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The Official Yellow Fan Club V2.0

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Hello everyone out there. Looking over the Serebii Forums, I was looking for a club pertaining to Yellow. Alas, it was closed. So I shall re-open it.

Yellow. Who wouldn't like her. Her innocence, her gentle touch, her hairstyle... You can't find fault with her. Charming, graceful and talented.

On to the rules.
1) You must be a fan of Yellow to join. You can like other characters; heck, you can like other characters more than you like Yellow; but you must like Yellow, too.

2) No bashing. Of anything.

3) Yellow's a girl, not a boy.

4) You may post images and fanart of Yellow in here, but if you're posting fanart, make sure you have permission from the artist to post it. If you don't have permission, you can link to the page that it's on.

5) You may post links to Yellow-based fanfiction here, but please don't post them in the body of your message....

~*Members List:*~

Ketsuban (founder)

BrendanRuby (new owner)
Sapphire Ocean Princess (co-owner)
Red (Pokemon Trainer Red)
Yellow (Yellow's Evil Twin)
Neo Flygon
Blackjack Gabbiani

To join, just post, and include the words 'Join Fanclub' in the post title.

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