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The only ones

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Awsome dragon girl
You live in a beautiful land. You're a pokemon. You're with your own type. Most things couldnt be better. Except..... Near by other pokemon groups live. Why? There's lots of food, water and shade. There are no humans most of the time. The groups have a problem though.

Every group is its own type. They don't get along well. At least most people. Except you. You want to neet other people, but not in battle. You want to travel but older people say its dangerous. You want to escape.

To particapate you must tell me:

Age (7-15):
Pokemon (please only baby, basic and stage 1):
Group (just to know if you're two types):
Relationships (cheif daugter etc):

Name: Aqua
Age: 12
Pokemon: Vaporeon
Gender Female
Group: Water
Apperance: Wears a green shell necklace all the time.
Personality: Friendly though doesn't have many close firiends
Relationships: Father is 2nd highest place other then cheif.

Types taken: Water

1. No people in the same group (Vaporeon and Azumarill)
2. Put an unknown smile in your post;201-m;
3. Have fun!


Before a mod moves this to the signup page, it would be wise to elaborate more on the subject. A good rpg needs detail so its a good tip. If you'd elaborate more on the area, the plot, and the signup your rpg would be much better.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Your plot is as pathetic as your sign up :/ read the RULES and maybe head over to thje RPG school. You need to elaborate plot and your character sign up. Where's personality? Description? History? And where is the description, the information, the knowledge that people signing up need when they sign up?

:/ even if you had posted in the right place, wouldn't have helped you much.


Starcrossed Lover
As Yami Ryu said....Please follow the rules, this RPG itself is breaking many of the rules; and twinkypinky708, please go to the sign up thread and learn how to post sign ups. Just reading people's sign ups is a good way to start off. I have quoted RaZoR LeAf below, which tells the rules, since it appears that no one reads rules anymore.

RPG Forum Rules

This Forum is for interactive, text based RPGs. You find an RPG you want to join, create a character, and on approval take part in acting out the RPG.

1. General Rules
As with any part of the forum, the general rules still apply. Do not SPAM. Do not post with the intention of causing arguments. Do not double post. Do not bump old topics. Check the main forums rules if you are ever in doubt.

2. Posting Topics
Post in the correct forums. Sign Ups go in the Sign Up Forum. RPG's go in the Main RPG Forum. Discussions, and help goes in the RPG Cafe.

3. Advertising
Do not advertise your own RPG's in other's. If people want to join your RPG they will, so don't join one and expect the creator to join yours in return. Do not advertise your rpg forums, or rpgs that do not take place here on Serebii.net. This falls under the main forum rules of advertising.

4. RPG Length
RPG plots must consist of a minimum of approximately 400-600 words. Since paragraphs can be defined as any length, a word count is better suited to making sure they are of adequate length. This amounts to about half a page on Word.

5. Sign Up Length
Sign Up Forms should have at least 4-5 sentences in any fields regarding Description, Personality or History.

6. Post Length
RPG posts are required to be of an adequate length. Short posts are not tolerated. Too many short posts gets an RPG warned. If no change is made then there's a high chance the RPG will be closed.

On the same note, Scripting is not allowed in any form, and will result in an RPG being closed.

7. Adult Content
If an RPG contains strong language, violence, or scenes that are generally adult, the RPG must be marked either in the title, or within the first few lines of the RPG topic itself.

PG-13 - Acceptable for anyone over the age of 13
PG-15 - Acceptable for anyone over the age of 15
R - Acceptable for anyone over the age of 17
NC-17 - Acceptable for anyone over the age of 17, generally more extreme than an R rating. Please ASK permission if you want to use this rating.

8. Smilie Abuse
In any part of the RPG Forum, the use of smilies is not allowed. RPGs are text based, not picture based, so write the pokemon names in. Posts with excessive uses of smilies will be deleted, regardless of what other information they contain.

9. Non-Pokemon RPGs
Serebiiforums is a Pokemon fan board, so any RPG that is not of pokemon origins needs to be properly explained. This ranges from any anime, cartoon, film, book and also to original ideas.

