs*
Edit: *phew* That large Set took a while....
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I <3 Catgirls
SO, the form, please. Makes this giant project easier. I need to have both the Link and the name separated like in there. Please don't make your own form. It's easier for me to edit the visible Link text if it's not already a Link made by somebody else.

Ok, I have a question, SO. In your Club, do you (or your members) actually take requests from people? Like if a Member or a Non-Member posts one. Like Banner/Sprite requests? What about teaching people how to Sprite/Draw? Do you do that too? I'm asking, because I myself might be interested.

Oh! I just got an idea. I'm gonna add a new rule in the first post.
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