If your RPG fails to provide an adequate amount of information, a mod will question the plot. If this happens, you are expected to provide answers for every question, as well as using the EDIT button to rework the details into your plot. If the topic becomes to cluttered, a mod will close the topic and let you start a new one if they are happy enough that you have improved the plot. If not, then it will be closed and you will be asked to PM a reworked plot for approval.

10. Getting Turned Down
If you are turned down for an RPG, you may or may not be given a second chance. This varies with RPG creators. Some may not give a reason, but if you ask politely they will most likely tell you. If you feel you have been unfairly dismissed, do not make a fuss about it, just ask one of the mods to check for you.

On a second note, if you are accepted for an RPG, do not post asking when the RPG will start, or other questions pertaining to how many more people are needed, etc. This is up to the RPG creator, and has nothing to do with you. So don't ask.

11. Replying to Rule Breakers
If you are browsing RPGs, and find one that breaks any of the rules, such as being of short length, or abusing smilies, etc. PLEASE, report it to one of the mods with a Private Message. We would ask that you DO NOT reply to it, pointing out that it breaks the rules. Please leave this to the mods, as past instances have only resulted in members flaming said topic creator.

Please remember to treat everyone with the same respect you would want to be treated with. Flaming or accusing members for any reason will result in you being warned, no matter what the circumstances.

12. A Bill of Rights
Whether you are signing up or running the RPG, you have certain rights. These entitle you to fair play, but do not automatically make you and your argument right.

As a Game Master
- The right to good sign ups
- The right to deny any who doesn't read the RPG details
- The right to deny anyone who isn't up to scratch
- The right to deny anyone who you feel wont do well in the RPG
- The right to ask for changes in someone's character
- The right to later deny or remove someone from an RPG

As a Sign Up
- The right to be treated as an equal
- The right to politely question the Game Master
- The right to be given a reason for being turned down

13. Swearing
If your RPG is properly marked and labeled to say it may contain strong language then it's fine. Evading the swear fliter will NOT earn you a warning ro ban, as long as the swearing is part of a character's thought or spoken word. Swearing for the sake of it, or directing insults towards other members will be treated the same as it would anywhere else.

14. Concerns and Complaints
If you are concerned about anything, wish to make a complaint, or ask a question, then PM one of the mods.

RPG Basic Guide

A basic RPG plot should consist of the following:

An Introduction. Some history about the place it is taking place in, or a guide to what the rpg is based on. For instance, a pokemon RPG would have a history of Johto or of a League Tournamanet. Something like Yu-Gi-Oh would give a basic beginners explanation to how the game worked. Always assume your audience knows nothing about the subject. Provide enough information to inform them of what's going on.

Setting the Scene. Where is the RPG taking place, and what is going on in the area? You should have covered the basic background information already, so continue here with what's happening in recent and current events. This will then lead you into:

The Main Plot. Now tell us about the main plot of your RPG. Who you're signing up as, and what their goal is. What, if anything, are they fighting against and what difference can they make?

Aftermath or Twist. At the very end it's sometimes useful to add a twist, something that mentions a character or event occurring out of the minds of the characters in the plot. Something that they can't know of or control, but it may appear later in the RPG itself to surprise you.

When creating a Sign up Form, remember:

Sign up sheets are just as important as RPG posts and plots, without a good sign up sheet other members do not have a clear image of how your character acts, looks and feels. In order to know this, your sign up must meet good standards, this means plenty of description so that members know how to act around your character.

We don’t ask much, just around four or five lines with proper grammar and good description. Now don’t get us wrong, we're not putting the entire blame on the members who sign up, some of the blame also goes to the game master who accepts such sigh ups, so it works both ways really

We ask that the member who sign’s up, give a proper sign up, not four words long for each section, as an example I have prepared the below sheets so that it is easier for some of you to understand:

Name: Dennis
Age: 15
Gender: male
Description: tall, dark hair, wears jeans red shirt and baseball cap
Personality: fun exciting but angry at people he hates
History: parents died when he was young
Other: none

Now it's not much to ask, that you offer more detail of your characters. If you're that stuck, find a photo of a person and describe them. Their clothes, accessories, hair colour and style, body build, skin colour, etc. A personality can't be defined in just a few words. Think more about how they react to things, what they do when their alone, or how their past might have affected them.

Some things to AVOID
  • Cliches like "parents died", "can't remember past"
  • Details that don't match the age
  • Names and descriptions that don't match the setting or time period of the RPG
  • Using an existing character as your description, but failing to actually describe them.

When Accepting people into your RPG, consider:

How much effort have they put into creating their form? If you want real characters in your RPG, and someone has given you a bland personality and sub-par description, do you really want that kind of character alongside you?

Have they read the RPG properly? Are they leavings things out of their form, or adding details that clearly don't fit into the plot?

Are they over complicating things, such as making lots of background details that will come to light during the RPG, or disorders that will change the character over time. Be especially aware of anyone who might try to put themselves in the spotlight with a massive twist that's unrelated to your own plot and ideas.

Do they listen to what you tell them? If you've turned them down, and their second attempt is no better, then think about how they would do in the RPG if you told them to change. Would they?

RPG Terminology

RPG - Role Playing Game
RPGer - A person who takes part in Role Playing Games

Twink - A person who's character is invincible, unbeatable or more important that anything else. An immature RPGer
Godmodding - Portraying the character as unbeatable
Power Playing - Portraying the character as unbeatable
Mary Sue - A female, unrealistically perfect character, that offers no originality
Gary Stu - A male, unrealistically perfect character, that offers no originality

LSU - Late Sign Ups
OOC - Out of Character
IC / BIC - In Character / Back in Character
NPC - Non-Participating Character

Bunnying - Taking control of another person's character and making them act unnaturally.

Game Master - The owner or person running an RPG

Writer's Block - A condition that writers have when they are stuck for ideas

Regarding "Bunnying"

Bunnying - To control a character that does not belong to you without permission. To make them act out of character, or do thing they are currently not involved in.

Bunnying is a big problem here, and a lot of people view it in different ways. There are two ways to stop this, and you'll find that people have their own reasons for choosing one or the other. The first is the harshest of conditions.

No Bunnying At All. This is as it says. No control over any character other than your own is permitted. If you ask a question of another character, you must wait for a response from the person who owns that character. If you need them to do something, you must wait. The problem with this is that you will need to wait for every single action involving more than one person. Conversations become long and tiresome, posts become shorter and people generally become annoyed.

No Out of Character Bunnying. Unlike the above, you can have another character say or do something, so long as it is within reason. If a depressed and shy character were to suddenly become cheerful and friendly in your post, it would be considered bunnying. But to have that character give a reply that matches their personality or mannerisms, it would be acceptable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can you co-run an RPG?

A. Yes, but please make sure that you and the co-owner discuss things in Private Message, instead of filling the RPG topic with your back and forth discussions.

Q. Can I make Non-Pokemon RPGs?

A. Of course.

Q. Do I need permission to start an RPG?

A. No. The only time you will specifically need permission is if a mod has told you to submit to a mod before starting another RPG. This will most likely be because you failed to follow any rules the first time.

Q. What is the Seal of Approval?

A. Forget about it, it's rarely used anymore.

Q. Can I send my RPG to a mod first so they can see it?

A. You certainly can, we're happy to give you help or advice before you post it.

Q. Is Double Posting allowed?

A. Yes, within reason. If you've missed information out of a post, you should edit it in like any normal post. If you need to post something important, such as an announcement, or a post to further the plot, then you may double post.

Further Help

If you need help, then check ask for it in the RPG Cafe. If the help you need is more specific, the mods are here to help you. Just Send one of us a PM, and we'll do our best to answer your queries. Just, make sure it's not something that's already covered elsewhere. Check around other topics first.



Read the rules (as has been pointed out).
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